Has anyone else been shocked when they're reliever runs out quicker then usual? Normally it last me a month (2 puffs morning and night, and as needed in between) but I've managed to run it out in less then 3 weeks.....I didn't even notice I was using it so much! Has this happened to anyone else?
Running your inhaler out.: Has anyone... - Asthma Community ...
Running your inhaler out.

Vampress, do you mean your reliever inhaler (as in ventolin)? Only usually if that much ventolin is required it would suggest your asthma is not controlled and you need to see your GP asap to see if your preventer medication needs to be changed.
If you do mean ventolin, as a general rule if asthma is properly controlled you should hardly ever need to use it.

Yeah I mean ventolin. I realise that I need to see my asthma nurse so I'll be making an appointment tomorrow as the doctors where shut when I noticed this.
I've always had to take it twice day, along with my preventer, for the 17 years I've had asthma. I manage my asthma well with only 4 attacks in those years. I see my asthma nurse as soon as I notice changes. It's only in the last few years that I don't always notice straight away, I think because I get distracted with my other/newer conditions and the chronic pain.
Yes, but if you find you are using more reliever than normal you should go back to Asthma Nurse or Dr. if possible keep a record of when you need it or are using it.
No I hardly ever use my reliever and have spares anyway just incase