I receive treatment under a hospital consultant for my asthma. I've had 4 ICU admissions in the last 2 years and take Fostair 200/6 (4puffs a day), 5mg Prednisolone daily, Spiriva, Montelukast, Azithromycin and Carbocisteine. I haven't had a letter or a text saying I'm in the vulnerable group but that doesn't seem to match the advice on the Asthma UK website? Any advice on what I should be doing? Thanks
Shielding Question: I receive treatment... - Asthma Community ...
Shielding Question

Last nights announcement said managed to send out 1 million of the 1.4 million letters/texts. Which means they still have 400,000 to send out.
All they did say way if not had by today to contact GP.
I like you have not had my letter. Your symptoms are a lot worse having hospital admissions so I would have though you would have had a letter.
I'm waiting till after post today then going to my surgery website and filling in the consultation form (seem to be putting on a lot of surgeries) and asking whether I should be shielding?
I've just rung my GP surgery and can't even get past the receptionist. They are just referring me to the NHS England website.
Gah. So annoying. Is it worth trying to point out that official guidance says you need to speak to GP? Or requesting a phone appointment with GP and then raising it once you're past reception?
I am on Fostair 200/6 2 puffs twice daily, montelukast daily plus 3 other medications for allergies, stomach etc.
I only just got a text about shielding about an hour ago with a link to the letter. They don’t seem to be sending them by post.
My sister got the text (she’s diabetic) about 3 minutes before me. So they are still sending them out.
OK so went to GP practice website and filled in the econsult form asking for clarification on shielding.
Told will get reply by 6.30pm Tues.
At bottom of first page it has a Weblink to Asthma UK Shielding which had the meds list on
So hopefully get clarification tomorrow but this is link they gave
This is newest advice and on my GP Website as of 30/03/2020
Thanks will be interesting to hear how you get on.
My GP just rang and clarified - I am not one of those getting a shielding letter (because not on regular steroid tablets or been admitted to hospital with Asthma),
However as I am on high dose Duoresp Spiriva and Monteleukast Dr. recommended I should be shielding as am at high risk.
I am freelance so work from home so don't need a letter for employer.
Note if you go to GP website they are all with an eConsult service if you need a letter from GP for employer fill in the form and you should get a response in a few days.
The eConsult is national it sends your question/concern to your surgery you get an acknowledgement from surgery saying looking at it and ask you to acknowledge. They say by 6.30pm next day get an answer. If you haven't heard by then there is a link in email says to surgery not heard anything.
Please be patient they will get back to you.
Hope that helps
The Chief Medical Officer wrote to GPs on 23 March explaining their roles in regards to the shielding group.
When you talk to your GP refer to the CMO letter. You can Google a copy. It refers to Group 4. If you think that you belong in this category then tell your GP.
I haven’t had a letter or text and am on 40mgs steroids for last month, plus symbicort, aminophylline and monteleukast. Had 3 hospital episodes this year and numerous admissions over the years with 90% of them ending up on itu for NIV or being vented. Spoke to GP who was helpful and was going to speak to whoever sorted the vulnerable pts out and get me registered. I know it sounds stupid but I’m on oxygen and walk with a wheeler (I’m 48!) I just want to b able to access delivery slots for food shopping as I’m staying with my dad but he’s 87 bless him and shouldn’t b standing in queues!! I’m hoping I hear something today or tom
I only got my letter yesterday. There wasn’t a text beforehand like some people are saying. I’m NHS Lothian though so might be different in Scotland than in England?