If I was to make a wish to come true it would be for all inhalers to be made pump action ie airflusal & seretide ,spriva to me there is nothing worse than trying to suck one of these in when you can't breathe in the 1st place . Anyone agree ?
Inhalers: If I was to make a wish to... - Asthma Community ...
If I was to have a wish it would be for ventolin evohalers to be replaced with something that is
a) easier to use when fighting for breath (or are we supposed to carry those spacers around with us everywhere we go?)
b) has a counting device so you can see how many doses you have used
To be honest, I no longer use the ventolin evohaler if at all possible though I do have one with a spacer for use if I am so ill that I cannot use the ventolin accuhaler I more usually carry around with me. That has a neat design with a counter device included and is so much better in so many ways. But you still have to use a sharp indraw of breath to get the medication. It's also a dry powder inhaler. That suits me, though I'm aware it's not to everyone's liking.
Sorry, after 82 years of Asthma. I prefer my Symbicort.
That's 1 I,ve never heard of PMRPete

Here is some info.
Thank you PMRPete
So do I. The propellant in the sprays makes my asthma worse. When I was diagnosed the doctor said he wanted my peak flow to be nearer 400 than the 350 that I was registering. After a month of Ventolin I was down to 220! Not knowing anything about asthma at the time I didn't realise how bad that was.