Just purchased (on docs reccommendations) a Piko-1 electronic peakflow meter. Was told they were good and that they can produce a more accurate reading than a normal meter. has anyone else used one? and can they say that they agree?
Piko-1: Just purchased (on docs... - Asthma Community ...
They are free on prescription, dunno why your GP made you pay even if pay for your scripts it is cheaper to get it on prescription.
i use an asma-1 by vitalograph, but today found out that my asthma nurse used to use the piko in the surgery for diagnosing asthma/copd before they had the nice new spirometer, so they rate them, and a few others on here use electronic meters.
i find it gives a more accurate reading, in that it shows the smaller differences quicker than the manual ones, don't know why, but it seems easier to get reading with them as well without having to blow your guts out.
really? i have no idea why she never placed it on my script (then again when I had the pnumonia, she didnt start me on pred right away either which struck the paramedics and casulty docs as strange, another story really) wonder if its possible to claim back for it? but thanks for that Bex, could have saved myself £15
I really hope this little thing lasts longer than my old meter