A good day !!!: Thought I'd share with... - Asthma Community ...

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A good day !!!

Lil_tinx66 profile image
62 Replies

Thought I'd share with you all an extract from a good day :

Car cleaned in and out

Been for ride on bike to supermarket

Defrosted freezer

Cleaned house

It's been a good start to my day yet just a week or so ago I didn't even feel like moving from the sofa because chest was so heavy!!

Hope you are all looking after yourselves xxx

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Lil_tinx66 profile image
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62 Replies

Nice what a wonderful day.

Good to hear

Also had a pretty symptom free day (hope im not speaking too soon!)

Chest infection seems to be clearing up and the antibiotics arent messing me up so much today!

Although I was pretty unproductive at work today - think thats more that I couldnt be bothered though :)

Annista profile image

Lovely! I wish you many more of them.


Yay sounds like you had a very busy day. Hope you enjoyed it all.

Lil_tinx66 profile image

Thanks yes I've really enjoyed it did keep thinking when am I going to need to stop but just seemed to be able to keep going and then decided to find myself a suitable stopping point In time tO do my evening shift now tucked up in bed hopeing it continues could do with the mental boat this week !! Hope some of you get a similarly good day soon !

Don't want to sound At all like I'm bragging ECt but in really happy love to all xxx

glad to hear some happy news :)


Lil_tinx66 profile image

:) thought posting it might help boost some others who werent/aren't feeling so clever xx

I am having one today...I have learnt that I can crochet...may sound silly but have been trying for ages. Found a clip online that was the dummies guide basically and I have done it...so far ahve made a mushroom and an apple slice. Woooohoooo doing a little dance and trying not to drop crochet hook thing!

Lil_tinx66 profile image

Wow sounds like you've been having fun pleased for you xx

Asthma good at the moment and discharged from audiology today so happy about that and open acsess for batteries and repairs for maskers. Had a lovely time at work x

Honey - you've encouraged me to get my hooks out again. Those videos are good for help. Learned when I was in my teens with two different colours of wool. There was a trend for twee dressing table sets, tablecloth edgings and, at the other end of the scale, hefty ponchos and blankets made from granny squares.

Today -

5am Nellie paid a visit. Sat up for salbutamol and an ice lolly

7am nod off

9am up

10am collect daughter and grandson

12 noon lunch at local coffee shop

2pm appt with GP who listened properly

Prescription for Accolate, follow up in 4 weeks

3.30 feed cats

3.35 successfully intercept biggest cat from taking wrong food

5pm cats announce they are starving and haven't had anything to eat ALL day? That's what mine would do.

Crossing fingers I'll make it to choir tonight - if I do will be a good day and mean I still have chance of singing in the concert in July. Last week I made it almost to the station then had to give in, come back and collapse onto the sofa (next week I have bronchoscopy in the morning so think perhaps trying to sing in evening might not be best idea - was meant to be today!)

Never done any crochet but I did once do French knitting and produced a very long sock.

my asthma may be bad but went to town. On the bus back heard a oh i wish this was true statement hay fever doesnt affect asthmatics oh how i wish this was true

Hi all

Grannymo- I have made a crochet gnome today was simple the pattern called it a gnome cone. I could have a go at making a poncho for him! ;P

I am trying not to get bored. Am looking online for things to do. I miss work.

choir sounds fun. What sort of things do you sing?

Honey, I like the sound of a gnome cone! Just watched a Bones episode with a radioactive gnome - that was slightly bizarre...

Is there anything you've always wanted to do but haven't had time for? (Obviously not climbing mountains etc)

We sing all sorts in choir - well, all sorts of classical mainly. This term it's vintage jazz - Cole Porter, Gershwin etc (Tea for Two, Begin the Beguine and several others) - so much fun and I really want to do the concert! We're also doing some solo numbers and I want to sing Cole Porter's Night and Day but am reluctant to audition because I just can't guarantee that I'll be able to go to rehearsals, and if you miss too many you can't sing in the concert - especially since we're trying to do most of the pieces from memory.

I need a choir closer to home really as it would make things easier but this one is so good and have made friends there I don't see much of otherwise.

Annista profile image

Honey and Grannymo, after my whinge about not finding any good crochet patterns NickyNoo gave me a tip about a magazine crochet course. I went onto the website and then, much encouraged, googled the word 'crochet'. WOW! Now I'm whingeing because I don't know what to make first! I have a gorgous granddaughter who'd look wonderful in a cheerful frilly skirt thingy, a cute grandson who'd look even cuter in a jacket with a little duck motif, a lovely daughter in law who'd be stunning in a slinky peach number (she's only size 8, curse it), and there's even some stuff that might suit me.

I quite fancy the gnome, though.

Have been thinking about doing a bit of study, I like to keep brain going. If I knew how long I was going to be able to do very little but sit, I might even think about my masters degree. I would like to write a book so perhaps it should be creative writing...the more I think the more I find I want to do. Perhaps it is motivation I lack.

Or perhaps learn a language...maybe Azerbijiani for next years eurovision! ;0 I am not sure what I want to do.

I am watching CSI but like the sound of Bones about radioactive Gnomes

Oh I know perhaps I could start a gnome reserve.... lol!

Still looking for a video that is so 'crochet for dummies' that if I go wrong AGAIN someone will come out of the screen, flick me on the head with the hook and show my how to do it properly! Glad you found lots to keep you going Annista.

Made it to choir and back! So a good day, I am still a contender. Though I suspect my lungs may pay me back later, they are pretty unforgiving creditors.

Honey, I strongly recommend Bones. I've just finished season 5 and discovered 6 not out till October arrghh, so going to try Criminal Minds via Lovefilm (do you have Lovefilm? Might be an idea if you're housebound a lot).

I was going to suggest maybe studying/learning something you like but haven't had time for, though I find sometimes my brain goes fuzzy if not feeling great. What would your masters be in?

Lil_tinx66 profile image

Keeping fingers crossed for Sunday weather best be nice !!!

What are you doing on Sunday lil tinx?

I'm going to watch a tortoise race so also hope weather is good.

Lil_tinx66 profile image

Doing a charity event for Marie curie and it's outside so a nice but not too hot day would be good enjoy your day xx

Had a good day and Saturdays are family days.inlaws 1 till 5 and my folks down after tea.Also happy having allergy tests done Monday 9am after 3 years of wanting one. So woohoo getting one done.x

so far today has been one of my better lung days since february...maybe something to do with some of the stress being relieved or just because it is pouring with rain and that means no pollen or possibly a combination of the two.

Today I have:

been to my mum's and seen the dog!

Been to the garden centre - bought 6 teeny tiny teracotta pots to put my crocheted cactus in.

Had tea and cake at the gardern centre it was lemon and ginger cake yum!

Watched a really good black and white film called the locket whilst having a neb - want to keep those lungs happy!

Crocheted an octopus leh ;)

Made an apple and butterscotch cake

and now I am going to the post office to post DLA forms also going to buy some eggs from a friend with a chicken farm. Not going to get anywhere near nasty chickens though very allergic to feathers

for me this has been a very good day.

A well deserved and long overdue day of goodness for you Honey.

After all my ranting today I feel the need to share something good, which is the tub of Ben & Jerry's choc fudge brownie currently residing in my freezer waiting for me to eat it. :-D

Would it be awful of me just to have that for dinner? I really don't feel like cooking ;)

Honey, so glad you had a good day, things seem to be looking up a little for you at the moment which is good, long may it continue.

lil tinx, did you have a good day on Sunday? No rain at my weird event, hope the same for yours.

Annista profile image

Honey, so pleased you had a good day. It's about time, and you deserve it.

Philomena, Ice cream is very good for you and I'm sure someone told me it doesn't have any calories if you eat it when you feel a bit iffey.

ahhhh thanks everyone lets hope for many good days for everybody!

Sounds a bit odd to say my good day involved a friends funeral but normally at those things, I'd be coughing my head off with the dry air and being red faced with embarrassment and effort of trying not to cough. Small attendance at this one, found myself sitting about half way down instead of being able to hide at the back.

Delighted to report complete silence the whole time from me. Felt so good, sang with the last hymn. Unbelievable. Zafirlukast just might be helping.

Lil_tinx66 profile image

Yes Sunday was lovely and the weather was fab thankyou glad to hear of more people having good days especiAlly you honey you sound like ur having a good patch so nice to hear I've just come back from a week away apart from usual stuff it's been good discounting my random onset strawberry allergy o well can't have everything love to all x

Annista profile image

I expected a bad day today and didn't get one! My Mum is 84 today and since she has taken up residence on planet Shelagh I have found it particularly difficult to cope with birthdays and Christmas. However, today she was more responsive than usual and liked her presents, a cuddly dog, a cuddly meercat and LOTS of chocolate. She managed to speak a few words, some of which even made sense, and I got the feeling that she was enjoying being the centre of attention.

I had long telephone conversations with both my sons and with my granddaughter (I'm sure my boys weren't so confident on the phone when they were 3!), which made me feel good.

All in all, a good day instead of a bad one - just goes to show that sometimes things we dread can be ok after all.

Kind of another bad day gone good!!

Had a school trip today that I was really worried about as last week couldn't walk 50m very well but had a half term holiday of near complete rest and nebs now holding 6 hours and made the 2 mile walk to beach, did some role-play, a bit of art and walked two miles back!! Don't get me wrong I had a salbuamol/atrovent neb before and one after (don't tell my asthma nurse - wasn't quite a six hour spacing!!) and plenty of ventolin between and feel worse again now but so blinking happy to have been anle to take my class had a really lovely day and bless them, they spent their lunch time making thank you cards for me for taking them. Very rewarding day.

Great idea, Had a good day too :)

Bit of a rough/usual for me recently start to the morning as woke up at 5ish coughing with tight chest... but a bit of blue and back to sleep til 8.30.

Haven't needed as much as usual since either. Have been to asthma nurse/GP regularly and waiting hosp appt. This morning went off to see some kittens in RSPCA foster houses, so cute and have reserved one, just waiting for home visit etc. Had a nice lunch. Sat out in the garden for a bit with sun breaking though the black clouds. Then managed to hoover all the upstairs including beds... to get of cat hair and dust, clean bathrooms, put several washes on, damp dusted... Now sitting down with a nice strong coffee reading Sunday paper then doing a roast dinner and having a nice glass of wine in a while.

*Edit - also been to supermarket & lungs behaved - has been awkward recently

Not really a good day but think the people I encountered desrve to be put here because they were amazing.

Had another allergic reaction on Saturday and ended up in A and E, having given myself double nebs and piritoon. By the time we got there I was a bit wheezy and got kicked out of majors and into resus again. The staff there were amazing though as the usually are. And were even reasonable when I politely declined their offer of a bed for the night and agreed that I was probably OK to go at 4am with guidelines for returning. Thank you amazing night staff of QA A and E Saturday night.

Having felt a bit down yesterday I just thought I'd celebrate the fact that today is a good day!

I didn't manage to clean my downstairs bathroom yesterday but today I have and madde beds, washed up and done a load of washing!!

Never thought I'd get excited about being able to do housework lol :-D

Woop woop!!!

I know what you mean Angelica - I have times when I get excited that I can hoover the upstairs of the house (just the upstairs, not even the stairs themselves!).

Not done too badly so far today - had the cat to the vet at 9: chased him round to catch him, got peed on as I was getting him into the carrier (had to change all clothes apart from knickers, he got me good and proper!) and then held him down as they put the thermometer up his botty and then got home and gave him his meds! It was quite a carry on in the end!

I've also been to the shops and cleaned the litter trays! Next step is a trip into town to collect my prescription (I think my grandparents are on fewer meds than me).

This is qualifying as a ""functional day"" for me so far!

Oh piglet that's actually made mr laugh out loud!!!!!!

I can really picture the scene and the expression on your face :-D

A couple of weeks ago I took my puppy out for a walk, he met another dog and I thought great, opportunity for him to socialize.....other dog took a bit too much of a liking to me and peed up my leg!!!!!

You've met our neighbours dog then!

Animals - you gotta love 'em! I was so relieved when my allergy test came up negative for pet allergies (although I don't think I would've got rid of them even if it had been positive).

I'd put Gizmo in the carrier, and noticed my hand was a bit wet. OH also complained she had a couple of drops on her. Then I looked down and he'd got my jumper, trousers and socks! Bless him. Poor lad, I'm his ""favourite"" mummy too (well, I'm the one he'll let pick him up all the time and who he cuddles in the night) but he's now giving me a wide berth! He'll forgive me shortly, just in time for me to force tomorrow's dose of metacam in his mouth :-s

Glad you had good days but shame about the, er, accident, Piglet! Our now very venerable 15yo cat used to be a bit of an escape artist going to the vet's - one time he nearly got out of the carrier on the way there, so next time we put him in a more secure one with the top all firmly tied down. Got to the vet's and someone from school was there with her hamster - looked at me with this 'secure' box and said 'what have you got in there?!' Not sure if she believed me when I said it was a kitten...

Know what you mean about being on more meds than grandparents. I don't have any grandparents left but I think the pharmacists actually know me by sight now and ask how I am! Then hand me an absolutely mahoosive bag of goodies lol, and I usually end up being there for 10 mins while they chase down an errant inhaler or I explain to them that despite what the manual says, it is entirely possible to take a double dose of montelukast if instructed by a GP.

Not too bad a day for me - lovely weather and I did a Pilates class then managed to walk home. However regretting it a bit as chest now feels really tight - not sure if it's ribs etc protesting from Pilates or lungs protesting from walk! Probably latter given it's been annoying for a couple of days.

Your descriptions of the dog & cat incidents are funny, Angelica and Piglet, thanks :)

Good indeed to able to do housework etc

Philomela, that sounds rather familiar too.

Lovely here today too, rather chilly but hey, can't have it all.

Glad to have made you smile :) Gizmo has not had a good day at all. I just realised it was flea treatment day when OH came in brandishing the pipette (he hates flea treatments). In one day he has been forced into a cat carrier, had his abdomen thoroughly prodded, had a thermometer shoved up his botty, been force fed anti inflammatories and had smelly crap squirted on the back of his neck. Not a great day for my boy, is it? Bet he's glad he peed on me now!

And Philomela - my pharmacy know me, I don't even have to tell them my name, they just go and get the script for me. The pharmacist even asks after my pets! I guess it's cos I'm in once a fortnight (I'm only allowed fortnightly prescriptions). They also understand now that in general I know at least as much as they do about my meds, if not more!

I did laugh at Piglet's do with Gizmo. I love cats and have 2 in spite of being allergic to them. Found this out 2 years ago but just cannot bear to part with the old chaps. They are both over 14 now and I will try not to replace them when they go!! A while ago Sisko was at the vets to have his skin checked over....he is a very enthusiastic groomer and was going bald in places...not a good look at all. The vet said he had to be examined under a special light and he would take him out of the room to do the check. Sisko had other ideas and decided to go up a height for safety. The top of my head was his place of choice. He lost his balance cos my head was wobbling all over the place so he was scrabbling trying to get a foot hold on my ear and my hair! The vet managed to grab him and put him under his arm ready to take him out. I like a twit asked him to please keep a tight hold of him cos he is a climber. The vet looked at my wild hair and blood trickling from my ear and said ""Yes I had noticed thank you!"" No sense of humour at all!!!!

lol Pauline! It's been a while since I've had to take one to the vet - ours live elsewhere now due to various reasons though we still see them. Still haven't forgotten the time we took them on a 6-hr car journey though - oh my. The vet gave us some so-called tranquillisers - turned one cat into a total insomniac (quite an achievement!) and the other into Jekyll and Hyde - flat out most of the time so we worried he'd died then every so often manic fits.

Piglet, why only fortnightly prescriptions?! I have massive stashes in my drawer; I told them I wanted two Intal inhalers at a time as they don't last long and they have to order them in, and they were fine with that and with me setting how often I get them. They don't yet greet me by name but reckon I'm not far off lol. They do sometimes ask me which one I'm after and I say, 'ummmm, no idea...all of them? What have you got?'

I'm on fortnightly prescriptions because of my manic depression and I've done stupid stuff in the past :( My inhalers I order as and when and I get 2 at a time, it's only my crazy drugs that are on fortnightly. *looks sheepish* All in all, I take 12 tablets every night for my mental health, and that's without sleeping pills and anxiety meds in bad times!

It is a pain, but I don't have to order my repeats, the surgery issues them automatically for me.

I was on weekly for about 3years, that was a nightmare!

Ah, I see why you know the pharmacists then if in that often! Sorry, didn't mean to pry, thought you were talking about the asthma meds!

Weekly would indeed be a nightmare...

Hi Philomena, I am glad you wrote about how the meds effected your cats cos we are hoping to move soon and we were thinking of something to calm them down when the time comes. Not a good idea by the sound of it!!!!

Philomela - not prying, no worries. I get asked every time they get a new member of pharmacy staff.

yaf_user681_30355 profile image

Hi Pauline47,

Slight digression from topic heading but I have used/am using various products for my cats for anxiety and find the plug-in feliway invaluable, also I use anxiety relief drops (homeopathic) for one of my cats. I have just started using valerian drops around the house and my cats love the smell of it and rub into it like catnip. (It's a bit stinky lol.) I rub it on the insides of their cat carrier also before taking them to the vets. It is meant to have a calming affect and I believe my cats are much calmer since I have been using it.

JF - I've recently bought one of those feliway plug ins as Gizmo has been peeing in the bath, and he's become quite a nervous cat terrified of the postman, in fact, terrified of all humans but OH and me. Do you find it that effective?

yaf_user681_30355 profile image

I do, my cats are so much more confident and calm when I use it. I have been using it for about 2 years now. The anxiety relief drops are very good too. You can use them 5 drops up to 3 times a day and it really helped when one of my cats was going through a timid, hiding stage. I am just loving these valerian drops too. I find I do have to use several products and have hideaway places too. One of my cats can go through really timid times and then more confident times.

Maybe we should start a new topic in off-topic... sorry for hijacking this thread everyone...

Talking of pharmacists and prescription, a good day is one when there is no problems with either the prescription or the pharmacy stock levels/labelling/counting. They know me now too.

I get prescriptions monthly but know others at the same practice get 2monthly ? as less items.

I had issues at other places with supply - of a non-asthma drug that I've always been on and always will be. They wanted to only give me a tiny supply which was ridiculous as levels checked 6th-monthly-yearly and it's not like I wasn't going to use it all!

Boots here are pretty good though - they make the effort to track down stuff, though sometimes things go wrong.

I didn't wake up short of breath at 4am!

I managed a shopping trip in town without needing my inhaler!

AND we were walking at OH's pace, not mine. Amazing.

Woop woop piglet!!!

I also had a good day.

Washed all my floors in 1 go.

Went to a friends house for a cuppa

Walked up an incline without needing my inhaler

Slept for a whole night uninterrupted

Get in!! Lol x

Great news Angelica!

Today I did a LOT of walking, up and down steep hills, and I didn't need any extra inhaler :-0 Amazed!

Asthma-girl profile image

That's great news Piglet, well done

Woop woop piglet!!! Fab day I'd say :-)

Great day Piglet, hope it continues!

Asthma doing great since xmas month splat.Hit my highest pf 550.Fingers crossed im now mainly controled.

550?! That's fab glynis!! Keep it up :-)

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