Hi I was wondering weather anyone on this site might have rough idea what wrong with me to why I having these bad breathing I just sit down and play on my phone watch TV and I'm out of breath I get up to have drink out of breath when getting changed out of breath and feel dizzy with it and when I walk from living room to toilet get out of breath walking short distance hardly talk with it my heart rate goes sometimes past 100 then low again I got chest infection at moment got 3 tablets left to take my asthma nurse gave me new pump take and got her on 15th but hasn't helped at all last time she said I wasn't out of breath enough for steroid tablets but I really out of breath just sitting down does anyone else had same do they think I might now need oxygen help me breath better cause asthma might of got worst I'm 24 female
Bad breathing: Hi I was wondering... - Asthma Community ...
Bad breathing

It sounds like you need to see your doctor. If you get any worse, ring 111 or 999 if needed. You shouldn't be getting out of breath just sitting around. It sounds as though your symptoms are not under control. You may need a nebuliser. Have you had one of those before? Anyway, take care of yourself and if you feel worse, don't be afraid to ask for help. x
What a nebulizer and my asthma nurse just keep trying me on different asthma pumps and nothing helping my asthma got worst since 4 weeks ago and don't no weather do with chest infection got or not
A nebuliser is a medication that gets vapourised into a sort of steam that you breath in through a mask on your face. It works really well in a lot of cases. Your symptoms could be be of your chest infection. You should go back to your doctor if you are struggling. x
OK my asthma nurse I got on Thursday she always say I not breathless enough but I no when i am even if I don't look like It she just keeps trying me on different pumps nothing working
Ok. If you feel worse, go back to your doctor. Alternatively, you could ring the Asthma UK helpline tomorrow. The nurses there are brilliant and can advise your next course of action. But never be afraid to seek medical treatment. You don't want to end up really ill or worse. Good luck and feel better soon. x
Thanks as might need nebulizer like u said but at what point will nurse give me that
If you are struggling to breathe and your inhalers aren't helping. That's usually when they give a nebuliser. An alternative is to use your Ventolin 10 times through the spacer. Apparently it gives the same effect. If it doesn't help, you need medical attention. Does this help?
They ant helping but my asthma nurse always thinks they are
She says my pumps working because peak flow reading fine for her but I can't blow into it Thursday this time as so short of breath tired all time as well
Peak Flow isn't always a good indication of asthma symptoms. I would ask for a second opinion.
Thanks so are u on nebulizer at what point did u get your one if u did
I got one when I went to A&E with an asthma attack. None of my medication was working and I found it very difficult to breathe. x
I don't no when I'm having asthma attack so did your asthma nurse no about nebulizer shall I go hospital tell them I struggling breath and don't feel my pumps helping will they give me nebulizer then are asthma nurse allowed issue them
I would ring 111 out of hours service. Tell them you are struggling and your medication isn't helping. They may suggest you go to A&E.
I can't stay in though all night as I got a dog can't leave her on her own all night
My asthma nurse won't give me one of those
So sorry to hear your having a rough time your not alone in that a lot of us have been struggling this winter and as emmasue said a nebuliser might help with this I've had plenty cos of my struggles with brittle asthma
Nebulisers aren't like inhalers they are not often prescribed to you for home because their more of an emergency treatment for those struggling to breathe I've had it quite a few times in the last month and I've had a numerous amount of nebulisers over the years
If you feel like your bad enough and can't wait all night call 111 or 999 where paramedics may come out or out of hrs doc and they might be able to give you a nebuliser treatment if they feel like it's necessary they won't leave you struggling if you explain that your situation they can help
I've had plenty of nebulisers and plenty of paramedics and hospital trips to know that they will help you and that nebulisers do wonders
Google nebulisers and there are plenty of YouTube videos and images of nebulisers
Hope you get better soon
Hi, hope you a bit more sorted this morning. You get an ambulance if you ever feel like that you say you 24 you are young and a priority you need blood tests to see if anything underlying such as anemia, vitamin deficiency, heart issues the list is endless. Breathlessness may be caused by lots of other problems not just asthma!! You are risking you life. Please please get help don't wait. 😊
I went there told them and they said that I'm fine and if I think my asthma pump not working to tell my asthma nurse yet my breathing is bad I asked for a nebulizer help me with my pumps and the doctor up hospital said I can't issue that and u not having asthma attack as u can talk full sentence yet I couldn't before I went there
You need to calm down. Sounds like a lot of your problems are more anxiety than asthma. You must advocate for yourself so you need to listen and take notes of what you are being told. Follow the instructions given to you and if it does not work then speak up. You must keep detailed records of your breathing exacerbations to show your doctor. Otherwise you will not get the help you need.
What's a asthma pump?