Hi all,
I am a brittle asthmatic, admitted on Monday after a weekend of struggling. I increased my steroid and nebuliser (which is usually only for emergency use) before seeing the GP on Monday morning. She sent me in to the hospital (straight to the ward, no A&E).
Fast forward to today. Other than my normal meds, I am on nebs when required, and 3L oxygen. The doctor who saw me this morning immediately turned the oxygen off and stopped the nebs as I am not wheezing and my peak flow is 300.
Note: I don’t keep an eye on my peak flow at home due to it being unreliable. I can have a good number but feel awful and vice versa.
After ten minutes, the nurse came to do obs and my sats are at 79% on room air. She then popped the oxygen back on at 2L.
Does anyone else have the same feeling as me in the the doctors just don’t understand? I am trying to live a normal life (full time job etc) around this, but they keep making me feel like it’s all in my head...
Feeling very frustrated right now. Obviously I’d rather not be here, and when I told the consultant this, his response was just to say “well we will get you out as soon as we can”