Good morning to all of u hope u all well me wake up all chesty and coughing. Hope u all ok can't let these lungs beat me, got to get my self moving and sort myself out and make the most of this lovely weather, have a good day everyone and stay safe and enjoy the sun
Good morning : Good morning to all of u... - Asthma Community ...
Good morning

Morning Tracey, hopefully thngs start improving for you x have a good day x
Hi Tracey. Back on these antibiotics now as sinus infection and ear infection getting worse. Feel so weak and been awake most of the night. Now affecting my breathing so really scared I will get a chest infection on top of everything else xxx
Oh Hun so sorry to hear hopefully the antibiotics will work and u won't get and infections on ur chest keep ur fluids up and rest as much as u can take care x
Thanks Tracey. Supposed to be going out today but will have to cancel it. So looking forward to it as well. Never in my life have I had pain like it in my ears. My sinuses are so blocked and blowing down horrible gunk and feel shakey and shivery. Got to take three antibiotics a day for seven days. Just hope they work. Take care xxxx
Good morning, I hope you manage to tell your lungs whose boss. Hope you manage to enjoy your day.
Morning Tracey. Hope you get to enjoy the weather this week. Be careful, I think the pollen count is high. I'm back to the GP's this morning. Hopefully things get better soon. x
Yea pollen horrible got to travel up to London Rbh Wednesday got a appointment up there with the neurologist 2pm appointment not looking to the journey up there in this weather I got hospital transport witch is one good thing but still to warm for it. And again next week to c the liver man that up there as well on 31st to much travelling x
Good morning Tracye. Hope the sun shines all day .
Afternoon Tracey hope you feel better soon warm but very cloudy here looks like we might have rain
Hi yea not to bad now still huffing but got get on with it been out with a friend for coffee and chat so that was nice and we meeting later to go to a spiritual medium group go ever two weeks she drives there so only got walk from car to the place meet up with friends nice evening this disease won't beat me enjoy this lovely weather x