Hi guys
I've had a Cold for a few days and yesterday started getting a cough which then kept me up all night. This morning my reliever wouldn't stop the wheezing but it helped ease the tightness. I then started getting chills and joint pain so I went to the out of hours where I was given ventolin nebulizers which again didn't stop my wheezing and I was given a chest xray which showed I have some fluid on my lungs, I was prescribed antibiotics and 30mg or prednisolone a day. Since coming home and taking my meds I feel like I can't catch my breath and the wheeze is making my chest tight again and the reliever is doing nothing, I'm starting to get scared this is the worst my asthmas been in years and I haven't had an attack since September last year and that was mild. Before that it'd been at least 10 years since I've had an attack. Should I go back to the hospital? also my oxygen levels are 97/98 so I dontt get it really
Sorry for the long winded post I'm just scared