Hi all this is my first post and new to all this. Im at my wits end and hoping someone can help or is/has been in the same boat. Tia.
I am a 36yr old male and had acute asthma when i was very young (mid-late 80s) and the only thing that seemed to help me was to have regular steriod injections (every week) of synacthen which i believe also produces cortisol. Ive been told i was one of the last patients to be allowed this as was eventually banned due to its high strength and side affects. I was having these for a few years i believe. The side affects included growth stunt and learning capabilities at school. I am only 5'6" at a push and struggled at school. I also have an excessive breast size and struggle to grow decent facial hair which i believe could be a hormonal thing yet bloods just come back 'normal'. My biggest problem is the depression im suffering which has been for as long as i can remember and also suffer from stiff joints and mainly back which is really getting to me esp as im getting older. Has anyone else had the high level of steriod injections and also suffering any similar symptoms? My bloods show my morning cortisol level is 'normal' but i dont believe this is an accurate test as it doesnt test the functionality or whether it drops as it should during the day. I want to have mri scans of glands (pituitary, adrenal, thyroid etc to see if any tumors etc and also the size of my hippocampus in the brain as this can shrink due to too much stress/ high cortisone levels. Also my hpa axis. Basically anything that could be causing my depression and i feel the lack of anti inflammatory in my system. My gp just wants me to keep popping anti depressants and the counselling and if doesnt help refer me to a phyciatrist like im just being a hypocondriac or just plan nuts. Because of my 'normal' blood results he wont refer me for scans or the proper cortisol function test which ironically involves a synathen injection! Is my brain shot or can your body be immune to 'normal' cortisol levels after years of high synthetic levels? Any help or info or similar storys would be great as i feel so alone with all this. I just want to have any suitable tests to get to the bottom of it and start leading a more normal life. Sorry such a long post