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deterioration after 999 call

9 Replies

I have brittle asthma type1 and 2 so im used to living with daily symptoms but it has been brought to my attention by hubby this scenario and i wondered if it happens to others and how they deal with it/or prevent it from happening?

Basically when i have 1 of my big attacks i fight at home for as long as possible (within my personal guidelines from con) once i get to a certain level i call 999- i seem to be able to keep fighting but what happenes is that within a few minutes of me getting on the ambulance i tend to deteriorate very quickly to the extent of needing intubation from the paramendics(only once thankfully) but always have a fulll welcome committee into resus including itu drs.

I have tried going in earlier but it still happened!! Do i keep fighting thyen once with the greeen men feel safe enough to relax and then splat or what???

any thoughts ideas etc would be much appreciated.

9 Replies

I do it too...... I do think it is a feel safe once they are there!

The same thing happens with me! It's good to hear it happens to other people because when I try to explain it to people they look at me like I'm mad!

I have no idea how or why it happens, but I've always thought of it as some kind of survival instinct.

yep me too unfortunately- also my bp shoots through the roof- i agree i think its that you feel a little safer knowing that help is at hand. i know im one to talk but remember dont leave it too late x

yaf_user681_23350 profile image

I think its the feeling of feeling safe with me.Last sever attack I had was 3 weeks ago.I walked into a n e.Barely speaking told them that my asthma was bad.Got wheeled through and onto bed.Line in, oxy and nebs and by the time hubby had parked the car and found me I was out of it.I remember the feeling of total relief and being safe, then my arm being stabbed for the blood gases when I came round.

Weird I know, my 10 year old does the opposite, he gets better when they arrive! Now we call the assessment unit and go in early with him as his asthma is just so brittle.Had 3 admissions in 2 weeks.


Did again on friday thankfully paramedics who came know me and were ready with hydro and adrenaline even so by time i got to resus i was in trouble and went into resp failure thankfully they has prewarned resus so ITU con was ready for me!!!! The frustrating thing was i thought i had called them earlier than normal!!!!


yeah no the feeling i think once you no you are with medical assisstance ie nurses or paramedics your brain just thinks oh well safe now many time splat in recuss just as going in or even in back of ambo usually two crews come to me as no from experince how quickly i can go off and like wise it does not matter what time you go in call it early same happens


yeah no the feeling i think once you no you are with medical assisstance ie nurses or paramedics your brain just thinks oh well safe now many time splat in recuss just as going in or even in back of ambo usually two crews come to me as no from experince how quickly i can go off and like wise it does not matter what time you go in call it early same happens

this happened to me on my last admission. all morning i had been feeling a bit poorly but just full of cold so i thought i would pop to the surgery and see the nurse for advice and maybe some antibiotics. i drove to the surgery and had been at work all morning so i was ok. anyway went it to the surgery and was sudddenly being taken of in ambulance, i seem to deteriorate in minutes.i agree it is something to do with feeling safe to do so. its funny how your body can carry on when it needs to. Not a nice experience and thank goodness i was at the suregry when this happened.

Hi Hopalong, my daughter always deteriorated once she was admitted to A&E which was alright when it was our local hospital but caused great problems when out with our local. I don't know why this was I just always made sure everyone was aware of it. Despite this Bernadette gave many docs. and nursing staff many a scare by having the inevitable respiratory arrest ( more than 15 ) and requiring immediete ventilation wherever she happened to be.

Please always make the staff aware of your situation. Good luck and keep well. LIZ x x

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