Hi all. I have adult persistant asthma with mild COPD over lap. And have just been on holiday to Crete. So plenty of heat of course and air con running in the room all night. I had 10 days of the best breathing I've had in years. Like there was almost nothing wrong with me. Mentally it was such a release too. Got home late last night this morning back to huffing and puffing. I was staying a mile from the sea. Maybe that helped. And the air con was leaving me very dry in the nose and throat in the morning, maybe that helped. I don't think relaxing made much difference as I'm not currently that's stressed. The change when I got back was such a dramatic turn around in quality of breathing that I'm really pissed off about it. So frustrating. If I ever win the lottery I'm out of here that's for sure. Anyone else found this?
Breathing so much better abroad. - Asthma Community ...
Breathing so much better abroad.

Hi, yes I’m in that camp. The air in the med is a lot drier than it is in the UK (probably cleaner to but I can’t back that up scientifically). A few weeks back I looked at the weather for my home town and Madrid. The temp was the same but the humidity was 33% in Spain , compared to 75% at home. I imagine it’s a little wetter by the coast in Crete but I don’t imagine it’s a huge increase.
While travelling in the Far East and Mediterranean countries I have fond that my asthma is practically non existent then return home and start coughing/wheezing again
Found the same at Lake Garda last year, in the shadow of the Dolomites, with very clean air and not much traffic. Some areas of the U.K. are more polluted than they seem, and anyone with asthma and/or COPD is going to notice that more than perhaps someone without. I think there is some aspect of compensating and generally getting used to pollution without noticing the harm its doing. My sister-in-law lives in Pune, India, and so do 8m other people, seemingly without problems. But I can hardly breath there and have had to stop visiting - can't imagine what their lungs are like!
It's quite depressing to come back and be noticing my breathing is poor again. It was so nice having easy breathing for the entire time.
If anyone is thinking of buying a Mediterranean home on the basis of asthma, don’t do it.
I suggest that you were simply lucky with the humidity, or that the aircon at night set you up for a good day. Much of the time, the Mediterranean is hot and humid, and sometimes oppressively so.
I own a holiday villa in Sicily, which I dearly love, but the heat and the humidity can really become a problem a lot of the time.
Yes as soon as I get back to the UK I become higher and blocked..if you bring an animal into the equation I am even worse...hospitalised at times.