On a sunday my children always bring me breakfast in bed today there was a card with this written inside!
We know you are home Mum cos:
Our clothes are folded into piles and they will be collected by us and put away within 30 minutes!
The kitchen will be restored to order within a hour of any meal or food being cooked sooner if possible.
Yummy Macaroni cheese is back on the menu.
Pasta is homemade
It does not matter how bad the stains you can always get them out.
The lounge will be left tidy
The kitchen is never left messy last thing
If you are last in you lock the front door.
There are empty nebules everywhere
At least once a day there will be a lost ""car keys, purse, neb,mobile phone crisis"" and most days all of the above.
Heaven help you if you don't do the re-cycling properly
Don't start a job and not finish it, its not worth the aggro
Everyone laughs more mainly at you and your total dizziness.
You will hear at least once a day ""I know you are not perfect but there you are perfectly capable of trying to be""
When something good happens you have someone who is going to give you a hug and be happy.
When something bad happens there is a shoulder to cry on and soft tissues to blow your nose on.
Nothing is quite so bad when you are around
The house is a home again.
I think I should be touched!