Good morning all hope everyone doing well i had a good night only woke once . I should b home Thursday being well had a bit of a panic last night said I couldn't have my ventolin inhaler so me and the nurse had words said I wasn't put up for it bad I hadn't had any all day and needed some but we sorted it out eventually but I was fuming and but worried the thought of not having it and they lock ur tablets and inhalers away so I couldn't get to them but home Thursday hopefull was meant to b Wednesday c the docs today and c what they say have a good day everyone
Morning : Good morning all hope... - Asthma Community ...

Hi . Had the same problem whem I was in. Its the last thing you need when you are struggling for air. Glad you are improving otherwise. I went back on the steroids last night so hoping that will give me a boost. Take care.

It the fact I couldn't get it made it worse I started to panic abit but I was ok panicked for nothing have a good day
Hey great news that you had a good night..i hope all goes well with the docs today. I had the same problem re not being written up for the correct medications at the right times, its really bad that the basics are not not surprised you were fuming. Its dreadful. Im in and out of hospital and it happens all the time. I take my own & keep it in my handbag, its not right, but neither is the doctors not writing you up for what you need. Take care, do let us know how you get on with the docs round..Helen x
Seen the docs and planing to go home Thursday there led by the rbh hospital London said the nebs and inhalers there if need them I just panicked the fact of not having any or knowing its there for me as always got one by my side have a good day
Hi Tracey i hope you had a good night..wishing you a breathe easy day..i hope you are feeling heaps better..Helen x
Good morning Helen not been the b st night to b honest breathing was a bit heavy but not to bad had the ventolin lots going on in here last night with oaitants one fell over at 4am some were coming and going all night my back was killing so ne fed tramadol to help so very tired today just had first coffee of the morning to wake me up have good day X
God that is awful not letting you have your ventolin. You should complain about her - I can imagine how you must have felt. I am glad you are feeling better and I bet you are looking forward to coming home xx
Good to hear they finally saw sense and gave you your Ventolin back. Hope you have a good day today and get home tomorrow.