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7 Replies

Hi everyone,

I've been asthmatic since I was 3 and although I've had bad episodes, they have been nothing like what I've experienced this year.

At the begining of April I was hopsitalised for 3 days and I really thought I was a gonner. It was the first time I ever needed an ambulance to get me there. They gave me something in the back, which made me sick :-( I really felt I was losing conciousness and was so scared - I just had to keep fighting to stay awake/to breathe. They gave my loads of injections and put me on constant nebs & oxygen. Anyhow, I slowly recovered after a week off work and thought it was a one off. Yet at the begining of June, I was housebound for a week with asthma (another week off work). And again, one month later, I'm restricted to the flat..... it seems like it's taking longer each time to get better. I've just started another course of pred.

I'm so scared that I won't get better and never breathe normally again. I saw a specialist shortly after being in hospital and she told me that I may have COPD due to all the inhaled steriods I've taken/ previous smoking history (crazy I know, but I've since quit). I'm only 28 and feel as if things are slipping away from me. I can barely shower because the steam sets me off. Every few paces and I need a puff of ventolin.

I know I'm completely stressed right now - I'm in the process of being made redudant and stress never helps my chest. It's just bizarre how one week I can go from the best peak flow reading I've had for years (450), to zilch overnight. My Dr isn't the best - he knows I go through so much ventolin, but really doesn't say anything about it. I'm on Seretide 250 too, which I thought helped, but doesn't seem to be enough at the moment. I've been really doing my research and I'm disappointed that my DR hasn't negotiated an Action Plan or prescribed me spare steriods etc....I'm really going to lay my cards on the table when I see him this week...

Anyway, I've ranted a bit - and I'm sorry. I'm just so scared. I'd be grateful for anyone to share their experiences with me and give some guidance..


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7 Replies

oh no :(

that sounds terrible.

i think there is something wrong with this year :/

i've been admitted 3 times, in a&e atleast 10 and to my doctors atleast 20, and put on a neb countless times.

i know it might be hard to except but there will be, as long as it does take, 'light at the end of the tunnel'

if you have any worries, unsure about anything need advice or a reason (not me, i haven't got a clue ;) ) find an asthma nurse, the advice she has given me if priceless.

you might have a chest infection or something along those lines......

i get chest infections ALOT even though they might not seem like much, they really get you down and can be hard to deal with.

if you're trying not to take to much ventoiln icelollies/ice cream help me.

have you had a virus recently ?? it could be pvfs (google it)

hope this helps, get well soon. :)

oh no :(

that sounds terrible.

i think there is something wrong with this year :/

i've been admitted 3 times, in a&e atleast 10 and to my doctors atleast 20, and put on a neb countless times.

i know it might be hard to except but there will be, as long as it does take, 'light at the end of the tunnel'

if you have any worries, unsure about anything need advice or a reason (not me, i haven't got a clue ;) ) find an asthma nurse, the advice she has given me if priceless.

you might have a chest infection or something along those lines......

i get chest infections ALOT even though they might not seem like much, they really get you down and can be hard to deal with.

if you're trying not to take to much ventoiln icelollies/ice cream help me.

have you had a virus recently ?? it could be pvfs (google it)

hope this helps, get well soon. :)

Thanks for your msg Megg,

I haven't had a chest infection for ages, touch wood. I don't seem to have much of a productive cough either. I just feel swollen on the inside. There just doesn't seem to be enough room for my dear old lungs to expand under my rib cage. The weather has been so sticky/humid which doesn't help. I find myself hanging my head over the air-purifier/filter I've got....not such a good look I have to say (my partner must think I'm nuts). I have hayfever, so it could be that. I'm also known to react to emotions; I always had an attack when I was too excited or too anxious as a child.

Sounds like you've been through the mill abit too. It almost gets embarassing when you keep seeing the same old bunch of staff at hosp/Drs - I know I feel like that sometimes. Still, we must keep faith and hope things will get better. Are you feeling at better at the moment?


Did the hospital arrange any follow up for u Gareth. If they suspect copd then they can do airway testing. If they haven't discuss this further with ur gp. Sounds like u had a really bad attack in April ur lungs can take longer to Recover. If ur still triggering ur asthma by stressing out. Prior to fully recovering from . It will make ur symptoms last longer and more difficult to manage have u told the gp how stressed you are. Maybe u need some stress management

Hi GussyPoo

I did see a specialist following my stint in hosp. I had a spirometery done and she said only 60% of my lungs were working (though I later found out that I used the spirometer wrong - I thought I needed to blow little and slowly for as long as possible, so they're going to do another one). The specialist/cons woman wasn't sure really what to say...she kept scratching her head. I only found out it was poss COPD when I saw my own Dr a month later and, upon the cons advice, they prescrived me Spiriva. When I had a further attack and explained it may be due to stress, the Dr tried to throw me valium instead of giving me a nebuliser. I really get the sense they just wanted me in and out that office. lol

Think I'm going to call the helpline no. on here so I can get some proper guidance and refer back to my Dr/nurse and try to work out a plan for the way forward.

I see you're on Spiriva, how are you finding it? Does it work for you? Can't say I've noticed any change in myself.

Keep well


Hi spiriva did work.tho think it took a few weeks of trying before I noticed it. I used to take the combivent inhaler. That was great. It's a mix of salbutamol And atrovent ( atrovent similar to spiriva) two puffs four times a day as it has two broncho dilators it was more effective It's an old inhaler so not many people use it. As new one only take it once daily that why they changed mine. I use atrovent nebs more and only use spiriva when well.

Vallium would help the stress but sure they would have been bettor options to discuss first. If ur less stressed u may see an improvement on ur asthma. Feel free to get in touch any time.

Hi Gareth,

Hope things are improving a little for you. Just thought I should say - I was on Spiriva for a while too and was assured by my consultant that I do NOT have COPD. It is an inhaler used for that but it seems that a lot of asthmatics are being tried on it as well at the moment. Being on it does not necessarily mean that you may have COPD - you need to check that out with your consultant.

Spiriva didn't suit me so I now have an atrovent inhaler as well as the seretide and the ventolin. Bear in mind that asthma changes as you go through different phases/changes in your life and adding in or changing medications takes a while to get the balance right.

Really hope you are beginning to feel better.


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