Missing work...: Hi! I'm a newbie, and... - Asthma Community ...

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Missing work...

6 Replies

Hi! I'm a newbie, and so grateful having found this website last week!

Essentially, I'm a teacher with asthma that is usually very well controlled. However, two weeks ago I had a huge flare up that had me hospitalised for 3 days. It was the worst I've ever had - crashed in the ambulance and ended up on IV adrenaline, hydrocortisone, saline and potassium as well as the lovely nebs.

The GP signed me off for ten days, and I'm due to return on Thursday. I thought this was excessively long, as every other attack has had me back within the week (I know, no other attack has been this bad, but still).

Anyway, I'm still struggling. Now I'm off the pred, my peak flow is all over the place and I'm getting breathless just making a cup of tea. It's got worse over the last two days and I'm getting worried. I'm using the ventolin every few hours, and I have visions of it all going wrong again... The GP is happy to sign me off for longer, but I feel a bit rubbish. I know I'm breathless, but I'm not wheezing. It's more the breathlessness and the exhaustion.

Work are being great, but I'm only on a temporary contract and worried, which probably isn't helping.

Please reassure me that I'm okay to take more time if I need it! Alternatively, will going back to work actually encourage my lungs to start working normally again??

Sorry for the long post...l

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6 Replies

it sounds that your asthma still isn't under control. May take longer to settle this time and as auch I would follow any advice given by your gp. I would go back to gp before your sick line expires plus sounds you need checked over. If your out of puff,can you do your job walking and talking about the classroom as this may tire you out or make asthma worse. What if being back at work causes another asthma attack if any doubts talk with your gp. I know I would be off longer.

Thanks gussy, and thanks to those who have PM'd me too.

I've finally accepted I'm still unstable (largely thanks to a mini attack when washing dishes) and, having phoned the GP, he's more than happy to extend the sicknote. It's just me not accepting that I'm still not well enough to go back - partly teacher's guilt!! It's also partly that not having had an attack this bad before, I'm not sure of the protocols for getting better!!

I hate this whole thing. Just so grateful that work are being amazing. :o)

hi jeremykitten2,

asthma is coverd by the DDA so your job will be safe.

It takes a while when start with asthma to get your meds right.

I have had asthma 2 years and only just keeping it under control with the odd hosp visit.

I work in a school as a lunchtime supervisor and firstaider and can under stand how you feel. we only

have the children in class for wet playtimes so imagine how you must feel.

Go with how you feel and look forward to your big summer break .

love Glynis xxxx

hi jeremykitten2,

asthma is coverd by the DDA so your job will be safe.

It takes a while when start with asthma to get your meds right.

I have had asthma 2 years and only just keeping it under control with the odd hosp visit.

I work in a school as a lunchtime supervisor and firstaider and can under stand how you feel. we only

have the children in class for wet playtimes so imagine how you must feel.

Go with how you feel and look forward to your big summer break .

love Glynis xxxx

hi its horrible when a bad attack happens but i think maybe you are trying to push yourself too far before your body has had a chance to repair itself...remember you have had a right knock about so your lungs and chest will need time to feel 100%...as for work -i cant comment cos im on the sick with asthma and other problems but i would be lead by the doctor and by how much you can do at home xxx


well, guess i'm going to be signed off a bit longer whether i like it or not. had another attack last night that i only just managed to control at home, so looks like i'm not out of the woods yet.

disappointed, but as many of you have said, health comes first. thanks for the support folks!

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