hi, just wondering if anyone else gets a tight feeling in the throat, as if there is a rope or a pair of hands around it as well as tightness in the chest?Christine
Rope around the throat?: hi, just... - Asthma Community ...
Rope around the throat?

Hi Christine
Welcome to the boards.
I get that feeling sometimes. It's usually when I've had a session of heavy coughing fits. Not at all pleasant and perhaps frightening at times.
Just a thought. What meds are you on? Could what you're experiencing be a side effect of them? Have a look at the leaflet that comes with your meds.
Well i'm now on seretide 125mcg, but only for 2 wks and also salbutamol, but i've had this sensation for years now so i don't think it has anything to do with the inhalers. Perhaps the tissue in my throat is just a bit more sensitive? The feeling i get is quite low in my throat, just above my collar bones. I used to think that it wasn't my asthma but when it first appeared i was changed from becloforte and put on symbicort and it cured it until recently, hense why i'm not on seretide but it doesn't seem to be helping <sigh>
btw, I was on the old boards under the name Christine but couldn't use that on here hense the different name lol
hi i got taht constantly when reducing my pred . no one understood what i was saying or the way i felt i actually thought i was imaging it untill a SHO told me i was having bronko spasams and i needed nebs to control them. so it could be thats what is happening to you ask your con hope this helps
hmmm interesting that. I don't have a consultant as I am not under the care of the hospital, i'm not serious enough for that level of care thankfully. I'm gonna give the seretide one more week, which will be 3 wks in total, if i still have the tight chest and 'rope around the throat' feeling I will go back and perhaps mention this feeling (can't remember if i have to this dr or not)
Hi Moose1. Just thought I'd say I have had similar symptoms in the past due to two different causes. Initially, the tightening in my throat followed the death of my father & the subsequent bereavement process. They were a a pre-cursor to panic attacks that followed. I wonder therefore are you under any new stresses in your life. Secondly, I had a similar reaction when I inhaled a small amount of toxic gas ( I work in science ). The symptoms were transitory and normal for this gas (Sulphur Dioxide ). Whatever, I have a sensitive / narrow throat which is readily affected by stress or external irritants.
Dr Who given the fact that you claim to 103 how old was your dad?
Wanda, you should never ask a gentleman his age - that just won't do.
Hi Dr. Who, when this first started a couple of yrs ago, it was during the heyfever season, so i and the dr's just put it down to the pollen. My inhaler was changed to the symbicort and it did the trick until recently. Altho it has come back, i've also had the tightness in the chest, which has eased now the dr has changed me on to seretide, but i have to say i've noticed that my chest is responding to things more than they used to, i know i should go back to the dr but i'm a bit reluctunt as i feel i'm just making a fuss and plus i was quite ill last yr, unrelated to asthma and i'm sick of seeing the dr's! lol
Interesting that you mentioned panic attacks, strangley enough I had a panic attack last week, the 1st in a very long time. But i did notice that my throat didn't become tight, just my chest with hyperventalation and increased heart rate. I don't suffer with panic attacks as a rule.
Moose - I have had tightness in my throat and this has recently been diagnosed as Vocal Chord Dysfunction which often sits alongside asthma or can be misdiagnosed as asthma. My attacks were all treated the same initially but now I have had the correct diagnosis and treatment, I don't get throat tightness when my asthma is playing up just chest tightness. Would be worth looking into.