Hi there, hope everyone is well.
Just looking for some advice. Since being diagnosed earlier this year, I've tried a number of different medications, eventually after starting on Singulair, I have control and only need ventolin once or twice a week which is much better than the 2-3 times a day. So I'm on Singulair, and 2 puffs of Seretide 125/25 twice a day. So I saw the Asthma nurse and she said, 'brilliant I don't need to see you for a year and when you want you can reduce your Seretide to 1 puff twice a day'
Does this sound right? Its only been under control for a month. How do I know if its still under control, how many times can i use ventolin a week and still be under control? I knwo I should have asked but I didn't think till I'd left!
Thanks in advance