Hi, I am a 38 year old woman with no previous asthma/allergies/hayfever anything. I had a cold that left me with a cough that I couldn't shift. Long story of Drs trips etc later I had to call an ambulance and went to hospital where I had an attack for 14 hours - that time I came round to a good cough and was fine. 3 days of obs , nil by mouth, scans and medication later I had another one this time leading to a day in critical care. Extremely frightening and feel very alone, lost and frightened for the future. Docs have treated me for a chest infection and I am on nebs, steroids and oxygen but get very nervous when I cough and feel I don't trust myself to make judgements on my own breathing.
Very frightening experience - Asthma Community ...
Very frightening experience

Hi how frightening for you, that's awful. Are they doing any tests to find out what the problem is? Have you had a peak and flow test (asthma) or a spirometry (copd)? If not you need to insist they investigate.

Thanks for replying. I tore a hole (inside) during coughing so I think they would like that to heal first. I had started to do peak flow tests before the second attack though and they were low but going up. I was apparently quite manic during the attack and the gases in my blood went crazy. I have never heard of spirometry or copd and neither of those things have been mentioned by my doctors.
Hi 1a2l3e4s
Welcome to the forum. Sorry to hear you are feeling alone and frightened. There's information about the tests mentioned on the thread here: bit.ly/2sm3ro1
If you would like more advice and support then please feel free to give our nurses team a ring on 0300 222 5800 (Mon-Fri 9am-5pm).
Take care,

Thank you. I have never posted to a forum before but feel the need to reach out so as not to feel so alone. Thank you for the information I will have a good read.
What a frightening experience you have had, it must have been awful for you.
I hope your medical team manage to come up with tests and treatment plans for the future.
Take care.