After 2 long years of persistence and patience, along with many, many attacks, today I was finally told that I have now been granted approval to start Xolair!
I was super nervous going into my appointment today after “failing” my methacholine challenge test last week. Luckily, I have an asthma specialist that is understanding and also someone who just gets it that all asthma is difficult.
During the challenge test last week, I reacted from the second dose of methacholine, where my chest became tight and my throat itchy. At the final dose, my lung function had only dropped by 16% (not the 20% or greater that is required to “pass”) but interestingly, once the test had ended and as the nurse was prepping a salbutamol nebuliser to reverse any symptoms, my chest became incredibly tight and I couldn’t finish my sentences or catch my breath. Despite this, I had still passed the test but my wonderful asthma specialist took this into account and it was enough for her to override the criteria and grant me the treatment.
For those of you out there with difficult asthma and who aren’t being take seriously, please stay hopeful ❤️ I’ve been knocked back more times than I can count, had my sanity questioned and even mocked by GP’s with no idea but I refused to take no for an answer. I was lucky that I have a great asthma nurse that backed me and once I got passed those barriers and found myself a specialist that really knows her stuff, it’s really proved to be worth while