Anybody on Xolair? Does it reduce breathlessness? Can it be administered in GP surgery?
Anybody on Xolair?: Anybody on Xolair... - Asthma Community ...
Anybody on Xolair?

No I am not on xolair but I do know people who have had it.
As far as I am aware it is given at a hospital respiratory clinic.
It is meant to dramatically improve asthma control for people with allergies.
Why you asking?
Can I ask how long you need to be monitored after a xolair injection?? Or is it a case of popping along to hosp, having the injection then going home again??
Think the first time is longer - maybe a few hours. After that it's only 20mins or something. It's basically just to check you dont have an anaphalactic reaction!
Thanks for your speedy reply :-))
My 18yr old son is on Xolair. He has had severe asthma most of his life and last year he was having bad asthma attacks and lots of courses of steroids.. He was transferred to a respiratory team at hospital and tests showed his allergic reaction was off the scale (not ever picked up by his paediatric team) and because his life style was so impacted by asthma attacks, the respiratory team decided to try Xolair.
He started 4 weekly injections last Nov and within 3 months the improvement was amazing. It has been like a miracle, he went back to sport and social activities and has only been off school once (cold/asthma). He still gets wheezy and breathless but overall it has been a transformation. He is still on the full raft of medication but hopes to maybe reduce the antihistamines once he has finished exams.
Regarding the injections. They have to be in a hospital or respiratory ward, I understand surgery nurses can't give them. We were initially told he would have to wait for 2 hours after the injection to see if he went into shock. But the nurse who gave the first injections let him go after 20 mins as there was no adverse reaction and since then he has had the injections and not had to wait at all. They do advise resting for the rest of the day and certainly no strenuous activity.
Hope that is all helpful - for us it has been a wonder drug and we are so incredibly grateful.
Thanks for your reply. My consultant recommended mepolizumab ( it will hopefully be licensed next year ) but it looks like Xolair is similar .Do you know what criteria for Xolair is (for some of them eosinophills have to be above certain level, for others - IgE).
Was asking about GP surgery as my respiratory clinic is 1.5 hours drive away!
Hi Polzobatel, I am not sure about Mepolizumab - I have looked it up and it seems similar to Xolair but I dont really know. My son qualified for Xolair because his IgE was very high. Height and weight (BMI??) also come into it.
Re. the injections. I was told they had to be administered in a hospital/respiratory unit - they are ordered especially for patients and not held in stock. Surgery nurses are not trained to give them. We have to travel to a hospital and It's not been ideal, but against that the improvement in my son's health has been so great we're just grateful Xolair was offered in the first place.
Best have a chat with your consultant. Good luck and I hope things improve for you.
My son still gets breathless but not as much as before the treatment. He hasnt had an asthma attack for quite a while now. Still has to be a bit careful though.
Thank you very much for your reply. What are the possible side effects?
Hello again. My son hasnt had any adverse side effects. There is information on side effects on the internet if you want to check it out.