Great news: I have a job! Hurrah! - Asthma Community ...

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Great news

21 Replies

I have a job! Hurrah!

21 Replies

That's fantastic news, well done Piglet. xx

yaf_user681_30355 profile image

Congratulations Piglet!!! How exciting! When do you start?

Annista profile image

Marvellous news Piglet - just what you need!

My start date will be a few weeks away, as they need to get references and I need a CRB check.

Will be nice not to have to go to the jobcentre too much more!

Yay! Many congrats, what is the job? Fantastic news and well-deserved, hope it all goes well.

Also hope you hear more good news soon about your MA, though knowing unis I'm not expecting to hear your news about that for a while lol...

Annista profile image

Ha! Forget the jobcentre, you're too good for them and they'll just have to get along without you!

Seriously though, I hope the job proves to be interesting and compatible with keeping your lungs happy.

It's a job working in the office of the church that married OH and me :)

We're going along for the service tonight :)

It's only 10 hours per week, but it gets me back into work, in what I think will be a supportive environment, and given that the hours are so few I am less likely to get stressed and run down than I did in my old job (obviously no guarantees).

I'm very pleased. I wonder if they will be any nicer to me at the jobcentre now that I have a job offer!

well done piglet!!! That's the way to show them!!!

yayyy well done piglet :-D

Took themn a while to tell you but at least the wait was worth it :-)

Very well done. Congratulations!

Well done!

Well done :)

Excellent news - well done! :)

Congratulations Piglet, the drinks are on you!

Congratulations on the new job!

Asthma-girl profile image

That's fantastic news, congratulations and well done.

Oh well done!!! Just think now they will have to pick on some other poor sod!!!!! All they need is an easy target and you were it. I hope you really enjoy it and it builds your confidence right up there. 10 hours sounds just right to me. Long enough to be a proper job but not too taxing. Well done. x

Woop woop!

I am soooooooooo happy for you piglet, it sounds like the perfect thing for you.

Really really chuffed to read this, its perked me right up :)

Thank you everyone :)

I'm really happy, but also really worried about starting as I've not worked since August, and I'm still quite fragile.

10 hours will get me eased back into work. It's not sustainable long term, I will need a job eventually that has more hours, but this is a start.

Annista profile image

Piglet, please don't worry about getting back to work. You'll do fine because you're working for people who are going to be very understanding of your situation and will help you get settled. I always get this sort of doubt when I go back after a long time off but after an hour or so I realise it's ok.

You'll be grrrrrrrrrrrrreat!

congratulations on the new job

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