Recently in the last two months my asthma has been very out of control.It started last year December , I have all the classic symptoms , tight chest , wheezing and difficulty breathing . My relieved inhaler doesint seem to help much ,I also use symbicord preventative but this also seems to have stoped working as I use to only take one puff a day and I had no asthma symptoms " been using it for 18 months " I even went to the doc for fbc , crp and ige blood test plus a chest x ray . They where all normal except my IGE at 870 which means my allergies are very high .I have started a healthy diet for the last 2 weeks to cut out any food I'm allergic to especially gluten but I still have the same asthma symptoms .I am getting quite worried as the doctor pointed out that it's my allergies causing this and even tho I am following a better diet I still have the symptoms . I was thinking of changing my symbicord to a different brand . I am pretty much out of ideas right now .
Recent asthma problems . : Recently in... - Asthma Community ...
Recent asthma problems .

Hi I am sorry you are having all these problems. I am on symbicort and have always been told to take 1 puff twice a day. This is because it keeps your airway open for 12 hours at a time. Did your doctor/nurse say only use it once a day? You might want to check this out. x

Currently I am on 2puff in the morning and 2puffs in the evening and still experiencing all the asthma symptoms . It provides relief but my chest is still closed to a certain degree. I can manage to get through a gym session with cardio of about 20 min. Initially my chest gets tight while I excercise but as I go through the workout it gets a bit better.
Hi Frost..yes allergies are a pain because impredictable..did you get referred to the allergy department? I am going again in March..I had 18 allergy checks last time, different trees..but now I have some food allergies too..they put 6 times more gluten in bread than they used to ..can you have buckwheat? it is gluten can find pasta and bread nowadays..
They have plenty of new inhalers on the market ask to try for a new more potent one..symbicort is the older generation of inhalers..
Good luck to you x

I will look into gettin a new inhaler.It just completely baffles me that my asthma has just out of the blue taken a turn for the worst. I did an allergie test 7 years ago , perhaps I must go and do one again. I forgot to mention when I did my lung function test it was above average so really not sure what's going on. What inhalers are you guys using just out of interest ?
Did you have a chest infection or a few colds and coughs? Because it usually indicates that we need to upgrade our inhaler..I think we just get tolerant to the molecule.
I used fostair for a while then seretide 250mg. Then I was diagnosed with severe bronchial asthma so I got loads more! 😃
I went on Flutiform which I liked but was put back on seretide. I tried the long action Spiriva, it didn't agree with me so I take Atrovent as well as Ventolin. But I bet I got used to those because I have nebs on top when my peakflow is lower than 280..
Montelukast didn't help me I take antihistamines when I need to but it dries my eyes..All those meds have dried my eyes and throat with time..
But we are all different the new fashionable one is Relvar Ellipta, didn't agree with me either..
So see what you are offered..The problem is low-quality generics..
Take care x
No infections or colds , hence that's why I went for a full blood count test to rule out bacterial or viral infections and a chest x ray . I do have a cough but mostly only when my chest starts closing up .