Morning, I feel really annoyed. I don't have an asthma action plan and have had the document from asthma UK for a while. My asthma has once again been bad this winter and I didn't know when it was best to go to the hospital etc and what to do for the best when things haven't been good. I went to see the asthma nurse on Tuesday, as I didn't want to bother the doctor with this. She was utterly useless and wasn't interested in helping me fill in the document. It was obvious from the first moment I asked her to help me fill it in. All she wanted to tell me to do was tell me that I could take my ventolin up to 10 times within 15minutes or something before going to the hospital. I just want to get the document filled in and have a better idea of how to control my asthma myself.
It says on the document that your asthma nurse or doctor will help you fill it in. Problem is, ours is a busy surgery and the doctor is always quite quick with me, so I thought I'd see the nurse to get it filled in. I feel like there is no one at my surgery who can help me fill it in now.