I have only just been diagosed . However when I look back, I have always disliked strong smells all my life. Whenever someone would say smell this I would always prefer not to . Has any one been in the soap shop called Lush that sells all the different soaps? I lasted only 60 seconds . Anyone elses like me?
Perfumes ect.: I have only just been... - Asthma Community ...
Perfumes ect.
Hi susan like you I was only dianosed in May this year but have had hayfever for a numbe of years. Pefumes I can't do except gio which i can cope with but I can't even do being in a room with someone with highly scented perfume. The shop LUSH i avoid like death walk on other side of road and hold breath. Same walking in department stores whee they want you to try perfume and spray it around I don't go there. Nose is very sensitive and would normally end up with a sneezing fit or like a bad cold if anyone near me wears perfume. Have same prob with some fabric softners and washing powders as well so my mum can't change things very easy.
hi susan
when i go past the body shop i cross over to the other side because the smell gets to me or when i go shopping i dont go down the soap powder isle.
mel xxx
I don't even go neer Lush! It is far too strong!!!!
I have only just realised that perfumes are setting off my asthma! Over the years people have sugested that I look into it and I have passed it off. Cleaning fluids with strong smells and some air freshiners are not good for me either!!!!
Its such a pain because I LOVE perfume and have so many!
Hi Susan,
Welcome to AUK. Never heard of Lush but I avoid all perfume shops like the plague. i even find it difficult to go into a chemist on a bad day which is difficult when I need to pick up my scripts. I have had several instant bad allergic reactions when I start to swell to strong scented flowers and perfumes. Starting to get more scary with each reaction I have. I can't even use a scented soap these days. Love the smell of the fruit-scented soaps though they don't set my asthma off the same.