Hi, A week ago I was in hospital newly diagnosed with athma, I am nearly 61 years old, been a shock. Was on steroids which I finished last week now starting to cough again lots. My question is, do I keep using my blue inhaler to try and stop the coughing? When should I go to the dr? I dont want to leave it so long this time I find myself in hospital again. I had a horrible time on steroids I really dont want to go to the dr incase he puts me on them again.
This might sound stupid, but new to this - Asthma Community ...
This might sound stupid, but new to this

I’d suggest trying to see you GP ASAP. If you’re having to use your blue a lot it suggests you’re not controlled atm and need to change or increase your preventer medication. Do you have an asthma plan? If not I’d ask your GP for one at the same time so you know when and where to seek help
Good luck
Thank you, will do, yes I have a plan but the drs changed everything when i was in hospital
Ok ask for a new updated plan - every time you have a change in meds or a change in best PF your plan should be updated 😉.
But as a general rule the AUK advice is to see your GP or AN if you’re needing more than 3 doses of ventolin a week cause it suggests the start of a possible problem if you can be on 0. Also if you hit any of the yellow zone prompts you should see your GP more urgently (be the prompt PF or vent use or amount of symptoms)
Hello Morky
I would go back to see your GP now you should be using the brown preventative inhaler if you have one ? They won't put you on steroids unless it's severe sounds like you need to get it controlled and they will put you under the care of the asthma clinic
I'm sorry you had a rough time on steroids Please go as soon as possible and try not to worry
Take lots of care xxx
PS it certainly doesn't sound stupid I can imagine it was a big shock for you
Hi, just been to the drs for an appoinment. They gave me an appoinment with the nurse, so steroids here I come again. Later this morning. Had a terrible night, coughing all night, blue inhaler doesnt seem to work, even checked if it was empty lol. I am also now on a pink Forstair, I was on the brown, but the hospital changed it.
Good luck. Make sure you tell nurse your blue isn’t working. It does sound like you’re going to need another dose of steroids
Hi Morky - I've just read through this - I presume that you are under a Respiratory Consultant now - and also being investigated as to the cause of your asthma?? Fostair is a combined steroid/ longer acting form of Ventolin and will maybe help to stabilise your condition …. but as well I expect you to be on guidelines, including when to call for help if using the Blue inhaler [Ventolin] a lot [designed for acute use, as you know], advice on lifestyle, maybe some changes - if not, then GP first call, and referral/ follow up from Respiratory Medicine - GPs are just that, not the specialists!! - Hope all goes well -
Yes, waiting for a respiratory appointment. Didnt want to wait too long this time before, I ended up in hospital so thought pro active is the way to go. I understand these things take time. Also the Forstair may not be fully working yet? I believe it takes a while to get into your system.
OK Morky - sounds like you have things in hand, but I'd advise calling on your GP early rather than leaving things if you find yourself in trouble whilst waiting on the Consultant appointment - is the Fostair with a 'spacer' and are you managing the breaths? Bes Wishes
Hope you're starting to feel a bit better but if no improvement I would go back to Dr. Like you I was diagnosed with asthma late on. It does take a bit of getting used to and can be hard to accept. Looking back I suppose I didn't take it seriously enough and it deteriorated to a rather frightening level. I was told rather sternly that the doctors would rather you saw them earlier than later (which made things more difficult to treat). Over the course of a few months I got my preventer changed from brown to pink to pink with green top. Only after a few weeks of this stronger one did it start to settle down. I must admit I never thought I'd get it sorted but I did and now I haven't felt so good in ages. For past few years I'd have prolonged coughing bouts every time I caught a cold and given steroids, take lots of blue inhaler. I'd just be thinking it was something that I just put up with - an exacerbation as result of cold. However after my rather scary episode last year when things came to a head I've now got it well under control with stronger preventer and even got through the cold season this year without the usual coughing all day/night.
Take care. Be patient. Accept/acknowledge the diagnosis of asthma and dont be reluctant to take up the assistance available from your GPs/nurses.
Not everyone is the same and it may take time to get the right treatment which works for you but I'm sure you will get there and the improvement will be well worth it.
Thank you so much for bothering to write your encouragement to me. I started on a bad turn as was taken to hospital first so it can only get better. I have already learned dont ignore the symptoms, they dont go away, it only gets worse. On day 2 of my new steroids, have already had 13 other days. I am beginning to feel better, actually mananaged to sleep most of last night.
Yes it was a shock to realise I actually had asthma. I didnt even know you could just get it when older. Everything now is a steep learning curve, which I think I am learning. Before this I stayed away from drs, now I know if I start to get symptoms to get help. I cant do anthing else, I started this, bad, I dont want to be like that again, ever if I can help it.
I hope you are well, it sounds like you are doing good, long may it stay like it.
It is a shock to get older and then find you have asthma!
As I said before, I have an excellent asthma nurse, and very helpful doctor.
I did however start to think I was different to most people in having bad side effects to a lot of drugs ...but since coming here, find I'm not at all alone.