Hello, I am really worried and have no idea what to do now. My 6 year old son uses clenil 50mg inhaler and it’s out of stock everywhere. I have been waiting for the pharmacy to get it for the last 2 weeks and have now been told there’s none. His current one is very low and has at best a few days left in it.
Without it we have spent a number of occasions in hospital requiring oxygen and given the current situation this is last place anyone wants to be. The nhs also don’t need avoidable cases like that.
The pharmacy were unhelpful and just said “see if you can borrow one off another asthmatic child”. I don’t know any so I have no idea what I’m supposed to do now!
Does anyone know of any alternatives or can anyone offer any advice? I will buy one from somewhere or someone if I have to, I’m desperate for my baby not to have to be ill.
Thank you