I wrote not so long ago about use of Nasal Spray such as First Defence (there are other brands too). These Sprays are suppose to help prevent you getting a cold if someone sneezes or coughs over you.
Don’t recal, at that time, being aware of the fact rhino viruses (colds) cause an estimated Whopping 80% of Asthma Exacerbations,
My solution, especially when mixing with crowns that might result in coughs and sneezes coming my way from unshielded gobs and noses, is to carry my First Defence and instantly use it up my own nose in response to receiving a cough or sneeze in the face., Also, to rapidly getting out of close proximity to the sneezer or cougher.
Very recently (in Italy) a Medical Community App - not one you can download - has been developed for the medical community to start to identify precisely ‘which’ rhino virus someone is contaminated with by testing their blood. This goes hand in hand with research hoped to evolve treatments for the specific cold virus that are most likely to trigger Asthma.
If you think you’re about to get a rhinovirus (cold) what else can you do? Maybe short term increase of Vitamins C, D, E (naturally from food / drink, or via supplements) PLUS temporarily susspend all booze drinking, as recent Aussie Research has pinpointed several triggers in all forms of booze that could make your Asthma worse. Wine in particular contains sulphites which are among the worse culprits apparently, but it’s not just Wine / Sulphites but other stuff that ends up in booze too, including alcohol itself. (Remember alcohol is a poison / toxin).
I don’t like using Pub / Club / Restaurant or Cafe Glasses, nor their Cups (except for paper disposables) as I’ve seen how often they are poorly washed after the ‘customer before you’ (who had a cold to pass on) drunk from them. Ditto Cutlery unless, again, disposable.
Finally, carrying a small bottle of hand disinfectant gel (pharmacists sell for about a £1) can be useful if using public transport, recreational facilities like Gyms and Swimming Pools, or when visiting GP Surgeries / Hospitals.
Cut down the opportunities for catching a rhino virus infection, in order to cut down your risk of Asthma Exacerbations.