When you use this for emergency relief, is it 10 individual doses through the spacer or do you pump in 10 doses at once then inhale?.....
Salbutamol: When you use this for... - Asthma Community ...
One puff, inhale it, then another one - not 10 in the spacer at once, you won't get 10 puffs worth that way! I think Asthma UK advises one puff per minute up to 10. Have a look at the asthma attack advice on their website. They should also have advice about tidal breathing with a spacer which csn be easier when you're struggling.
After an a and e trip (jan 2019) I was advised to use the ventolin inhaler for one puff and breath in through a spacer. If that didn’t work after several goes, or if I felt I needed a bigger dose, then I could use a spacer and face mask and ten pumps of ventolin and tidal breathing, this would act as a diy nebuliser. It would seem that there are different ways of using ventolin depending on the situation you find yourself in.
I was told to take 4 breaths from the spacer for each puff. Take total 4 puffs. Thump rule is you should feel better in about 4 minutes and it last for about 4 hours. But this guidelines are from Asthma Australia and may be different in UK.