Does anyone have any idea of the current state of affairs regarding recycling the plastic component of inhalers? GSK had a scheme, but just now when I looked for that webpage it was no longer there. Also I have struggled to find a place in York - the GSK named places looked like question marks when I asked, and then told me they do take the metal canisters, but not the plastic. In fact all pharmacies should accept the canisters, but that doesn’t help with the plastic? I would be interested to hear what others have found?
Recycling inhalers: Does anyone have... - Asthma Community ...
Recycling inhalers

I've found an article in the Pharmaceutical Journal, stating that the GSK Complete the Cycle scheme was to end in September 2020, which is sad.
When I get to my PC I will check further.
I take my used inhalers back to the chemist - I didn't realise about the plastic parts so maybe they dispose of them safelyx
Hi Wheezycat, the majority of pharmacies take inhalers to recycle. As long as you put them in a clear plastic bag they will take them canister and plastic casings and all. Hope this helps.
A silly question I expect, but why wouldn't the plastic bit just go in household recycling?

Depends where you live on what type of recycling is accepted. When I lived in the West Midlands it was most types of plastic but now I’m in East Midlands it’s much less sadly
Oh phew! I've been putting my in the recycling and had a small panic that they couldn't be for some reason!
Here they will only take plastic bottles.