Hi All,
Im not after medical advice or anything as I know when to get help. Im just after some suggestions really.
10 days ago I started with a cold which led to a chesty cough. Been to doctors twice and lungs are clear. My cold is clearing up but my chesty cough is much worse. I wake up coughing and am using tons of ventolin (gotten through 2 whole inhalers in the past 7 days). Ive been very wheezy too but Ventolin helps for only 10 minutes max. Ive been coughing up green stuff which is horrible and feel like Im rattling a bit. Tried cough medicines over the counter and vicks plug ins and even sitting in the bathroom with the shower running hot.
Any other ideas that I can try to ease the cough? Its getting really annoying and making me very tired.
Thank you in advance.