Is it normal to cough like almost everyday with cva?? Been coughing for the past 8 months. Im startiing to get worried again.. I feel. So. Sick for the past 8 months. Chest pain, back pain sore throat. And now im. Coughing up yellowish brown sputum. Im. So this really an asthma? Ive been to lot of doctors
Is it normal to cough like almost eve... - Asthma Community ...
Is it normal to cough like almost everyday with cva?

I am still getting to grips with this asthma malarkey, so unfortunately I don't have advice to offer, but I do understand your frustration re coughing every day as I seem to have been the same for the last few years. Thankfully, since being started on treatment for asthma in 2015, and unless it flares up, my coughing fits are not as severe as they used to be - I used to cough so much I felt sick and my ribs hurt. Despite feeling quite unwell at times I have been told that my lungs are clear and they cannot hear me wheeze, but the cough persists!! I can't understand it, but trust you are able to get the help you need.
Hello i had a check up with a pulmonilogist yesterday i had 3 xrays and he said my lungs are clear, but he never mention about asthma which my other doctors told me i have, he gave me. Atb and and medicine for allergic rhinitis because he told me the bleeding from my sputum might came from my nose. This is the first time a saw a blood from my sputum after coughing for a very long time.. Thanks for the response
That's ok. I just hope you get a proper diagnosis and treatment soon 😊
Thank u so much But i hope the blood in my sputum isnt something Serious, still anxious. About it
Please make sure it's investigated
Yes, i had a spirometry test also and he said i had a normal breathing. But there's a lot Of Phlegm on the others side of lungs and he thinks it came from my nose and it went down to my throat cause he reviewed all my xrays from different angles and he thinks its all normal, thanks for the response again.