Hi , I hope everyone is feeling good today. I have been prescribed Montelukast 10mg from my doctor as we were chatting about adding something else to Symbicort do I don't have to go I'm and see home every 3-4 weeks for prednisone . I was reluctant to take them as I had read so many bad reviews about nightmares etc . But them I read quite a lot of good reviews so I decided to try them . I took one yesterday morning as it says take them before exercise and I wanted to go out walking my dog ( which can sometimes make me wheezy ) and took one today , as I want to try get back to walking more and get fitter . But my anxiety is through the roof , felt like I was going to die last night, my head feels all over the place , can't think straight, managed about 4 hours sleep after trying to calm down . Has anyone else felt like this ? And do Kalms / rescue remedy help with this ? I know Symbicort is causing me problems at the moment with severe muscle pain , fatigue and headaches. And I'm due to see my consultant very soon but if anyone has tried this and it's worked I would be interested to know . Thanks 😊
Montelukast help: Hi , I hope everyone... - Asthma Community ...
Montelukast help

Sorry can't help you with this, but if you're worried or if side effects continue I'd speak to your doc (either GP or you could ring your consultants secretary) and explain what's going on. If you're finding the side effects worse than the benefits of taking it defo speak to someone - it may not be the drug for you...
If in doubt or if you're worried about anything, ring into asthma UK spoke to them yesterday and they were fabulous!
Hopefully someone on here will have had something similar and will be able to help you out more!!!!
I always take Montelukast at night, I have used it for the last 8 years with no obvious side effects.
But different drugs affect different people. Maybe you need to take it for a few days to really know.
Hi honeysuckle21 am on montelukast i take mine just before bed I get the odd night mares but it's great for my asthma just bare with them if u can see how u get on good luck x
I am sorry to here you are having a tough time with Monkelaust. I always take mine at night as advised by my very experience asthma nurse. I have allergic asthma and she said they would help in two weeks or not. Well they have and I still taking them a year on. I do understand that some people don't get on with it. So I concur with the others here speak to your GP etc.
Hello honey suckle 21 I take montelukast just before bed, when I first started taking them I had vivid dreams ( I often woke up thinking was that a dream or did it happen they where so realistic) but they went after a few weeks and I've had no side effects from them since but go and see your Gp better to be safe than sorry xx
Thank you so much for all your comments, I think I will take them at night instead of morning , I really want to give them a good go as I have only just started taking them . In all honesty I think the Symbicort is causing more problems at the moment and I need to go see the doctor as I went for an eye test on Sunday and the pressure in both eyes are boarder line and look like I have the start of caterac forming . The optician said I was too young to be having a caterac. I'm only 50 lol . But thank you I'm so glad I joined as I feel so much better knowing there are lots of us out there coping with this and more .
I've tried Montelukast twice. The first time it didn't help but this time it's been great. Some weird dreams but, for me, it's worth it. I can walk further faster. Regarding cataracts, I started with them when I was about 64. I thought that was young & asked the optician. He said that some people get grey hair early, some people get cataracts early!
Hi Lakelover , yes my optician said it was due to steroid use , I had pneumonia a year and a half ago and resulted in me been rushed to hospital not being able to breathe, since then I have been on Symbicort 200 and 400 plus lots of prednisone, I think that's why my body is racked with muscle pain and anxiety lol .
I've been on Montelukast 2x10mg tabs at night since '98 when I was first ventilated in ITU, tbh I've had no problems with them. The only problem I had was once when taken ill on holiday in Wales and the I ran out of them (went away for a week, stayed a fortnight, hospitalised) the hospital didn't stock them (this is a while ago) and my breathing off them was pretty rough.
Thank you for replying Stitcherrach , I have had positive responses about Montelukast so tonight I'm going to take mine , and see if it is better to take it then . Do you take it just before you go to bed or and hour or so before? Thanks .
I was also told by doctor to take Montelukast at night. I take it at bedtime with water.
No side effects that I have noticed.
sorry this has happened, this med has been nothing but fantastic for me, can't praise this medication enough. I have had no side effects whatsoever. Before this, I couldn't stop coughing all night and itching. Fantastic for me.
Thanks so much for all your replies, I am definitely taking mine tonight, tbh I can't wait to take it as I have waited so I can take it tonight I feel a bit mucus today .
Good luck and it's best to take it of a night just before bed
Thanks Sarahjane12 , I will take it just before I go to bed . I really hope it works , if it keeps me away from the doctors and on prednisone then I'll be so pleased 😁 .
I've been on mine since November when I went in icu with life threatening asthma didn't know I had asthma but it's worked well for me haven't had a chest infection also good for my allergies as am allergic to dust and other things x
That sounds really positive, I need something to keep my off the antibiotics and prednisone. My husband keeps asking me if I have got my invite to the doctors Christmas party as I'm there more times than my doctor is lol . I have allergies and do take antihistamines but tbh don't think they do much , so last time I went to doctors I asked him for something else to add to my inhaler . So he gave me Montelukast. Now thanks to you and all the wonderful people that have helped me today I am confident they are going to work and I will be taking them just before I go to bed . How long was it before you started to feel better ? X
Hi honeysuckle21 almost stright away my chest has never been so clear
Hi Sarahjane12 , Ithats good to hear . I have good news and bad news , bad news is I had to go to doctor today as I have another chest infection so on antibiotics, but the good news , I took the Montelukast last night , and by taking it it has saved me from having prednisone ( so far ) so I will continue to take them at night . I'm so grateful for your replies. X
Awwww no hope you feel better soon x
So glad to hear the montelukast worked for you (tho sorry to hear that your back on antibiotics 😣)!
Would have said last time that I take mine before bed, and now only get the occasional v. lucid dream (usually about the tv program/book I'm immersed in before bed so I've learnt to be selective - no more game of thrones at 10PM 😨😅😜!), but I know monty can be prescribed for pre-exercise sometimes so I left it...
Don't forget to speak to you're consultant about any/all symptoms/side effects you get tho!
Hope you feel better soon and that the anxiety is calming down xxx
Thank you , i have plenty of antibiotics so should do soon . Would love to go a whole month without antibiotics and steroids. X
Are so you are on them regular I only ever get a chest infection like end of every year but I've stopped smoking now so hopefully won't get any not very nice to have hope you feel better soon 👌
I discovered Montelukast as a nebulizer while hospitalized a year ago with a breathing event. I'm glad it's offered as a pill because it really seems to help my cough-variant asthma. I have not noticed any side effects from this drug. (10 mg/day)