Hi! I'm new to this forum and was wondering if anyone was suffering with constant breathlessness and low peak flow readings at the minute without any signs of infection?
Ive been sick for going on 2 weeks now and I've been into hospital for nebulisers twice in 2 weeks. Each time I've had crags, blood tests etc and everything keeps coming back clear. Ive been on steroids for 2 weeks now and they've now put me on antibiotics to see if it helps with the inflammation. My peak flow is down to 200-250 and I can't move or talk much without going really breathless. I've got not energy and by the nights I'm getting too exhausted to even breathe!
The first attack this time was very bad I had oxygen sats of 66% and I passed out with it .... 6 nebs and 5% oxygen for 17 hours brought me back to ""normal"" them they sent me home.
I'm getting really worried with my asthma not being controlled at all and don't know what to do next as the doctors are drawing blanks too!
Does anyone have any suggestions???
Thanks for taking the time to read this