I have severe asthma and have had a good few hospital admissions this year. Each time I have been treated right and then been released as normal. When I have attacks I only get a slight wheeze but I have always been taken seriously.
Well last night I was doing a dance show when I had an attack. I stumbled out of the wings into the dressing room wheezing quite loudly. When my teacher found me I was on my nebuliser (still wheezing) and I was drifting in and out of conciousness. My teacher called for an ambulance and admitedly then I did start to panic...I didnt think I was going to make it. Therefore my breathing became faster causing the whole pins and needles, claw hands thing.
By the time the paramedic got there I no longer had a wheeze and was slowly starting to improve (although I was still in the danger zone), because she couldnt hear a wheeze she took my nebuliser off of me. I managed to slow my breathing down but outbreaths were really hard still so I grabbed my inhaler and she snatched it off of me. She tryed to pass it all off as a panic attack but I have had asthma long enough to know when something is and when something isnt asthma.
Then she wrote on the sheet that I was able to talk.....when I really wasn't!!! and even though my O2 levels were 93 at one point she never wrote it down. She didnt do my peak flow or anything.
It was like a living nightmare and has made me really scared about future attacks!! This morning I dont even have the energy to get out of bed. Imagine having an attack and having all your meds taken off of you.....has anyone got any advice about what to do? I feel so confused, frustrated and scared Please help