Hot & bothered: Thought Weather was... - Asthma Community ...

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Hot & bothered

11 Replies

Thought Weather was getting cooler. But tonight I just feel as if i am burning up. Also starting to get a bet tight in the old chest, os heres to another restless night. All this After having a couple of days without using ventolin, to good to last.

New tablets seem to be helping as I have cut down on ventolin & chest seems not to be tight every day & have also changed onto seretide 250 , hope this will help aswell. Found out I have fish allergy, thats a bummer,as I like fish, chest gets all tight. Sorry just needed to have a moan, fedup, hot, pee'd off, just having a bad day all round. roll on cooler weather

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11 Replies

same here

its to warm,i aint had a good nights sleep in weeks and my chest has been tight and aches like mad,everybody i spoke to so far has had a tight chest the last few weeks as well,lets hope it cools down soon,i think we could all do with a break.take care

I was just saying - is it me or has this summer been particularly humid and unbreathable! Ventolin has become my constant companion over the last few weeks - mind you I can't breathe when it's cold either so don't know why I'm complaining!

Roll on Autumn Cool nights and cooler days, well we can hope.

CAL which do you find is worse hot or cold weather? & do you get problems Changing from hot to cold or vica versa?

I cope better with hot to cold, cold to hot I get quite breathless especially if going into smokey room.

all the best


Hi Spike,

I'm not really sure which is better - hot or cold, either seem to set me off! I agree I'm slightly better at hot to cold, rather than cold to hot (always tend to struggle at beginning of hot holidays away), and as for smoke - that's always a no go!

Muggy weather & 'no air'!

Hi Spike, I'm a newbe to AUK, but already am feeling at home, 'cos of reading some of the general posts, and totally agreeing with them! Finally, people who understand the niggles and 'challenges' (ha!) of being a bad Asthmatic. I HATE hot, muggy weather, and find it hard to get comfortable, esp at night. Luckily, we hae an air conditioning unit, which i brill but noisy!

Hotter this week

look out this week as it is ment to be getting hot 33 celsius, Don't know humidity yet, but it will another restless week sitting in front of fan trying to stay cool.

Stay cool , drink loads


Yes it is too hot and it is going to get hotter, I would not mind the sun,if the pollen would go away.

Even when it cooled down for a bit the pollen stay high.



summer means tight chest!!

hiya..this is my first post..but can see from previous posts that most of us have the same problem...tightness comes with hot muggy weather..especially at night..keeping my fingers crossed that my inhalers continue to work during the night..havent had to visit hospital in over a year..but heard from a casualty nurse on my last visit last year that most of their emergency cases at this time of year are mostly asthmatics due to the hot weather!!..will keep my fingers crossed for fellow sufferers on this forum that their inhalers continue to keep the casualty departments at bay!

KateMoss profile image

Tis going to be 35 degrees by tuesday in London and East Anglia area !

Eeeeek! too warm me thinks!

someone please give us back our air!



East Anglia resident dreading more hotter weather!

Hi all, ahhhh! Makes you want to scream!, but not got enough breath!. I live in Cambs, yep, I know, one of the worst areas for Asthmatics in these fair Isles. I'm poorly with a chest infection at the mo, and a nasty pleural rub. So muggy weather is NOT appreciated. I was able to hang the washing out this morning, which nearly finished me off, and all my freckles have come out. Lovely, pale & hollowed eyes with a light dusting of freckles!!.

yaf_user681_26749 profile image

Hi all,

its 35'c here in Ilford. I am just hoping the roads are not too bad , as I dont want to sit in a BLACK car for more then 30mins that it normally takes to drive home.

Heard today it could be 39'c in France by Wednesday, so I am really hoping its cooler by the weekend when we are heading to EuroDisney for a weekend break.

take care and keep cool


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