It’s been a loooong night 😴😴 - Asthma Community ...

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It’s been a loooong night 😴😴

EmmaF91 profile image
EmmaF91Community Ambassador
51 Replies

It all started Sunday when I woke with a cold which my gut told me was going to hit my chest. But it’s 10am and I’m just snotty and sinusy and a mild asthma issue. Treat it and reassure my mum (who’d I’d been visiting) I’m not bad enough for hosp. Make my 12 o’clock train and feel dodgy enough I need to neb. ‘It’s fine. I’ll call ANs tomorrow’ I think. It’s not that bad. Make the 3hr journey home (including a bus replacement 😒), arrive and feel crap, but it’s now or nothing really on the food front so do a quick shop. Walk the 1/2 mile home and know things are not good. By the time I’ve got home and sorted things it’s 5pm and I’m rough. Feel congested so blame that for the low PF. Have my 2nd (and last ‘legal’) neb and a steam bath (cue finally coughing up the gunk) hoping it’ll pick me up so I can go to sleep. However my brains sending me warning signals so I ‘prep’ my flat for jic I need hosp. Initially get bullied into upping my pred (I promise I would have done it eventually Js706 and Lysistrata 😅) then Bins go out. Washing up done and washing sorted and put away. By this point I know hospital is going to happen and soon. Sort out my bag so it’s ready to go and and grab my go bag. Finally give in and call for an ambo at 8.30 (by which time PF had dropped to about 30%). Then I neb and neb til someone arrives.

I truely cannot fault the paras I got. My rapid response para apparently is the para trainer for my area and was spot on with his severe/brittle asthma knowledge (including recognising that one tupe reversed by didn’t maintain... think the first emergency medic I’ve had who knew this 😱😱). Yet more nebs, plus atrovent and hydrocortisone and he keeps saying ‘not sure if you need adrenaline yet... hmmm let’s keep it in reserve’ (tell him I don’t need as never had and I’m not that bad... it’s just a chest infection 😅). He passes over to the team with a van and we merrily for on our way. I get lots of compliments for knowing my condition, my template, my PFM colouring and as they said ‘were guided by you... you obviously know your condition’ we nebbed when I needed (and predicted when the next one would be... amused them when I was correct 😅)

Unfortunately we arrived at the hosp to a queue of ambulances, so we chat and neb and chat and neb and laugh that they may run out of nebs before I got to RATs (we didn’t). Gone midnight I get into RATs and the paras are on their way. See a doc almost immediately (again with the compliments) and we start basically hourly nebs (cause that was when I was dropping to red again) and chest X-ray, bloods and the normal obs/PF monitoring. High lactate and a high WBC leads to a fluid bag and doxycycline/ondansetron (joy). I’m there til 2.40am, then finally there’s a space in majors, but quickly kicked out to the corridor as at that time I didn’t *need* the bay. 15 mins later I did 🙄😅. It took over an hour of a bed to become available again, so I coped until I got get my next neb. Docs realised she needs to step up treatment so she organises a mag bag which definitely helps (can now maintain between 66% and 50% for 2/3 hrs). Get my NEWS back down to 1 so back to the corridor I go 🎉. 8am and I need a neb... my nurse is asthmatic and not going to make me wait, fetches my new doc for review. After all that I was STILL wheezy (something I rarely do so am 100% blaming on the infection), so get my requested neb and another 100 of hydro.

Now I’m doing better. PF still no higher than 66% but I know it’s not asthma causing the issue. Sat here waiting to see what will happen, but going to assume I’ll be admitted 😅

I’m happy. I know the people who have treated me have done the best they can in a system that is broken. I know I’m safe and (relatively) stable so can wait a while (even if I know I’m dropping). Im shattered, I’m snotty and sneezy and wheezy and gunky, but I know this is what chest infections do to me...

... on the plus my brain did a ‘You’re off to hosp’ shop without me realising... soup and rustlers and pot noodles... nothing that will go smelly no matter how long I’m in for (hoping it’s just a day to 2... 🤞🏻🤞🏻😅)

I also had the paras tell me I needed to run asthma education courses for medics cause I knew my stuff and communicated well apparently (feather in my cap and very proud that they think this!!)

Hope everyone else is coping well in this cold and flu season. And if not hope you get a ED team as epic as mine have been this trip!

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EmmaF91 profile image
Community Ambassador
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51 Replies
CDPO16 profile image

Oh Emma, I'm so sorry to hear that you are in hospital after what sounds like a grim night even though you seem to have had a good team caring for you. I hope that you are soon on the road to recovery and back in your own home. Carole xx

EmmaF91 profile image
EmmaF91Community Ambassador in reply toCDPO16

Thank you. Got very bored hence the long rambling post. Still not that bad compared to previous issues🙈🙈. Hope you are as well as you can be! Xx

Wheezycat profile image

Oh, Emma, I am so sorry to hear you have been/are so poorly again, but simultaneously pleased both that you are so aware and have such supportive friends (Lysistrata and JS...). Also that it has not got so bad as in the past.

I am curious that you separate the asthma affected chest infection from other asthma . Clearly based on the experiences you have had. For people like me having the asthma that goes with the chest infection or ‘just’ a cold is bad enough, and can lead to a hospital admission, or a GP vaguely panicking. Happened to me a few months back.

Are you still in hospital? Though I don’t wish that on anyone, I sort of hope you are. Just for a little bit. And I wish you a speedy recovery!

EmmaF91 profile image
EmmaF91Community Ambassador in reply toWheezycat

Just seen the medic. ‘If you weren’t brittle we’d send you home’. In for at least 24hrs with resp review... still wheezing apparently.

Nah I just like to ostrich. What ever triggers me I’ll say ‘it’s just...’ 😅. Only thing different is with infections I know my best is going to be reduced until it’s over...

On the plus the medic agrees that it’s viral so 🤞🏻🤞🏻 off the doxy!

Wheezycat profile image
Wheezycat in reply toEmmaF91

My asthma having become something I have to take into account more or less daily (eg remembering to always take Ventolin with me, worrying if I am going for a walk that my walking friends will shoot off too fast for me, etc, etc) in the last few years, I am now seesawing between my ‘it’s just...’ dismissive responses to feeling I make too much of it, but wanting to be allowed to talk about it. I was picked up on it firmly last week by a friend when I was regularly ‘indulging ‘ in a fruity, spectacular cough following a ‘small’ cold, and I was just dismissive. I struggle to find a middle sensible ground when asked when I cough, one that immediately tells them that I am keeping an eye, but on the other hand not needing to be so terribly worried. Once I learn how I might share. I have a history of always dismissing, and am still having to learn to take myself seriously.

EmmaF91 profile image
EmmaF91Community Ambassador in reply toWheezycat

I tend to ostrich initially. But I do know that when I start to do that I will end up getting help if I need it. The terrible trio are very good at spotting an issue and bullying a better response from the ostrich.... getti nd a support group behind you who understand really helps I find.

Wheezycat profile image
Wheezycat in reply toEmmaF91

I really agree finding that support is important. My husband is a rock, but can’t actually hear that I am poorly, though he can see it. Also he is overly focused on numbers at times, as that makes it easier to assess - if it were that simple. I also have a good friend, a doctor, who does not hesitate to read me the riot act. But I also take note when nearly strangers/vague acquaintances start commenting on my coughing or breathing, as chances are that I am doing my best to dismiss/deny/avoid/be an ostrich. My sensible self now does take a note.

Js706 profile image

Glad they did eventually give you some mag! Hope they continue to be good despite how busy it is.

Also I’m just going to say, I called it on the antibiotics 😉

EmmaF91 profile image
EmmaF91Community Ambassador in reply toJs706

Ha. They’ve now stopped the ABx as no raise CRP... I win!!

Waiting for a bed in amu atm. Tho medic struggled to realise if very bad overnight and still dropping in am despite all the drugs even a non brittle asthmatic should be admitted...

Js706 profile image
Js706 in reply toEmmaF91

I count it as a half accurate prediction then 😉

Ugh really??? 🙄 it was obviously going too well 😂

EmmaF91 profile image
EmmaF91Community Ambassador in reply toJs706

Yeah... if she’s had discharged would have phoned ANs then hovered til the drop and readmitted to a&e...

Nope. I said viral you said bacterial, a junior said prob viral but possibly bacterial, a reg said viral. I know what I’m going with 😂

EmmaF91 profile image
EmmaF91Community Ambassador in reply toEmmaF91

Oh btw prior to the ‘if you weren’t brittle’ convo was asked how far I could walk (not very far without SoB issues) and could you do stairs (I probably shouldn’t). Even with those answers non brittle could go home 🙄🙄

EmmaF91 profile image
EmmaF91Community Ambassador in reply toEmmaF91

And listening to how the hospital is ‘fit to bursting’... definitely explains the waiting game and them trying to not admit unless they really have too...

elanaoali profile image
elanaoali in reply toEmmaF91

The NHS maybe stretch to breaking point but they still came through to you. I hope and pray you are out soon and get some sleep (not easy in hospital I know).

EmmaF91 profile image
EmmaF91Community Ambassador in reply toelanaoali

Erm. Atm I’m hearing ‘no Beds. Reassess at lunch and home’. I’m still in majors corridor...

Not happy cause can’t walk without big issues and needing nebs every 2-3hrs despite all the other meds...

Have called my spec hosp and left a message, and local and know I’m here too... I just don’t want to go home and either land back in again tonight/tomorrow or abuse my neb ‘cause you’ve got one’...

elanaoali profile image
elanaoali in reply toEmmaF91

Sorry haven't read your post properly. I have seen my local A&E like the hospital your in now nearly at breaking point (169 people in A&E). There were people everywhere in corridors on beds in majors. I was on a chair in majors because they didn't have room for me anywhere else.

So I praying for you to get a bed in the hospital, get sorted so you can go home when you are well enough.

Wheezycat profile image
Wheezycat in reply toEmmaF91

Ooops! Hope they don’t send you home!!

elanaoali profile image
elanaoali in reply toWheezycat

No going home til you are well enough!!

EmmaF91 profile image
EmmaF91Community Ambassador in reply toelanaoali

Hit and miss. Got the ‘bad’ AN, who did make them admit me overnight. But also told me cold so don’t need to neb even tho asthmas dodgy. So don’t neb tonight. Put foot down and said if I hit black I’m nebbing. ‘You’ll be fine’ ‘probably but just telling you I’m not playing about with black zone... not even to prove a point!’

Js706 profile image
Js706 in reply toEmmaF91

Don’t blame you there, I’d go with viral too!

And yeah that’s not great really is it...

elanaoali profile image
elanaoali in reply toJs706

Stick to your guns. If you end up back in then you are doing the right thing. You know your asthma.

Lysistrata profile image
LysistrataAdministratorCommunity Ambassador

How many ostrich gifs did we have to send? ;) That should be some kind of measure - I'd be really worried if you didn't ostrich at all! I also do the 'but it's just X so it's fine' or 'but I was ok earlier' (said after a week plus of wearing out the neb and entertaining Steve the boa at night...and yes I did tell the nurses but they can't do much in the lead up for a freak like me who doesn't really respond to pred!)

Unfortunately sometimes the medics do it too - nope, this isn't a normal response to a cold and nope, I should be able to walk better and not need a neb just to get to the bathroom.

Glad you got there in the end if slowly Emma - but scary that you wouldn't if you were new to it all or a 'normal' asthmatic.

lucia_m profile image

Sorry to hear you’ve had such a difficult experience Emma, Hope you feel better soon.

EmmaF91 profile image
EmmaF91Community Ambassador in reply tolucia_m

Thank you ☺️

EmmaF91 profile image
EmmaF91Community Ambassador

Quick update.

Ended up called my local ANs... there was a 2/3 chance of getting one I really liked... guess which I got 🤔🙄. Finally got transferred to amu and She came up with a plan and the only thing I appreciated was the ‘in overnight’ which the medic didn’t want. Wasn’t in a good place cause caught between a rock and a hard place, but at least something organised til morning....

Then to my amazement I got transferred to the resp investigation Unit... which is full of resp patients and resp docs!!! Saw a resp doc who SPOKE SENSE! (And I tots didn’t breakdown on her... defo blaming the pred and lack of sleep for that 😅). We have a plan that I know is sensible and feel safe doing. She was trying to work out why I had a reg and con from ED and an AN all trying to send me home even tho not good so ‘what am I missing?!’ 😅

After a rollercoaster of a day (and being given conflicting and VERY stupid advice at times) I’m happy. I’m somewhere I trust with people who understand, I’m seeing ‘my’ Con tomorrow (as well as an AN I love) and chest has finally relaxed so think I may actually be safe to go home! 🤞🏻🤞🏻 (depending on what rules my con sets but hoping so)

Thanks for all your support guys. Dodd law tho... as soon as I posted the super positive post things went really down hill 🙈🙈. Alls well that ends well and I told today’s resp con what happened so hopefully words will be said. ESP about some of the things said...

Ps also call my spec but cause only 1 AN on duty (and my con on hol) they didn’t get back to me til evening... however 100% making sure I was somewhere safe and happy with a plan. That spec hosp does make you feel like an individual and very special. The personal touch. AN even told me would tell con about admission as soon as he’s back cause he like to follow up with people. If I hadn’t had a freak out about being sent home inappropriately I wouldn’t have even told them 😅🙈.

elanaoali profile image

Very glad to hear that you are being looked after really well. I will keep praying that you get sorted out. Keep posting we don't mine the long post and the rambling I been there with Prednisolone it does make you feel weird and act a bit weird.

EmmaF91 profile image
EmmaF91Community Ambassador in reply toelanaoali

Thanks. It was defo a long ramble 😅😂. In for one more day then hopefully home 🤞🏻🤞🏻

Wheezycat profile image

Phew! What a relief! I am so glad you are in a safer space!

EmmaF91 profile image
EmmaF91Community Ambassador in reply toWheezycat

Thank you. Seen my normal con, wheezy 1hr post neb, and had a drop overnight when I went sans neb. Admitted til tomorrow at least

Jandm profile image

One little cold = one big problem

The life of an asthmatic, good job you know your stuff 😃

Get well soon

EmmaF91 profile image
EmmaF91Community Ambassador in reply toJandm

Thank you. Just seen my normal con. Defo no home til tomorrow earliest. But feeling a lot better asthma wise. Now it really does feel like ‘just a cold’ 😅

Junglechicken profile image

Emma. So sorry to hear your ill with a cold into the bargain. You get well soon and it does sound like your in good hands.

EmmaF91 profile image
EmmaF91Community Ambassador in reply toJunglechicken

Thank you ☺️ x

Swimmingaddict profile image

So pleased to hear you were listened too. Hope you are on the mend.

EmmaF91 profile image
EmmaF91Community Ambassador in reply toSwimmingaddict

Thanks... so am I 😅

I can walk at half speed no issues now, and no nebs since 8am. Now feeling like this is cold not asthma so 🤞🏻🤞🏻

strongmouse profile image

Wow I am very impressed with how organised you are and how well you know yourself. Sounds like you were well prepared and had good medical help. Having said all that sorry that you are in hospital and hope that the infection settles enough to let you home again.

It reminds me of when my sons were young. They were quite adventurous and often needed stitches in casualty. One time a friend was with me when my youngest son fell and severely cut himself. She was amazed as I fixed him for the trip to hospital (no ambulance needed) and calmly packed a bag of books and things to take ready for the wait. It does help not to panic in these situations!

love xx

EmmaF91 profile image
EmmaF91Community Ambassador in reply tostrongmouse

Ha! You can tell my go bag was packed after a long period of good health... no earphones (only headphones) no PJ tops, no shower gel, and only spares for half my meds 😅. Nothing really essential (use headphones, borrow gel, use a T-shirt, talk to pharmacy about my only missing med) but just less organised than had I repacked immediately after last admission (Easter) 😂🙈.

The paras were certainly impressed tho... I was more sorted than most labouring mums in their 9th month apparently 😂. Was classed as an ‘easy’ patient because I wasn’t panicking, knew my condition very well and even gave them a treatment plan (usually meant for a&e but I wasn’t complaining 😂)

I think you just acclimatise to regularly occurring situations. I knew in myself I wasn’t at my worst, and know that it’s always easier if you can prep to help your helpers 😅. Panicking helps no one and usually slows the process down whatever the situation... if I didn’t live 40-45mins ambo drive from the hosp I would have made my own way there (was frequently told off for this and my old hosp 😅😂🙈)

Many thanks and hope you’re well x

strongmouse profile image

Fighting off a mild cold EmmF91, but fortunately hasn't effected the asthma, just tiring.

Ah well at least you had your treatment plan and could borrow or make do for the rest of the stuff! xx

EmmaF91 profile image
EmmaF91Community Ambassador in reply tostrongmouse

Hope it clears without triggering 😉🤞🏻🤞🏻 x

EmmaF91 profile image
EmmaF91Community Ambassador

Update v2

Saw ‘my’ con and in at least 1 more night ‘til 24hrs off neb’. So far basically so good!

Was transferred from my 3 bed bay to a 6 bed bay (with 2 ‘youngsters’), then almost immediately ‘upgraded to a side room cause my throat swab came back as positive for enterovirus (no not norovirius... in essence just a very contagious cold which isn’t a good thing on a resp ward 😅)

Asthma now basically behaving just very much feeling like a cold (and I have a swab to prove it 😉😂). Hoping for freedom tomorrow 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻

EmmaF91 profile image
EmmaF91Community Ambassador in reply toEmmaF91

Update v3

Freedom!!!! Saw a different con... mild wheeze, no nebs over night, PF only dropped to 45%ish (post meds 70%ish), and only 8vent over night. ‘Are you safe to go home? Are you happy to go home?’ Yes and yes. So now I’m off home (with a particularly useless discharge letter, a box of nebs cause only 2 left for emergency’s, a new PFM as mine started sticking last night, and an appt with my con for follow up on Friday). For those who remember this was the same con I had to fight for hydrocortisone therapy from back in Easter 😅.

Off home now for sleep (and probably a kebab tonight... that’ll defo help the cold)... I May stop off for a Krispy Kreme to celebrate when I switch buses tho 😏😉

Ghoulette profile image
Ghoulette in reply toEmmaF91

Glad to hear you're on your way home. Rest up, take care and wishing you a speedy recovery from this episode xx

Wheezycat profile image
Wheezycat in reply toEmmaF91

I wish you could have an easier journey home! At leastt these times.

EmmaF91 profile image
EmmaF91Community Ambassador in reply toWheezycat

Same. Ended up waiting for 20mins for bus in cold, rainy weather then someone lit up a cigarette next to me... and forgot was on ‘fast’ bus home so almost missed my stop. Also had to walk between stops. Seeing my local con on Friday so I’m going to ask her what to say next time so I can get patient transport home, esp as the journey is 1.5hrs my bus (40-45mins by car). Almost fell asleep (about 2-3hrs sleep last night I think... was up from 1.30am) and had a grumbly chest when I got home. Also quite a busy bus so who knows how many people I infected 😅. (I did try and hint for transport but obvs not overt enough... hopefully my con will either put it on notes or give me the ‘key words’ to say 😅)

Junglechicken profile image
Junglechicken in reply toEmmaF91

Emma. That just sounds awful! I’m lucky that I live only 5 miles from a hospital and my mum or dad are always there to take me if needed. I could also very easily get a taxi. You are a pretty amazing person! Such respect

Ghoulette profile image

Oh crumbs........what a night 😞. I hope you are feeling a little better now and have a speedy recovery from this episode xx

twinkly29 profile image

Yay for home - take it easy! X

EmmaF91 profile image
EmmaF91Community Ambassador in reply totwinkly29

Thanks. Got Krispy Kreme for later and had chicken nuggets for lunch. Now it’s sleep time 😅 x

HungryHufflepuff profile image
HungryHufflepuff in reply toEmmaF91

Mmm doughnuts! 🍩 Wishing you a good sleep and better days ahead.

MrsCMK profile image

A little late to the party! It sounds like you had quite a night. I love how even when you’re really poorly, you use every experience as a means of helping to educate others...❤️

I really do hope you’re feeling better soon! Take care

EmmaF91 profile image
EmmaF91Community Ambassador in reply toMrsCMK

Thanks. I’m home as of yesterday and back tomorrow for a follow up. Enterovirus (posh word for the very contagious cold I apparently picked up) is starting to clear so 🤞🏻🤞🏻 doc will be happy with me/my lungs.

I use any excuse really to educate... be it docs, paras or other asthmatics/gen pop... the more in the know the better!! And this post ended up showing a lot of the ups and downs of asthma care 😅 (cause almost immediately after posting this positive post I had some really crappy experiences 🙈🙈)... however I know I can trust my current hosp in that if I had been more poorly they would have acted appropriately (something I still feel is a novelty unfortunately). However can definitely see how rambling I was 😂😂😂

Hope you’re ok

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