Hi I've been to see the Asthma Nurse twice this month, first for a review, second for a spirometry test, so apparently she said I don't have Asthma , after being on Clenil 100, and Ventolin for 2 yrs when I was told I had late on set Asthma, I asked if I can stop taking the Inhalers then , but she told me to keep taking them, also being sent for blood test this week.????
Spirometry test.: Hi I've been to see... - Asthma Community ...
Spirometry test.

Puzzling! I have also been diagnosed with late onset asthma, but I also have fixed small airways obstruction. Having both seems quite common, but from my knowledge, Clenil will only deal with asthma, whereas Ventolin deals with both (but only temporarily). I'm wondering if the nurse is a bit unsure and waiting for the results of further tests before making a final decision. However, I would recommend double-checking with a doctor, as I doubt the nurse can prescribe any different medication in response to the test results.
Late onset asthma is a bit unpredictable. I do know people diagnosed with this, who have got control of symptoms with the inhalers, then gradually weaned themselves off regular medication. Sometimes, when you get a bad trigger, or a chest infection, you're back on them again for a while, but only you know how you feel and whether you want to try it. If you find that you feel worse after very gradually reducing the doses, you'll know this is not for you. Stopping all at once is not a good plan.
Yes, when I first developed asthma over ten years ago (I'm in my sixties now) I was taking clenil and ventolin as needed. I would go for several weeks without needing the ventolin or the clenil and then it would flare up, usually because of pollen levels being high or pollution. So I followed the 'step up' and 'step down' plan. Then a few years ago I needed some steroid tabletsas the medication wasn't enough (I had a bad cold and 'flu like symptoms). Then I started needing the clenil more frequently and eventually as my asthma worsened my medication was changed. Now on fostair all the time and ventolin prn plus antihistamine during high pollen season.
Maybe the nurse means you were not showing signs of asthma when you saw her as it is being controlled by the medication? She might be inexperienced. Or perhaps you only need the medication intermittently? I am no expert so if you are unsure then you can phone the Asthma UK help line.
Spirometory is a good test however during "ok" periods it's not uncommon to have good Spirometory results... mine are quite good but at the same time I can wheeze cough and sputter so hard I can barely stand up... which is asthma (probably)