Discussion of the practicalities and ethics of pregnancy with a severe illness - please don't read if you are likely to be upset by this.
Hello everyone,
Before anyone asks - no, I'm not, but I would like to be in the not-to-distant future!
For folks who don't know me, I'm 28 and I'm a steroid dependent type I brittle asthmatic with steroid induced diabetes (treated with metformin tablets at present) and hypertension. I've been pretty poorly controlled over the last year with a number of admissions, some of which have been to ICU.
I realise that pregnancy is going to be, as my consultant put it, 'not *particularly* low risk'. In particular, the areas of concern for me are coming off the pill to get pregnant (as I have hormone sensitive asthma and have taken the pill continuously for the last 8 years - last 3 times I had a 'pill-free week', 8 years ago, all resulted in intubations) and the third trimester when pressure on the diaphragm becomes an issue.
My consultant has already told me that I need to be more stable and go a few months without any excerbations or admissions before I attempt it, and he's said that delivery would probably be by elective Caesarean section at about 36 weeks if I could manage to go that long.
We're going to the Obstetric Medicine clinic the week after next to see one of the consultants who specialises in high-risk pregnancies and get her opinion on whether it's a goer or not, but I would be really grateful for any thoughts/experiences that anyone on here has of being pregnant with brittle or severe asthma.
Should I even be attempting this? Is it fair to bring a child into the world who a) might be impaired or have medical problems if any of my conditions go out of control during pregnancy, b) may have asthma themselves, c) will have to cope with a mother with a number of severe chronic illnesses, and d) may have to cope at some point with not having a mother at all? All views welcome, but please be gentle, obviously this is an issue which is pretty close to my heart!
Heartfelt apologies if this issue is a senstive one for anyone or if anyone has been upset by this post. I did think a great deal before posting it, but am in real need of some practical advice and experiences from those who have been there and can't see any other way of getting it. (Medline and my text books have deserted me - not that much written on this issue!)
Thank you in advance,