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Memo to self

403 Replies

New thread for all those important memos to self:

Inhaling tea is a bad idea

403 Replies

I like this!

Note to self- You have coursework to do!

(Maybe if I have this to remind me I might do it seeing as I procrastinate a lot on the site!)

Can we assume that you didnt just ""inhale"" the tea fumes Bex ????

Or loose tea?!

Nope it ""went down the wrong way"" the resulting coughing provoked a minor splatette and one very painful intercostal muscle.

Take carefully prepared ""notes to consultant"" when going to appointment espeically you have never met this chap before, don't leave them by the bed!

When getting out of bed in the morning, don't stand on a plug.

Elephant, ouch, almost has much fun as stepping on lego left strewn around your childs bedroom, I can remember creaping in one Christmas eve once the children were finally sleep at about 1am only to tread on a peice of lego, there were stiffled screams and the air was blue with ""thought only"" swear words. Serves me right for being good and trying to help Santa out.

Buying a large tub of Ben & Jerry's to cheer yourself up after a difficult consultation might seem a good idea but when you don't have a freezer and have to eat it all, it makes you feel a bit sick...

dont buy courgette and then chop up and stir fry cucumber instead - it does not taste nice!!!

KateMoss profile image

Ensure all shoes are in the wardrobe, otherwise when going to the loo in the middle of the night, shoes end up being dragged by O2 tubing across bedroom floor and into the hall!

Don't walk almost halfway home with the shopping before you remember you took the car and it is still parked behind the shops.

Oh dear Grannymo! That really did make me chuckle lol!

don't switch your friends computer off to give it back to her (in a hurry, as she needs to leave) and then remember that you left one of your favourite CD's in it!...

it should not be attempted-trying to breath at the same time as swollowing. I havent been able to do this since i was a small baby and as such should not attempt such things as an adult. Just results in vimto coming out of my nose a huge coughing fit and lots of wheezing! Mmm very very bad idea! Xx

reminder memo: inhaling tea is a bad idea

I have a feeling I have a blind spot for this one I keep doing it. Maybe I need a new mug for my tea instead of Edward Monkton ones have ones with a health warning about inhaling tea.

KateMoss profile image

If ever have a pulled / torn/ tweeked muscle again to get it seen to earlier rather than end up in plaster!!!!

PS left a broken arm overnight once before walking up to A&E!!

PPS I must stop being stubborn when it comes to my health other than my Asthma to which I am completely compliant with.........

Wishing you better soon, Kate.

My memo to self today is -

Make sure the the coffee maker's filter is properly clicked into place, before switching on and leaving the kitchen.

Cos if it isn't, one can spend an evening mopping and cleaning coffee grounds from the worktop, cupboard, under the microwave, etc. etc. My DH did all the cleaning, bless him.


I am going to get this into my thick little skull at some point if I don't I am going to end up drowning in my own tea.

Bex- I understand the problem with inhaling tea... I have the same problem when it comes to noodles and wassabi (its tasty, even if a little odd), tends to sting...

another memo to self- DONT send the guitars flying again...

My neurologist says it is connected to my ""random drunk rag doll"" problems and says I could put a thickener in my tea and other drinks but life is just too short.

thats one way to look at it lol. I think i end up doing it from coughing or trying to eat/drink too fast. worst one was when i sneezed while eating noodles, was finding them in strange places for days afterwards

When in a college interview, don't let the course leader try to tell you to change courses. It doesn't go down well when you're tired.

Drinking hot ribeana whilst balancing laptop reading AUK and laughing at Bex inhaling tea... again is a bad idea.

Balancing remainder of hot ribeana on portaneb while recover from inhaling said ribeana and shout husband to help with laptop is an even worse idea....

Don't get so caught up in AsthmaUk forums that you keep neglecting the cuppas so thoughtfully provided by one's other half. Mind you, at least they weren't thrown over the laptop although in saying that, DH had a glint in his eye when I read that one out, Marmite. LOL

When asking husband to put the washing machine on remember he ALSO needs to be told that means not just pushing the on/off button but pressing START as well- lol !

KateMoss profile image

Try to get the birdfood IN the feeder and not onto toes & cast shoe of leg in plaster! I may have sunflowers and millet growing out of the end of my plaster next week!

(I think I managed to get it all oout!)


PS the birds can find their own food or stick to the peanuts!

dont walk in to the bin thats been there for weeks, and certainly don't proceed to boot it in to the guitar

1 winged angel



Sunflowers and millet would be summery. Could start a whole new fashion trend!


Memo to self

Next time I put a carrier bag of cans and bottles for recycling, into the boot of my car, I will not forget its in there when I suggest we take my car when going out later. Travelling the length of the M8 - Glasgow to Edinburgh - to the musical accompaniment of glass and tin is a never to be repeated experience. LOL

GrannyMo- long story short, our flat right now is packed full and the waste bin was by one of my guitars so when i kicked the bin it hit the guitar, luckily it was the bin that cracked or i would have gone mad at myself.


Ah, I've had a flat like that for various reasons too.


GM- can be very frustrating but were getting a bigger place very soon. currently house sitting for my mum and looking after her 2 small dogs, which brings me to...

remember to close the doggie door before opening the rest of the house to dogs with muddy paws

memo to self, never agree to doggysit for my mums spoilt dogs EVER again

Take thumb out of the way before shutting the dish washer.

before making boyfriend laugh hysterically, make sure hes not got a mouthful of bacon butty 1st

When peeling potatoes, don't add fairy liquid to the basin!

Never allow a trailing leg to trail when crossing a high or low stile if taking long term pred.

When at a rugby match in the other teams pub, don't start jumoing up and down shouting ""YESSSS!"" when your team score. It gets u odd looks.

Just because you have a fancy new hoover (that is so much better than the old one !) and are feeling energetic, don't forget to take a break from the cleaning products! A tight chest as a reminder to stop is not the goal - get brain in gear instead!!!

KateMoss profile image

Never lick a metal ice cream scoop after scooping out very cold Mango sorbet!

Took the skin off my top lip in an inch long strip! (Blood & tissues!)


Oh Kate! Oooh ouch and so easily done too. xx

Never let children play in paddling pool in front garden just after grandad has cut grass and scattered grass seed on bald patches before a thunderstorm sends all 6 cold wet children scurrying inside straight upstairs to bedrooms before can stop them carrying most of garden and 4 tons of mud with them.........

Note to self now that paddling pool has hole in it DO NOT be tempted to buy another one...ever!

KateMoss profile image

Oh Marmite! And I thought toddlers & play doh were a bad combination. I hope you don't find any new lawns growing in house!

When the weather is unseasonably warm up here, I must not get the idea that I wish to shop at Newton Mearns Shopping Centre. Glass roof, no blinds, loads of folk = Shopping hell.

Home now. Knackered. Asthma behaved itself all day though.

When the weather is unseasonably warm up here, I must not get the idea that I wish to shop at Newton Mearns Shopping Centre. Glass roof, no blinds, loads of folk = Shopping hell.

Home now. Knackered. Asthma behaved itself all day though.

Those new 'chocolate temptation' Magnum's are just toooo good to have in the house and not eat!! yum! They must without a doubt go on the 'avoid' list when next on pred!

KateMoss profile image

Ensure 100% coverage of all exposed skin when putting on Suncream.

I find SPF 15 is adequate when applied on all exposed skin...... I seem to have missed some bits yesterday, fell asleep in the garden and now have a piebald / friesian cow look! ( light brown & dark brown!) LOL

See my message came up twice. Even more of a reminder not to do it again.


Sitting outside for cuppa, came in, pulling door behind me and left to meet younger daughter for the afternoon.

Husband on sofa, working from home and therefore attached to laptop, phones etc and busy all afternoon, had noticed the cats didn't come through as usual but stayed in the kitchen. At one point our biggest cat came through to mew loudly as if trying to tell husband something. (Claude's a bit of a clipe in our cat world). Hubbie put it down to the cat litter needing changing or feeding time demanded early.

Eventually went through for a cuppa and discovered the open door. Our cats are indoor cats and have never ever gone outside. We reckon they did this time and 'the clipe' was trying to draw attention to the fact. Says a lot for our present cats that they didn't stray out of the garden but sat in the open doorway.

I, out and about with younger daughter, learnt all this via frantic phone call from husband re leaving outside doors open. Before he even got as far as saying the cats were fine, I had an immediate lack of breath, couldn't speak coherently - basically a panic attack. Pushed mobile at daughter. She listened and soothed, while making sure I was ok too.

Back home, I've been checking and rechecking all closing of outer doors today.

PS I'd also somehow taken both sets of front door keys, thus he couldn't lock the front door for security and sit out in the sunshine in the back garden...

So, memo to self is this - to not be in so much of a rush that I don't check stuff.

Check that on removal of ear plugs with that rubber bit on them that the rubber bit is not left in ear when carer come to wash hair.

Bex, that made me giggle. Sorry. 8)

Dropping your inhaler on a underground platform at rush hour is not a good idea! It ended up on the tracks!! Good luck to be travelling with a work colleague who is also asthmatic - remember to carry two in case of repeat case of butter fingers. Unless there is a boomerang type inhaler out there?!? Actually I could have done with a magicall un-loosable one as a kid too - I clearly haven't changed! :)

KateMoss profile image

Lee... have you heard of puffa pouches?

Memo to self............ Garnier Sunkist body lotion turns you into a Carrot!

I thought I would get some stuff that gradually enhances a tan to put on my leg when it escapes the plaster. I tried it on my arms and other leg! Didn't realise it worked that fast! Plus you can see edges and streaks!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh and it is an orange colour would look better on a blond.... I have natural dark brown hair and usually tan a nice brown... not orange brown! I looks an innoculous white when it comes out the bottle!

At least the stuff was half price!

Perhaps I shouldn't be so vain!

OK, when they tell you to bring a mini statement to the Job Center, don't go into town without your bank card. It's stupid.

Also, the National Insurance people are idiots who need hung.

Lil_tinx66 profile image

kate , im reasonably dark haired , i gave the whole build up a natural tan thing with the johsons holiday skin but it was no good forr me either ! however my mum and lil sister are aurburn sp they use a dove one which looks reali nice and it is natural , normall bout £3.99 (ish) - might be worth a try , for when you get that cast off , what have you done to your leg ? may i ask ?


Lil_tinx66 profile image

dont eject disk from laptop whilsts laptop is on your lap, sevier scratching to legs involved ........ ouchhhhhhhhhhhhh !!!!!!!!!

Thanks for the puffa pouch suggestion Kate - just googled them, they look useful and even quite pretty which is novel for an asthma device!!

Hope you are feeling less orange by now and don't have long before your cast comes off!


Lil_tinx66 profile image

turn of caps lock before endlessly trying to log back into site !

why are dads so damn moody - he asked if i had got my phone, i held it upwhilst using it , got shouted at for not speaking ?!! - whats the point ¬!!!!!!!!!!!!

during warm weather wear something on feet in garden treading on a bee and getting stubg when allergic to stings is NOT good.(thankfully didnt do anaphalaxis just needed loads of piriton and nebs gggrrr!!)

don't leave inhaler in work especially when you have gone home for night and don't know where you have left it.luckly had spare at home but when it can take a week to get one from gp leaving 1 elsewhere not good idea.

Do not sit in the sun for 6 hours when on abx that make skin more sensitive to the sun and end up with second degree burns and then complain to everyone who will listen that your still in pain 8 days later!

Yep I'm an idiot!

Lil_tinx66 profile image

do not leave an orange in bag after going shopping and accidently put bag away for along while,

OR for that matter , blame the slightly weird smell in room down to the piles of uni prospectuses and ignore for ages(because they do actually smell quite nasty) .

basically went underbed to get bag out for my trip next week to find a nice green mold coated (skin was fully coated) in bag underbed , had to throw out a nice bag as well , i have als relocated those prospectuses to another room lol

amazingly smell has disappeared now !

oh an clare22 i feel for you , i did a similar thing while on strong antibiotics that make skin sensetive to the sun light ! - luckily my burns werent to bad , your sound nasty

Lee, regarding loosing your inhalers these are better than the pouch things. I've had one for ages now.


I have a sportshaler, and to be honest don't like it. I found it difficult to use, and the mouthpiece too small. I've a puffapouch and find it much better than the sportshaler.

I have a sportshaler, and to be honest don't like it. I found it difficult to use, and the mouthpiece too small. I've a puffapouch and find it much better than the sportshaler.

KateMoss profile image

Close back door, or at least the lounge door before opening front door on a windy day.

Wind blasted through back door and slammed the front door so hard that the glass has cracked all across it! ( Well, I was trying to juggle a delivery man and crutches at the same time!!)

Ooooop! Door now boarded up, very elegant! Thank goodness for wired safety glass, though I still had to vacuum the doormat and wash the net curtain because of tiny slithers of glass.

(This is the second window in two weeks...............Kitchen window was twanged by a drill bit when a kind housing association person tried to put up a new blind)


... looking very sheepish.

Lil_tinx66 profile image

kate a similar thing happened to us once my dad left the back door open and went out the fron , it was a really windy day an the back door swung open inot the garden and fell off its hinges -glass intact!

dad had to do a diy job - he screwed the door onto the frame from outside(of something like that) and covered it until a new one was fitted about a few weeks later our new door opens inwards , therefore it wont fall off again lol !!!!!!!!!

Condensed milk

Just because condensed milk was such a treat when a youngster, do not presume it will taste the same when one is grown. Either my tastes have changed or the recipe has. I'd to crunch down two Ryvita immediately! to stop my stomach arguing the toss. 8(

After making sure everyone big and small, has gardening gloves for weeding, I must remember to put on mine. First plant I reached for was entangled with a nettle. Yikes!!!

Quick application of crushed dandelion leaf and ice helped a lot.

Big foot

Memo to self

Watch where you're putting your feet when steppng across pile of planks that almost fills a room. No good looking towards the door when you should be looking at the floor.

Felt such a fool today, as not only did I lose my footing and sit down heavily on the wood but I'd automatically reached out to find something to steady me and brought heavy worktop resting against the wall, down on my knees. Friend rushed over and moved the worktop, concerned about any damage to me. I was just concerned my hefty sit down had damaged the wooden planks! LOL They were fine, as was the worktop.

Damage only to me - wind knocked out of me for a fair few moments and a red face for being daft.

Helped up, I stepped more carefully to the door then examined my knees. Ok. Not even a scratch. Only damage really, is a slightly bruised feeling to bahumph. Feels like I'm sitting on a rolled up piece of paper in back pocket, 'Cept there is no rolled up piece of paper in my back pocket.

Something tells me I'm going to be stiffen up overnight when asleep, thus sitting down tomorrow will be uncomfy. 8(

But no way am I going to let on to the family about this daft accident and its result or I'll never hear the end of it. LOL

KateMoss profile image

Purple hair dye stains the bath! There was me trying to wash it off the shower curtain and forgot to swill the bath really well.

Also, wash it off head first before getting in the shower / bath! It goes everywhere! LOL!

Well I did want a new style bathroom but not hint of Mulberry!

Lil_tinx66 profile image

kerbs are not for falling down , it really hurts/damages :( =(

make sure to give my cat is tea before my dog or he eats the lot.


When making bread, do not add ingredients or switch on without first checking have not left the mixing paddle for the bread-maker sitting on the worktop instead of on its spindle in the machine.

The result of which can be seen here. (Copy and paste address into browser bar.)


Septemeber + october = Autumn

Do not book anything if Leaves or spores are a trigger to you as you end up cancelling and letting people down and then feeling really bad about it which does not help your asthma any more than the leaves or spores do, it just leaves you feeling worst! And very down and unhappy as you feel unwell!

Remember to buy matches. After another night without any sleep I'm going to need them to keep my eyes open.

Also have to remember to put up a ""Keep Away"" sign, as by morning my temper's going to be even worse than usual.

Remember to go and find my temper when I lose it. ;oD

Plumie, tell me about it. Despite having just got back from an amino break at the RBH lungs are being ultra twitchy. I am also trying to manage on 2.5mg nebs after a small hole was found in my heart and don't really want to become too tachy if I can help it, obviously if the 1st does not hit the spot there I can have another one, it just means longer nebbing.

Pay attention here GrannyMo

No doom and disaster to be perceived in voice when letting my girls know that my biggest cat is being kept in for observation at Pet A & E after falling down the stairs.

Must try to still that little inner voice of worry that heard the Vet on most recent phone update at 5pm, talk about a possible problem at upper spine.

Try to look on bright side as Vet has confirmed no broken bones to feel and no 'blood clot-type' damage as tips of toes still have sensation, indicating good blood flow.


Glad I kept everything sweetness and light as Claude is home and although walking in a drunken fashion is managing to scramble onto the sofa which is more than he could do on Sunday morning.

Memo to self - let everyone know about the good folk at Pet A&E who do a sterling out of hours job for our pets even if it did cost a bit.


remember to check what the chemist has given me.

she said it was the right one and put it in the sealed bag.

yes you know what im going to say(the dopey cow)

wrong one!

Shouting when your team score and record their 1st win of the season and get off the bottom of the table is seriously bad for your lungs.

I can no longer ignore that nagging tooth ache I've had on and off for weeks. So my memo to self is - dentists are ok. Really dentists are ok. Get over your fear and book an appointment - dentists are ok.... Fingers crossed positive thinking will work, do NOT cancell the appointment the day before because you have tricked yoursefl into thinking it will magically go away ... dentists are ok :/

Shouting at cat to get off worktop has less effect on cat than on wheezy lungs...

Sleep is good thing!


If you want a job doing properly ask a woman! I have Hamid daughters BF and OH trying to wall mount my TV, Maddie is with me on the bed whilst 2 grown men wonder want to do cos my TV sticks out a little bit too far at the back, we are wondering how long we can hang before suggesting using a couple of washers. Mads has taken some photos should make for good blogging :)


sounds familiar, you have the wrong men in your life ;) for the practical stuff

OMG they are now using an irish screw driver!

nothing wrong with an irish screwdriver, just as long as they use irish screws !

getting dressed

remember to turn socks inside out before putting them on. Getting ones toes stung by a trapped angry wasp isn't funny,

but you can all laugh if you like ;)


Remember to step over the pc cable when laptop plugged in when getting knees dont like it .

must remember that patio slabs can be very slippery when wet -(have got many bruises and swollen ankle to prove it!!!

Bin Lorry Nightmare

Memo to self. After initial wake up to go to loo, around 6.30 am (I know, too much information) do not then, lie down with i-pod and listen to book till time to get up.

More importantly, do not leave i-pod playing How to Declutter book while thinking of the sofa, one's daughter is going to buy soon.

Of course, I nodded off. Dreamt the recycling folk had come in while I was upstairs and taken away my new sofa as well as the paper sack and cans & bottles box, then thrown it all in their lorry despite me running out in my nightie screaming stop! as the lorry munched it all up.

Woke up with heart thumping, feeling hoarse and short of breath as if I actually had been shouting. Husband, (who is sleeping downstairs so I won't catch his bad cold), then had to convince me that the sofa was still there cos he was sleeping on it. That the whole thing was a dream and hadn't happened. He put the 'bin lorry' crunching noises down to building site over the back that starts work at 7am.

Suggested I creep back to bed for another half hour but this time to leave the earphones off.

Eating a pomegranate anywhere near laptop results in sticky pink dots on keys. Yuck!

Use a proprietary ""colour catcher"" when washing various coloured items together !!-see ""Domestic Doo Doo !

Memo to self. Check the toothpaste tube before picking it up from windowsill. About to take lid off the toothpaste tube when something fell off the side and into the sink. Eek! Almost got a baby earwig on my toothbrush.

Next time I watch a Billy Connelly DVD, place inhalers in hand. Laughed so much at one of his descriptions of something, the eyes were streaming and I almost couldn't get the laugh out for fighting for breath. Never thought laughing so much could bring on a near attack. Flip!

Strong drink

Memo to self - before taking first swig from bottle of juice, read the label.

IKEA Saft Lingon. Miniscule print on dark red label, says - dilute 1 part juice with 6 parts water.

In my defence, comes in a small glass bottle like cola or irn bru.

Memo to self - never wear high heels again.......even for an interview.......falling downstairs is not a good thing!

feejay ,hope you are ok after falling down the stairs,thats all you need as your asthma is bad and

you laid up with nasty cold,

hugs and loves glynis xxxx

Seeing red

Memo to self - Next time you buy a comfy seat, don't buy a red one. That's two chairs bought recently and both taken over by the cats immediately. Today's was literally brought in the door, cover put on, I turned to put something away, turned back and there was a cat snuggled down.L-shape sofa similarly. Only two cats in our family but certain cushions on sofa appear to be pre-booked as the cats look so offended when you sit down.

Remember GM. Next time, its any colour but red.

yaf_user681_23350 profile image

Thats cats! Mine always used to sit in the seat where I wanted to sit, got the evil looks when I moved him, he pooed in my shoe the day I had my driving test, for good luck? I think not! I did pass.

I do miss him and he was such a naughty cat but such a character

Gosh I'd to really dig deep in Off-Topic to find this thread again!

Anyway.. reminding self not to skimp on inhaler routine just cos with one thing and another didn't get to bed till almost 3 a.m. last night and deciding to wait off from taking 'night-time' inhaler dose cos nearly morning, was in hindsight not a good thing as asthma grumpy today. Also I slept in till 10 a.m. and rushed the morning dose i.e. didn't have the required 30 seconds between puffs. Nor did I use the spacer. Didn't take PF either. That's a two reading gap I'm going to have to explain to asthma nurse who no doubt will tell me off.

Must stop getting in shower with glasses on!

I've done that! Then, with shampoo in the eyes, I reach out and put them down somewhere and on coming out to get dried, can't see where I've put them cos being short-sighted, I need my glasses to see. ROFL

Next time I get the notion to clear out a whole room in one day - just forget it. No way is anything going to go back in the cupboard in a tidier way. Guess it'll just be the usual push and shove wee things down the sides.

Also wondering if my kids will ever come back to collect the mountain of soft toys and if I will be forgiven if give away the unknown and un-named ones.

Make sure the lip is on the tomato ketchup before you shake it! Else you end up wearing it!

We still have a slight mark on our kitchen ceiling when my daughter did that very same thing - 15 years ago.

Told DH about your accident, Plumie and he says his big sis did it too. Except in her case she shook it away from her and it landed on him!

Edit: to add comment from my DH

yaf_user681_23350 profile image

Remember when naming things the reasons why!!Made some date and oat flapjacks and named them ""sh*t they're good"", had them for breakfast and now have the squits.

Rattles, if you want to bring some of those flapjacks down to the leisure centre in your home town Sunday morning, everyone except runner number 50 (me) can have them before the run, they'll have the runs for sure LOL! I'll save mine till I finish !

yaf_user681_23350 profile image

They have all gone to a good cause, cub camp, will make up for a lack of fruit n veg. Made 26 profiterols with dark choc sauce for my girls night out last night and they have all gone too!back to the kitchen and think of another yummy pud, perhaps lime cheese cake and that will last five mins too. I'm trying to loose weight and asthma not helping, cooking is about all I'm able to do at mo (bad combo). Would love to run, cycle and swim again my favourite sports and was good at them.

Good luck tomorrow


yaf_user681_23350 profile image

2 hours of ironing is excessive and makes me feel crap, was too ill to bother with it last week. they can go to work/school with crumpled shirts or find the iron and learn how it works.grrrrrrr

KateMoss profile image

Beware of sharp cornered shelf in hospital ward loo / shower when checking how much O2 is in the cylinder before negotiating the shower. Nearly crowned my head! Ouch!

Keep tin of beeswax and helpful DH far apart. Yes we do have a lovely finish on floor of campervan but it's like standing on sheet ice..

GM, your post brought a smile to my face and reminded me of something funny that happened years ago. While working in a house with lovely polished and expensive wood floors, which the cleaner had only just waxed and polished and replaced the rugs in places, down the stairs comes the plumber carrying a bowl of water, weeeeeee rug and he goes sliding one way across the room while the bowl of water up in the air and back where is came from. Very bruised plumber and also a wet one and floor. Both laugh at it now, at the time he landed hard and well could have been quite serious.

Remember ring docs to sort my ears out.

feeling like my head is in a spinner and ears blast out sound in my head,6 months is

long enough and need to give the doc a blinking nudge to get me refured to ENT.

How a nudge in the right direction can help,ive now got my ENT refural so well pleased.

KateMoss profile image

Put the bung back in the Evaporite Air Cooler before refilling it............... result.... a very wet lounge floor!

Glad it is a warm day so everything can dry out!

............ Kate....... cool again!

Dont clean dusty rooms and aggravate asthma when you have just washed your aerochamber an its still wet!

yaf_user681_23350 profile image

Do not under any circumstances stop using the neb.GOT IT!!!!!your lungs are crap and the sooner you realize the better, WAKE UP AND SMELL THE COFFEE

When using nebulisier only put 2 ampules in at a time. 3 ampules and it froths like cremola foam !!!!!

yaf_user681_23350 profile image

Are you trying to have a foam party Gussypoo?xx

Ha ha ha went to foam party in San Antonio Ibiza in my wild days wot a laff it was. Ruined my good kicker shoes very trendy at the time !!!!!!!!

yaf_user681_23350 profile image

Remember them being cool along time ago in a galaxy far far away.......

Ensure all pockets are empty before washing brand new expensive top with other things. Paper tissue goes everywhere. Sellotape to rescue when all that washload is dried.

never just throw all the washing in without checking it-my washing including a couple of black tops and trousers, were covered in fluff as i didnt see the dogs blankets

Dear Airhead,

Never assume you know a better way of doing things - you don't and leads to arguments cos invariably your way takes oodles longer. NB next time don't jump in with the big size tens. Keep schtum.

The wife buying cheap fizzy juice doesn't save money. It taste disgusting and costs more money, due to then buying the good stuff as no one can drink the cheap nasty stuff !!!'

yaf_user681_23350 profile image

could always use it to clean the drains Gussypoo!

Asthma-girl profile image

Never wash aero chamber and volmatic spacer when chest is bad and you need to use your inhalers.

Dont try to drink when your mouth is frozen from dentist it will end up all over you!!

Hill sessions with the running club are NOT a good idea when your asthma is not under control, add to that cold rain = burning lungs! Thank goodness for ventolin, you're my best friend xxx

Dear Self

Next time you go shopping,no matter how small your list - use a trolley! Pre having asthma you always took a trolley knowing the list would grow. So what in heavens possessed you today to pick a basket for what turned out to be three heavy bags of shopping - resulting in the embarrassment of having complete strangers ask if they could carry your shopping for you as they thought you were about to peg out.

To avoid red face in future both from exertion and pure embarassment - take a flipping trolley!!!


you always have me laughing ,hope your holiday was good. xxx

Memo to self: when using peak flow meter blow into it not inhale, it doesnt work. Next time check i've got inhaler in my hand first. duh. Bex, also dont inhale toast believe me it's really painful.

Stop moaning to all and sundry re loss of voice. Just quit it. Ok?

watch where you walk as mash potato is slip""y. ouch!!!!!!

Sorry glynis, I laughed. :(

Forgetting you put a saucer of milk on the floor some hours ago for your cat who only ever takes a sip or two, then remembering by stepping on it is a no-no. :o

Dear self,

Next time fiancé suggests a bike ride on a cold evening politely decline. You know that you lungs don't like cold air (or hot air for that matter) and cycling up very steep hills is a definate no-no until your asthma is better controlled. Next time don't be such an idiot, you WILL end up feeling terrible and will probably end up shaking so much from the vast amount ventolin needed you'll seriously consider investing in a toddler's tippy cup. Having a good asthma day is not a cue to do something daft. I feel such a twit, sigh!

Don't choke and splutter over a mouthful of pakora in local indian restaurant where everybody knows your name.

yaf_user681_23350 profile image

Remember what nightdress to pack when taking my Son into hospital.Packing in a hurry not a good idea!When the lovely doc came round at midnight to talk about Matty's treatment I had to hide behind pillows!

Look in the mirror before going out to collect the car after getting new tyres fitted. Thus you won't forget and go out with adornments in your hair, put there by wee granddaughter an hour or so earlier. Thank goodness I'd removed the huge Xmas tree earring already cos it was hurting my ear.

Love it Granny - they probably just have you down as a complete eccentric!

Memo to self -

Do NOT act upon the prednisolone high - especially just after an admission :(

Even if you are bored to tears!

memo to self

try and think on that if i have to start a course of preds that i should empty the cupboards of everything asap before they kick in as i appear to have eaten everything in site !!!

today i have currently had so far- and i mean soooo far-4toast with choc spread,cereal,4 pieces of vegi bacon with 4 bread, a full pack of home made choc chip cookies, handful of boiled sweets, veg curry and rice, 2pears, 1 orange and 3 large cups of milky coffee- i dont normally eat like this but im starving

Stop getting so het up over what you can't control. As Dad used to say, 'Come down off that ceiling'.

That its not neccessary to eat all your favourite foods in 48hours after arriving home from hossie!!

chell- that made me laugh. nothing like hospital food to make you appreciate what you have in the cupboards!

Memo to self - Even with your cold, get up or the day will be past and the pansies waiting to be planted will have wilted = Money down the drain.

Edit: Planted but don't use that online nursery again as no planting help included in package but loads of leaflets nudging you to order more so can be included in next prize draw for which purchase is necessary.

Have a drink by your side

Eating nacho chips and not having warm drink to hand when one goes down 'sideways' is not a happy experience. Leads to much coughing and a feeling that one is breathing ones last. Empty house too so no-one on hand to pat my back. OK now but throat hurt for ages after. No more nacho chips for me, thanks.

Glad you okay grannymo...

when dunking oreo cookies don't leave them to long or you need a sppon to get them out the bottom of your tea cup

must change text alert on phone - it is called rainforest but everytime it goes off sounds like a toilet being flushed,

memo to husband. You can drink your cuppa all the way to the end if you dont leave the teabag in. hahahahaha.

Try not to laugh when you have a mouthful of digestiive biscuit. Spray that again?

Don't go to supermarket (esp anywhere near cleaning chemicals aisles) when lungs complaining

Don't shave your legs when in a bad mood!

My shower looks like I just massacred somebody!

Never go food shopping when Im hungry......I came back with more chocolate and sweets than in a sweet shop. Im on a junk food ban too!

Dont rabbit.

The ped-knife is meant for taking off dry heel skin not chunks of fresh flesh.

never buy quorn fishless fingers again just to see if they taste like fish - been years and years since ive eaten meat or fish but loved fish fingers but these omg yak yak yak - my teen says they taste like playdough!

remember to not speak thoughts out loud in public places!!

Yucky thing mentioned. Sorry but need this memo to self

Feeling sick? Well, don't ever look again at the photos on webpage relating to open tib & fib fractures. Would've been better to remain completely in the dark as to why your first aid lady almost fainted on that snowy morning of Jan 2001.

Do not drink a can of lilt before getting in the car to drive an hour and a half down the M4/5

On the subject of fizzy drinks.

Don't drink Dr. pepper while watching Billy Connolly.

Spray that again 2 (The Revenge)

on hot day at the beach where sun cream otherwise will be mistaken for a lobster!

Lil_tinx66 profile image

More of memo to lungs than to self :

I no you've felt a little worse for wear in the last few days but ur getting blue inhaler so nows the time to perk up because this isn't happening I'm not being I'll ! I'm seeing take that soon and if u don't perk up soon I'll be cross there is no way ur ruining my Christmas present .

That's it on the mend please we need our energy for the concert ! You no what you've got to do lungs

Much appreciated

Your delightful owner x

do not eat chocolate cake or anything with chocolate when is cold and the humidity is really high

Does chocolate set off your asthma, Celeste? I really feel for you if that is the case, bad enough anyway without not being able to have chocolate!

lil tinx, good luck! I'm still working out the best way of getting my lungs to do what I want but have discovered they are VERY unforgiving! (memo to self: for the millionth time, do not try to run for Tube trains, buses or green lights!!!)

Chocolate generally makes me cough but hey! I can live with that.

memo to self for today - when deciding to move tables in restaurant or coffee shop, TAKE ALL BELONGINGS WITH YOU.

Left husband's jacket with iphone in pocket still hanging over the chair at the first table.* Thus not hard to see how his camera went a-missing on holiday (2008) as he went to order food and yet again I decided to move to a different table.

*PS Ok this time - fortunately hubbie came back and moved his jacket over.

Annista profile image

When allowing adored granddaughter to use my camera or look at pictures on my blackberry, make sure she has washed the remains of her latest snack off her hands FIRST - taking a phone call when the phone is covered in cake isn't funny.

You might be stupidly stubborm and back at work this week despite admissions but that doesn't mean PE is a good lesson to teach you idiot!! Hacking your way around the field trying to get the children to 'move those arms and good long strides' whilst draining an inhaler is not good for anyone to watch you numpty. Professionalism not at it's peak!

Asthma must do something to our brains!

Not a good idea to ignore symptoms & multiple puffs of ventolin not working and carry on in class until you nearly collapse in front of the children.

You've just reminded me of that one Nickynoo. I felt so stupid when I finally regained the power of logical thought after a neb - I hadn't even told anyone it was my asthma!

Yes, breathing does seem to mess with it! I still haven't forgotten back in March thinking, 'oh yes, I get a bit breathless when I walk but I'm sure a 5-mile+ walk with people I don't know and will feel obliged to keep up with will be absolutely fine'.

At least I know that particular piece of idiocy is out of the question now, but it doesn't stop me doing things like deciding I will go to choir as long as I can physically make it to the station upright.

When Wimbledon is on, always take an umbrella when going out, even if it's lovely and sunny when you leave at 8am. Otherwise you come home looking like you took a walking de-tour through the car wash...

lol Ratty I got soaked coming out of supermarket today...was sunny when I went in.

Oven trays when they have been in hot oven tend to be hot and to touch them it is best to use oven gloves...have owie fingers where I forgot this vital piece of information.

Lil_tinx66 profile image

Do not and I repea to myself do not get hand sanitizer gel in open wound ouchie !!!!!!!!!!

Next time change to a new doctor's practice, do it at a time when meds are not running out and the first asthma review is not for another 5 days by which time you will not have any seretide left.

NB I'd asked for proper review of meds as peak flow isn't getting past 320 most days.

OMG GrannyMo, that sounds totally stressful! I hope you manage to get more Seretide in time (is it one of those things that you can buy from the pharmacy in an emergency, as you can with Salbutamol/Terbutaline?) and that the move turns out to be worth it in the end.

Note to self: do NOT open the packets of Haribo sweets meant for the hen do this weekend, even if they do look pretty decanted into a glass serving jar. They also look extremely tempting, and two days is a long time to resist temptation.

Don't think can buy it from pharmacy. Just to add to misery, last night had the beginnings of runny nose cold. Crossing fingers, cold all gone and asthma sorted out by end of next week. Outdoor music concert coming up. Hope the rain stays off.

To add to lil tinx's memo - don't use alcohol hand gel then lick your fingers - yuck!

Don't take your class outside for the afternoon when your chest is already feeling tight! Not a very pleasant hour!

Just because Johnsons Baby Shampoo has a 'no tears' formula, doesn't mean adult shampoos like Aussie won't sting like billy-o.

ouch! when I was little we had a halo thing that you put on your hread to stop the shampoo bubbles getting in your eyes...wish they made them for grown ups!

OH suggested swimming goggles.

now thats not a bad idea...might give that a try this morning in the shower...might have to be snorkel mask! ;)

To add to this: make sure ALL the soap is off your hands before inserting contacts. Not done it recently but have done it and OWWW.

Lil_tinx66 profile image

Don't keep putting of drs visit because take that concert is soon because the day before u end up feeling very poorly and fighting with An automated doctors bookin system X

try not to be jealous of people going to take that concerts!

Lil_tinx66 profile image

Sorry honey mine was a present ! Feeling better this evening and slighty excited honey think of it like this even tho ur not going you will get to hear loads from all of us on here going xx

This might turn out as memo to self if things go a bit pear-shaped at the weekend

Lucky things. Take That. Mmm.

Not quite the same but ticket price was. Neil Diamond concert coming up at Hampden stadium on Saturday. Younger Daughter's idea for her Dad's birthday. I'm torn because would be good to be there with DH but wondering if DD would be better companion. It's not just the concert hours but the walk from wherever they let you park the car - usually cordon off the streets as no parking to about a mile away all round stadium.

Bronchitis and Nellie seems to be treating me as a B&B this week. My best pal has come straight out and said dont to go. Kind of agree. I've even put off seeing my darling grandchildren ages 5mths, 10mths, 4yrs, in case they tire me too much for the weekend.

Don't open dishwasher just as cycle finished and take out older teaspoons. Not being modern stainless steel they really prove that metal conducts heat. Ouch.

Annista profile image

Um, don't step in a puddle when you're wearing sandals. Yuk!

Do not, under any circumstances, go to ooh doctor ever again! A&E if bad enough as it is in the same place, or wait to see your own GP!

Spookymilo, I hope this is a general memo to self and you haven't had another recent encounter! Think I will have a similar memo, though to be fair the first OOH dr was ok, I just felt a bit stupid. But it always seems to be a massive waste of time for me.

wooden decks that need treating get very slippery when wet...and when you walk on them don't do it in flip flops as this leads to soggy bottom!

treat the wooden deck in garden and tehn this wouldn't happen!

Philomela - no another one! To be fair she was very nice, just wouldn't do anything and didn't listen.

Honey you're not having a very good day are you!

Oh no, that almost makes it worse as then you feel bad for being annoyed with them - my nice one was actually good as well, at least. When was this, last night? Hope you're feeling better now, or planning to see GP? Discovered that the OOH I saw last time not only didn't bother to listen, but also to tell me anything useful, such as 'your BP is really low, you might want to have something salty to raise it a bit then you would probably feel better'.

Honey - ouch! I hope no-one was looking...

just a very smug looking cat...have invented a new sport though...deck sliding. It may be the only way I am going to get an olympic medal inventing my own sport.

This afternoon - should have gone with instincts and not bothered but had had loads of ventolin, not sure how many puffs but between 10 and 20 lots of 2 puffs throughout the morning and early afternoon. Actually feeling a little better now, nice shower has helped but still so humid here.

How is this afternoon OOH? Or was it walk-in? I wish we had a walk-in, OOH is such a faff for me it's just another reason not to go. But can see why you did, should have been a sensible thing to do with that much Ventolin needed! Guess the problem is if it works it makes things appear normal by the time you get there and then they don't listen when you try to explain how you felt when you decided to go.

Deck sliding, haha. I can add 'step sliding' to that - on my bum in front of all my colleagues going to Xmas party, down steps from office.

Sorry forgot to explain - surgery was closed for staff training this afternoon which is why I was at OOH at 4.30! Agree with your point about needing so much ventolin - what's the point of having a plan from the GP saying see doctor if needing ventolin more than 2 puffs every 2 hours when they don't do anything when you do go?

I agree that there's little point in having a management plan that states you should see a doctor if your reliever doesn't last as long as usual, or if you need more than a certain amount, unless the management plan also says what the doctor should do about it! This is one of the reasons that I end up presenting late at A&E because if I present early they look at me like I'm a hypochondriac for even being there, even when I explain my history and that I've been told to come in earlier rather than later. Bah!

Today's note-to-self for me is that IV lines are not firmly attached enough to survive sitting on the line. This will not end well.

Sliding in the snow in front of work, breaking tib & fib in the process, was highly embarrassing as couldnt rush away and hide when colleagues rolled up to see what I'd done.

Keep thinking we'll put down decking but thought of sliding has put us off so far.

Hope you're ok all you deck and stair sliders out there. x

This is actually a memo to my step-daughter.


Sorry had to get that out of my system :)


Lil_tinx66 profile image

The sooner I can get into full time work the sooner I can find my own place and hopefully star afresh happier

Remember to take meds in morning to avoid grumpy chest in afternoon!!!!

yaf_user681_32991 profile image

trying to learn zumba it is imperative that you take some ventolin BEFORE you start!

On the other hand, it was FUN!

yaf_user681_32991 profile image

trying to learn zumba it is imperative that you take some ventolin BEFORE you start!

On the other hand, it was FUN!

Wii fit next... but the rest of the family is starting so i can get my breath back!

Geina x

Don't bend down.


It hurts.

don't inhale peas!

'You're not often right but you're wrong again'

Memo to self 1.

Next time, listen to other a half's advice to walk slow and not rush up New St. It's a steep hill at the best of time. Coming to enforced halt with shoulders aching, mega cough, then scrabbling through bag DH has over his shoulder is so not a good look.

Memo to self 2.

RIGHT, YOU. That's the second time inhaler not within easy hand's reach. Carry it in your pocket or around your neck if necessary!

GrannyMo, think I need a permanent 'memo to self' NOT to attempt rushing anywhere or doing crazy things.

Memo to self: maybe you should have asked how much walking was involved in that trip to the warehouse at work BEFORE you said ok to it. A day away from your desk is not worth the consequences of trying to keep up with other people while walking around all morning.

Always give stuff washed on wool programme at least one extra rinse. Presently wearing top that reeks of Ariel. Going to go change as eyes watering.

Sweeping a thick layer of dust off a surface with a dustpan and brush isn't very sensible!

remember not to fall asleep wen fave programme is on...

pack enough meds to go home to mums in wales next time, so dun need to go gp more than i norm do anyways!!

dont use radox in bath :(

When husband asks for directions to cook boil-in-the-bag rice, remember to tell him the rice stays in the bag during cooking. To be fair, I didn't actually say it was that kind of rice. But still..

Tasted lovely though. Maybe I'll do it his way from now on.

Don't drink alcohol with diclofenac - nothing on info to say not to though.

Next time do Xmas & New Year stock up fpr veggie stuff, remember we only have one vegetarian amongst family and friends. Cos after a couple of months, they're fed up looking at the same stuff. Perhaps next year, I won't be throwing out acres of spring rolls and veggie sausages on their use by date, some eight months later.

Lil_tinx66 profile image

Apparently when you order coffee online for your machine your ment to stay in until it arrives ! Sorry I had to go to the doctors It was kind of an emergency!! So delivery rescheduled doesn't show up rescheduled again and then it fails to show phone them it's my fault for leaving the house the first time they will redeliver when they have located the parcel in the meantime I need to stay in And wait for them

Very very very unhappy !!!!!!

Annista profile image

Don't open your fizzy water the minute you get home from the shop. There's no fun at all in unpacking the rest of your shopping wearing a wet top.

Don't forget to take Ventolin with you when going out on such a hot day as yesterday.

actually get up and out of bed, and stay up, when your alarm goes off in the mornings...!!

Even if you think you know when the trains go, check if you have to be somewhere important on time!

Also check where you have to be before you get there.

dont eat pink wafers whilst led in bed...the little wafery bit will cause you to cough, and coughing whilst having a disintergrating wafer biscuit thing in ur mouth will make it very difficult for you to breath, make you go the colour of a smurf and put u of eating the rest of the packet!! note, dont be a lazy bum and eat led down, being a captive patient is no excuse, you just scare the nurses!! x

Lil_tinx66 profile image

There's a reason I used to keep An inhaler in the living room new one on order for downstairs !

Don't keep going to work when ill!

oh no spookymilo :(

Don't try to experiment with how fast you can walk now when lungs have been complaining. Lungs are bottomless pit for blue...still not convinced it works properly for me.

don't forget to turn off the burglar alarm before opening the kitchen door!!!

Dont chuck haribo sweets through the holes in the oxygen mask...itll make u choke if you chuck it to hard!! Fool

Leave the hubby to do the 'spring clean', your lungs don't like the layer of dust that's built up!

Asthma-girl profile image

Don't go to work when lungs are being very stroppy it only ends up with a visit from the men in green, something that happened to me on Friday.... should have known better fool.

Thanks Charlie, on lobbing haribo sweets through oxygen mask. Eating clotted cream fudge at the time and dashed near choked when read your post.


cough, splutter.

Sorry about that grannymo! I certainly learnt my lesson thats for sure! X

before you get on the bus, actually look at what number bus it is, so you dont arrive late! (and thats the best case scenario, as opposed to getting on a bus that goes off in completely the wrong direction and doesnt even go where you need to go)!

coughing and hiccupping at the same time is a bad idea: it makes you throw up.

It might have been a good idea to have my winter coat drycleaned when it was still warm...was freezing today, can't be great for chest.

leaving a load of wet washing in a bag on the floor for 8 days is not a good plan: it stinks, so then you end up having to wash it all over again. but how does one dry washing in a studio with no clothes horse in winter?

also, when you're cold and you get into PJs, its a good idea to put on the bottom half as well!

Dont be happy 95% of the time, 'coz the minute some1/thing upsets you, every1 notices and doesnt stop bugging you! X

Asthma-girl profile image

Do not answer door and accidently leave reliever upstairs when having asthma attack

Never ask for a hot drinnk at 0230am whilst an inmate in costa...nurses dont like it!!!

Asthma-girl profile image

Charlie Warlie,

Why don't you ask for the nurse show you where the kitchen is so you can make your own hot drink

I know where kitchen is, and no way i could walk that far, may be i should ask foq a wheel chair and get her to push me there lmao!

don't try to laugh and play the flute at the same time - whilst simultaneously dealing with a troublesome self-inflicted asthma cough!!!!

no matter how much i am craving a milkybar krushem from KFC ... next time dont give in, the effects afterwards, you will regret!!! argh!!!

Don't have a cupcake with buttercream or Ben & Jerrys frozen yogurt phish food, however nice @ the time also regretted the effects later as lactose intolerant :(

Don't walk behind someone in the street who is smoking. Good job I had my blue with me.

Don't overfill the dishwaher. Turns out mashed potato not only doesn't wash off the spoon that had it originally, but is spread across everything on the top rack.

Lil_tinx66 profile image

Don't think you no best Lauren listen to the advice youve been given !

Had a rough patch I which I was seen at asthma clinic and given a different prevented inhaler as mine wasn't helping me to gain control came away from clinic on a new inhaler doubled dose and told if constant cough continued ect to go back and see a doctor the following week although I was back to great ability I thought I'd be fine and didn't go back this patch carried on for week and a bit ! By the begining of this week felt much bette so started the plan of reducing back to normal dosage prevented and restarting the exercise that's aiding my diet half a stone lost now !! The plan was five minutes wiifit first day additional five minutes each day after so yesterday should of been twenty minutes but I decided I wanted to see if I could push myself to get back into my full exercise so after 45minutes which was the goal for next Tuesday I ended up on the living room floor in a bad way luckily saved by someone finding me flat out on the floor who was able to get my inhaler as yes I stupidly left it in my room because I didn't intend to do so much ! Narrowly escaped a and e !

Lesson learnt follow advice I don't Always know best as now I'm back to square one exhausted. Doubled preventer and no exercise. And still a stone to loose :(

stick to the times in which your constultant tells you to take your medication at night...yes it keeps you awake for a little while longer BUT it also stops your from going splat at 5am!! JA-FOOLEY CHARLIE!!!! lesson learnt me thinks!!! :D

Even if a certain party makes you feel like molocating them, remind yourself that very possibly there are days when they feel the same about you. Unlikely though that may seem.

Hehe GrannyMo, so true. There was someone I used to work with who made me feel like that, though he was so thick-skinned I suspect he never felt the same about me as everything I said went in one ear and out the other (bit like a lot of doctors and hairdressers really!)

I have to say I have never seen or heard the word molocating before but I love it! Can guess at general meaning but what does it mean specifically?

Combination of barbeque, firework and bonfire smoke and cold air not a brilliant idea!

Spookymilo, so true! I went out for bonfire night too, had a good time but let's just say my lungs aren't that happy with me now... Still, I don't care, I had a good evening!

Hope you're feeling a bit better this morning Philomela.

Weirdly I slept brilliantly, better than I have done for ages. I'm wondering whether the fact that I had had several puffs of ventolin throughout the evening was the reason and whether I've actually been partially waking up due to my asthma without really realising.

spookymilo & philomena i'm with you on post-bonfire night suffering but i also had a good night at my friend's party, and i was also controlled by a few puffs of reliever through the night. I also slept really well but i think that's mainly cos i didn't get home till 1.20am so just zonked out when i went to bed haha

Thanks spookymilo, yeah not too bad thanks, haven't needed too much reliever so far (more now) - though I always find it hard to judge, I went for so long without reliever helping that sometimes I just don't take it even if I could do with it because I'm thinking 'just got to put up with this'. Then I feel pleased with myself for not needing reliever all day even though in reality it counts as needing it. Wonder if I will ever get to the mythical 'no more than 2 times a week'...

Hope both of you are doing ok today? Glad you got some sleep. I know what you mean about partially waking but not knowing - I often wake up in the night partially and don't remember it except for a vague feeling of having had a disturbed night. Problem is on those occasions I'm not 'with it' enough to connect the way I feel with taking inhaler.

Yes that's exactly it. When I'm bad I wake right up but when I'm in between I don't become conscious enough to realise I need it. I've been extremely tired and had a feeling of not getting enough sleep all week but hadn't thought that it was asthma related until I slept so well last night.

Not too bad at the moment thanks but been sitting down inside most of the day (working :( ). Also know what you mean about being so used to persistent symptoms that you don't bother using inhaler when you probably should have done.

Asthma nurse told me to go back if I had symptoms after reducing back to 1 puff twice a day of seretide - not sure whether to or not so will see how I get on. He mentioned possibly needing an add on as 2 puffs twice a day is a high dose and I was borderline on that. Unfortunately montelukast didn't work when I tried it in the summer. Still a lot better than I was during hayfever season so can't really complain.

dont try and whistle on inhalation straight after eating salt and vinegar crisp...not only do you choke but the flavouring makes you cough!! fool!!! :D

Don't be eating a roll when someone makes you laugh cos you will choke on it.

Before you lean one arm on the windowsill, the better to reach over and close the window, STOP AND LOOK to see if some water has spilled from the cat's water dish. Cos I didn't look tonight and now have a very wet sleeve.

don't try and do 3 running events within a week - your lungs don't like it!!!

Dnt walk up glastonbury tor and leave your lungs behing when you have clinic two days later...wooops

Don't bend over and clean the bath ... Get boyf to do it cos it hurts ya chest ya y woman! Doah!!

don't attack your knuckle with half a clarinet and make it bleed copiously, minutes before an observed lesson

dont lay to flat with a bulk standard neb machine...lets just say the nebs dont taste all that nice :D

Don't tidy up when you've been ordered to rest in bed!

Annista profile image

When you forget to set your alarm on Sunday night and make yourself late for work on Monday REMEMBER TO SET THE ALARM ON MONDAY NIGHT so you won't be late for work again on Tuesday. How hard can it be?

Annista profile image

When you forget to set your alarm on Sunday night and make yourself late for work on Monday REMEMBER TO SET THE ALARM ON MONDAY NIGHT so you won't be late for work again on Tuesday. How hard can it be?

dont try hoovering and dusting without a mask on when you are allergic to dust :-(

Annista profile image

Hi Pam

I'm allergic to dust and I haven't dusted for years. I just hoover (actually, Dyson) everything - shelves, books, TV, crumbs off kitchen worktop .... Just be careful in the kitchen to make sure there's no water on the worktops and you'll be fine. If you're worried that you'll slurp up small objects like earrings you can put the foot of an old pair of tights over the end of the tube before attaching the brush (or tape it over the top) and it'll catch anything.

ooh i thought i was the only one how good it is to know there is someone else out there. I have just bought a new hoover( a posh expensive one) and i must admit i have been lifting the thing all over to hoover things. I ve done a regime so that i only do one room at a time because I was becoming so ill if I try to do the whole house, today is dusting the bedroom and then hoovering, however i did get tempted by the pc lol, i also started to buy antibacterial wipes so all my dusting is damp dusting it seems to help.

Lil_tinx66 profile image

Plug the iron in before you spend a whole hour ""ironing"" longest ironing session ever !!

yaf_user681_32991 profile image

don't read things guaranteed to make you LOL when even the shallowest breath hurts. owee.

geina x

Lil_tinx66 profile image

Playing on the wii fit and just dance(10 mins each!) in the small gap between the Xmas tree and all the wrapping up things. Ends in disaster! Cellotape dispensers hurt. Enough said

Don't try to run for trains! Even if you catch the train, lungs will not forgive and forget.

Especially don't do it when you have already done it a few days before (I never learn). Or you'll get strange looks from the guy in front when you wheeze putting your coat on the rack. (Or maybe he was just giving me weird looks anyway...).

when you next leave hospital...make sure you have a coat as its blinking cold and cause you to have angry get some very strange looks (good caring people though that helps, and a good job i had my portable neb in my bag otherwise it could of been a trip back round to a and e lol) !! oops

Next time ferrying small pork pie from table at your side to your mouth, try not to drop it in your coffee on the way past. Resultant wave will cover coffee table, over moisten the bit of shortbread you had for later and cause your other half to almost fall off the sofa as laughing so hard.

He did wonder at first why I was carrying an almost full cup of coffee rapidly back to the kitchen whence it came. I fished out the pork pie and set aside. Then rushed back through with the paper towel to mop up the mess. At which point other half cottoned on. Did you just drop your pie in the coffee? Um yes. HAHAHAHAHAHA.

BTW pork pie tasted ok once dried off. Coffee and shortbread were a bit yuck and went out.

Heehee, GrannyMo that's great & sounds like something I'd do.

Memo to self, listen to self proclaimed barometer aka lungs/airbags (which somehow know when it's 4 degrees c or less outside even though still tucked up warm in bed) when waking up & take appropriate action be it go out with scarf over face/dose up on everything ....

dont have a drink beside your bed when you always waking up though the night to use your inhaler, in the middle of the night you dont aim right hence inhaler landing in the drink and trying to fish it out early hours is not good ha ha

still giggling at the pie in the coffee comment earlier ha ha

After forgetting my coat two days ago and realising the temperature change...try and remember a coat and scarf from now on as the constant going in and out of shops really does aggrivate your already stroppy lungs even more!!

Don't hang your washing out if its raining!

yaf_user681_2584 profile image

Don't drink red wine when you know it makes you wheeze and brings you out in a rash :s

Make sure u have phone insurance before u try and find out if the iPhone 4s is water proof !!!!!!

before ypu decide to help your mum put in new furniture, make sure she dusts first or you wont be any help to her at all!!


Stop eating chocolate, it clogs up your lungs and makes you feel sick!

awww spookymilo that's no good :-( Chocolate should be able to cure everything :-(

Just stupidly had an ice cream - even worse! I think it's because chocolate causes you to produce mucus. Sometimes am ok with it but sometimes not and certainly not in the large quantities I sometimes eat! I can never leave chocolate alone if I have some!

Singing lots of very high Christmas carols also not a brilliant idea, especially in a freezing cold church, but was worth it as it was a lovely service.

awww i know singing isn't good when lungs are complaining, i remember having to leave choir practice one day in school (in 6th form) to go and get my inhaler (which i had stupidly left in my locker at the other end of the school!!!)

Anyway these days i rarely do any singing in cold churches - i usually play the flute instead! Strangely i can sometimes control my breathing long enough to actually play whatever hymn then just have a coughing fit after it. The people in my church are well used to me coughing though cos usually on a sunday morning i go running AND swimming before church and depending on how bad the running has affected me will dictate how much i do or don't cough through Mass.

I really enjoy christmas carols too and i *may* be singing in the local asda with the ""churches together"" group on tuesday evening (depends on the timing of something else i've got planned). Hopefully Asda won't be cold LOL (any anyway the inhaler will be in my handbag / pocket)

yaf_user681_5593 profile image

Anti-chocolate people: is dark chocolate okay? do you think it could just be the dairy in it?? I was told as a child not to have dairy as it would be bad for my asthma. But I got allergy tested later in life and it's one of the few things (cocoa and chilli being the other two) that I'm NOT allergic to.

Also singing actually helps my asthma and I do it regularly as a breathing exercise! I realised this as a child when driving back from relatives parties and having had all sorts of things bring on an attack each time. My sister and I would sing along, and although it was hard work, it actually improved my breathing! Now when I do visits to clients houses who smoke, I sing my way home in the car! (although i do anyway)

Lots of laughing at all the stories btw! x

I have dark chocolate, it's the only sort I like - seems to be ok for me!

Singing is supposed to be good for asthma in general, both at the time and long-term (though hard to do if bad). I sing in a choir and tend to arrive SOB and have trouble with the first few notes/warm-up but after that it does improve. I tend to cheat a bit with breathing though as often I can't sustain a phrase all the way through. If really bad it tends to get 'swallowed' - it's like I can't get the breath out to float the note on it.

Had to sing 4(!) concerts with choir recently in a week, not sure how I managed it as I was having a flare-up at the time and really didn't want to take my inhaler in front of the audience. Had some Atrovent before though and that seemed to more or less get me through. Was a bit of a struggle though in the last one as I was a bit SOB and we were singing Lauridsen's O Magnum Mysterium (any singing/choir people on here know that?) which has vveeeerrryyyy looonnnngggg phrases. Was cheating like mad on the breathing.

Next time you start to feel like your going down hill again, get on top of it before the weekend of christmas, that way, you wont feel so misserable when christmas day comes round and your suffering like hell!!

Asthma-girl profile image

Always remember to keep nebuliser with you when lungs are stroppy

Asthmagirl and Charlie Warlie, hope you both feel better now. Xx

Get to the correct part of the platform before the train pulls in, otherwise youll just miss it and nearly collapse into the bargain...

yaf_user681_3150 profile image

At this time I am under asthma nurse's care, but when she says come back in a year, should I use my own judgement if I feel I could do with the nebuliser, for example, or to take an extra seretide in between. It seems to me that more experienced people do so. Comments please - educate me!

yaf_user681_3150 profile image

I love Redbush tea, only it is not a true tea.

when feeling poorly dont put chilli and pepper on your meal and expect to be okay lol

yaf_user681_3150 profile image

Where can I find an elephant washer in Iceland?

note to ones tired brain...when trying to sneak down starid to watch bridesmaides whilst trying to avoid waking up the rest of the house hold, maybe next time iI should:

-not carry 6 pillows, a blanket, neb machine, nebs, phone, phone charger, blanket and book all at once,

- get to the last two steps after miss counting and fall down them, dropping all the above trying

- try to get up and stand on the foot of my all in one pjs and fall back over again, re dropping all of the above,

- turn on the wrong switch for the downstarid light and accidently turn on te upstairs one

- go to make a hot drink, pull the door to and forget that cats can now suddenly open doors and then run upatairs leaving me having to fight with them on the landing to try and get them back into the kitchen

- and finally, waking the cat up so much that when i shut them back in the kitchen they then decide they want to attack the kitchen door as they want to get out...

i apologies now mum if i woke you!!! BUT dont blame me, this is all because of the lungs lol

well one big memo for me to remember lol

Made me laugh, Charlie-Warlie!

i hope you, the neb machine, phone and charger, are all doing ok now, lol!!!


haha made me laugh as well!

Memo to self: when you have a cold, don't blow your nose too hard or you'll make your ears hurt! Ow..

Asthma-girl profile image

Charlie Warlie you also made me laugh

Hope you are OK

Emmajayne75 profile image

Get someone else to take Christmas decorations down as even being in the room results in major coughing fit!

When nose has bled for twenty minutes earlier in the evening, do not then forget some two hours later, and give said nose a hefty blow cos it feels a little blocked up. Cos the blessed thing will start up quicker than you can grab a tissue. PS wear something dark. Saves embarassing comments along the lines of chainsaw massacres etc.

Been a egg head day! Spent ages looking for a lost gold earing sleeper.I have 3 holes in each ear.Looked in the mirror and I had 4 in one ear and 2 in the other Drr! 2 in same hole. Hahaha .Then tonight a long soak in the bath and lots of bubbles and blinking left my watch on.Egg head day or what !!!

Ahh GrannyMo I used to have nosebleeds all the time and was forever doing that sort of thing! Once had one in the college library (luckily not on the books as I think there would then have been a real massacre initiated by the librarian.)

Glynis, I have sometimes been known to wonder why an earring's not going in, then realise I'm trying to put it in the same ear that already has one! Don't know how you got 2 in one hole though...

Grannymo, Hope your nose ok now.God i hate the sight of blood.Should be use to it at work.When gashed my thumb and needed A n E when they looked at it I ended up on the floor out cold. xxx

Sight of own blood is ok but used to be worried by anyone else's. As a young lad, DH cut his fingers badly, (ran his hand along rusted inner sill of a car he was welding). I rushed to help but seeing the gashed fingers, I went all of a tither. His big sister pushed me aside then effortlessly but carefully helped wash and dress his hand. Some girlfriend me, back then.

My memo to self for today - Do not insist on walking up the road to the curry house when its raining like it is tonight. Despite offers of taking the car, I would not be deflected from proving I was FINE NOW, THANKS VERY MUCH and after all its less than five minutes away.

Yeah right. If I'd thought about it sensibly, I'd either have rung for a carry out or taken the car. Rain was tipping it down like there was no tomorrow. Drookit before we walked ten feet. LOL not. Difficult to enjoy one's curry when rain is dripping from your fringe and your jacket which you have carefully hung over the seat next to you (in the vain hope that it dries a bit, huh) is still sopping wet for the walk home.

lol GrannyMo!

My uncle apparently had a habit of hitting his head on things when younger and getting spectacular injuries (didn't seem to do him much harm, he has 3 degrees and a pretty good academic career).

Anyway, one time he'd hit his head, blood pouring out all over the place. Unfortunately it was my grandad who was with him at the hospital and they needed his consent to do anything (my uncle must have been 12ish I think). However, since my grandad fainted at the sight of blood they didn't get very far - every time he looked at it he fainted and since they couldn't get him to come around long enough to sign they couldn't do very much about it! Assume they sorted something, at least cleaning the blood or taking him outside lol.

Just though i would give people a little update post my last memo. Yes i was ok...and to this day, ive not even attempted to sneak down stairs again, god knows what might happen. A and E may be slightly worried if i rocked up there without an asthmatic problem lol

Hmm two earing in one hole, did that not hurt???

Nose bleeds, did you mummy not ever tell you to not pick your nose?? Lol


re pierced ears: i got my ears pierced quite recently, last july (my parents never let me...) and for the first couple of months i had a hole in each ear, and a scab next to each hole. i couldnt find the holes, and then i got mixed up between the scabs and the hole (both red, i suppose...)

Don't take a Neb in the middle of scanning those precious baby pics !!!!

When having a neb in the pub, make sure that people know you're not a drug addict finding a new way to inhale cannabis. The Guardia Civil are not to be messed with...

plasters that call themselves swim-proof almost certainly aren't!!!

Don't leave your main pen drive in a school 20 miles away that you're not going to for another week!!!! Especially when you've spent a good 4-5 hours the previous day getting all the planning up to date!!!

AND when you're being observed teaching on thursday!!!

Oh Jinglfairy was so clever today!!!!

KateMoss profile image

reading glasses are for reading, not walking........... into things! Ouch! Poor knee!

If you're taking an exam and you know your reliever is close to the end, take a spare. Otherwise you'll get SOB halfway through, take a puff and realise all you're getting is air. Oops. Luckily I had some Ventolin out on the table as (poor) backup for the out-puffed Atrovent.

And luckily it wasn't too bad, but my friends were a little concerned over lunch and were asking me if I wanted to go to the walk-in/A&E. Just said I'd go back home and pick up the new one and managed to hold on. But not one to be repeated!

do not sit on inhalers - it hurts, a lot.

Don't trip up stairs on the tube! Not only is it massively embarrassing but even though you might think you've got away with it all day, next day it will come back to bite you. Owwww Shoulder hurts as well as hand where I landed.

And how did I manage to land on both hands but only mess up one side?!

DO NOT spray anti-moth spray in your bedroom when a) you are asthmatic and b) your flatmate is not asthmatic but is sensitive to even standard household sprays! Now my bedroom is freezing (because I had to open the window) and still full of spray (both great for lungs), and she has been coughing.

And we're meant to be having a housewarming tomorrow - I feel horrendously guilty and worry that I have somehow damaged my flatmate (how did it get into her room so quickly with the door closed?). And also a prize idiot. But this stuff is much more toxic than it looks!

What a week. What other stupid things am I going to do?

Not to bend over when taking a Neb !!!!!!! ESP wie bare feet !!!!!!

yaf_user681_2584 profile image

Don't walk to gps ... Even if you are going for a non-asthma related issue, as being health proffessionals they notice when your breathing is sub-optimal and send you to hossie where you end up stuck on ivs! If only I had driven instead of trying to save the environment and walking the half mile!!

B x

Dont think that just because my lungs feel ok, it doesnt mean that I can make a fire in the back garden to burn rubbish!! biggest stroppy moment EVER lol


dont tip your wheelchair over the side of the curb, ending up sprawled in the road. v emvarrassing and v v difficult to put right! ooops!

This isnt a memo, but i had to put it somewhere and i didnt want to start a new post...

...Any way,

I have found the best usage for my nebuliser tubeing...swinging it at the cat as if a ball on string whilst she chases it around having a funny five minutes...much better than nebbing through it lol


Don't forget the effect cooking chilli & resultant fumes have, airbags not amused

Don't underestimate the power of Asthma - Look after yourself when you get a cold and see the doctor at the first sign of trouble rather than stupidly believing all will be fine!

lol Charlie!

Steiffbear, hope you're feeling a bit better now? Was the doctor able to help when you finally turned up?

TJ, hate it when you cook something and the steam/scent gets in lungs. Remember trying to cook in a kitchen where the window didn't open, keeping both doors closed to avoid setting off the smoke alarm...not good. Happily don't live there anymore, but I really don't think right outside the kitchen was necessarily the best place to put the smoke alarm.

Hi Philomela

Yes feeling so much better thank you - its taken 6 weeks to get back to 'almost normal' from my viral cold. I've learnt a lot - mainly as I said, to never underestimate the power of asthma and never assume that it's 'gone!!'. I saw a different doctor who was brilliant and now have the green inhaler and brown morning and evening with the blue as back up when needed. Although i still have the odd bad time on the whole things aren't too bad at all. Also, I have an action plan in place YEY!!! which has included the doc giving me a supply of Pred's just in case i need them and to save time of waiting for an appointment. I'm taking PF readings twice a day and feel so much more in control again - let's just hope I can avoid any more colds.

Next time when trying to wash, dont rush to try ang get out it over and done with because standing on your IV line really hurts and blood and aminophyline goes EVERYWHERE!!! Duh!!! Oh and it results in needing yet another needle being etabled into you!!!x

If it's cold outside and there is snow, and you are sensitive to cold air, exercise and your ribs hurt:

a) Don't keep opening the window to see how deep the snow is.

b) Don't decide now would be a good time to clean the bathroom, which already makes you cough when you go in there.

What an idiot! Also, I was convinced that the registrar was wrong about the mould allergy (she's testing me for it) because I've only been in this house a few months and have had symptoms for longer...but have just remembered that landlords/agents seem to be a bit crap about bathroom ventilation so ALL the places I have lived in since this started have had mould in at least the bathroom! Oops...oh well, maybe it's just the cold air in there that makes me cough.

Oh, and when you're calculating how long your reliever will last, use the max number of puffs per day, not the average, and re-order BEFORE it's likely to run out!

Or just ask for it on repeat. Ventolin better work for the next couple of days or I will be up ****creek without Atrovent!

Lil_tinx66 profile image

When u drop ur hairstraightners do not try to catch them they don't like fingers

Any tips on looking after burnt finger :(

OOWWWWW lil tinx!!!! Keep them cold is all i can think of - ice packs / cold water for AGES!! if it blisters see a dr

Don't rely on EMIS access for your repeat prescriptions - a week later it won't be ready!!!!

Lil_tinx66 profile image

Thanks jinglfairy It burnt straight through my skin Wednesday morning good start my the new job hey! Cold water is amazing still at this point !

yaf_user681_27480 profile image

when walking out the kitchen, must remember not to walk into door frame whilst trying to cut the corner... one sore, swollen, throbbing and most likely broken toe. :( grrrrrrrr

Asthma-girl profile image

Remember to pick up prescription order before you start to get low on Atrovent nebules especially as you are currently using them 4 to 5 times a day

Asthma-girl profile image

Do not open the window to see how fast it is snowing because already stroppy lungs do not like the cold night air.

lol asthmagirl I did that last time it snowed here, not sensible! I hope your lungs aren't throwing too much of a strop.

Asthma-girl profile image

Hi Philomela,

Yeah, lungs still being stroppy hence me being awake at this silly time, I've nebbed and hoping that things will settle down soon so that I can get some sleep.

Hi asthmagirl

That's rubbish :( Hope you get a bit more sleep tonight and lungs start behaving! You need Supernanny for lungs lol.

Lil_tinx66 profile image

When your accident prone take precautions

A suspected broken ankle just over a week into job is not good !

When selling things on ebay, a decimal point in your starting price always helps...

Don't leave your extra layer in the car when going for a walk along the prom in VERY cold weather!!

when using seretide and trying to maintain mouthcare to prevent sore throat and ulcers, dont gargle so hard that it hits your eyes, making you inhale the dentamint stuff. dentamint and lungs dont mix! dentamint and eyes dont either. if there is a next time make sure your friend can drive you to work again! ps thanks Islandmedic for your driving skills today :)

really shouldnt fake sleeping when someone comes to talkto your nurse about find out what they really think of you...nasty no good two faced horrible think you mo it all so and sos i hate you and i hate my life

I'm amazed at how unprofessional the nurses in your costa seem to be! I think they all need to be hauled up and grilled on some course that reminds them they are nurses and are not supposed to be doing any of the stuff they have been!

It was the resp nurse, not my actual nurse! My actual nurses have been pretty reasonable this time!

The resp nurse told me i was hyperventilating and didnt believe i was asthmatic. So i got her to run tests to prove!

One test show mass amout of restriction in my airways that they were shocked with, my oxygen on gas was low and i have mass reduced air entry and wheezing going on...hmmm not asthmatic at all, think she needs a new job and new bed side manor!


chocolate, carpet and power packs mixed make an awful mess, be more aware of where you are leaving your power pack and chocolates. be careful with the carpet, its new (ish) and doesnt belong to you (parents flat that i'm renting at present). carpet cleaner and asthmatic stroppy lungs dont mix. further note - take your inhalers you do not want to end up in Costa del IOM NHS. x ><>

Don't be so taken with all the yummy descriptions on first visit to Domino's Pizza site, that you order more than you generally eat in one sitting but do anyway cos its all so yummy. Gaviscon anyone??

It's not a very good idea to have a tube of hand cream next to the tube of toothpaste first thing in the morning!!!! Tastes horrible!

yaf_user681_27480 profile image

when getting out the car, don't shut your elbow in it when closing. The pins and needles aren't fun that last all day, grrrrrrrrrrrr. Thankfully fading now.

islandmedic why didnt you say! but thanks for fixing the fuses in the car. sorry you got an ouchy. ><> x

Don't have chocolate coffee beans then cupcakes where recipe for 12 includes 300g choc, feeling rather sickly now

Dont take your nebs just before your roast...the shakes will send your peas flying and cause lots of mess!! Ooops xx

Dont try and be a sly nit wit and have a sneaky sip of your tea whilst having back to back nebs...try to breathe in meds and drink doesnt work, the tea goes in the neb and you actually inhale it into your form of aspiration i say...wonder how dangerous it actually is....made me cough though :-(


Oh charlie_wharlie!!!

Not a good thing to do, a bit funny as I can picture it, but not good!

Hope you're ok now & get some sleep.

Take care x

Asthma-girl profile image

Trying to change the TV channel with an I-phone will not work !!!!

note to Spiritedstream: if you are going to be a ""first on scene"" at an RTC at 2am on a country road and then manage to calm the large animal down, remember that after it has pulled you about in its upsetness, you are going to ache! dont sit cross legged 'cause it will make your knees and ankles hurt!

Oh, for heaven's sake, how many times do I need to remind myself of this one? You'd think I'd learn...

DON'T RUN FOR BUSES!! And especially don't do it when you've had a tight chest for days.

(on the other hand, it would be nice if at some point the bus company would get its act together so you don't have 3 buses at once then a 20-min gap, and so the electronic board has the faintest resemblance to which bus turns up).

It is not a good idea to lock yourself into a cubicle in the ladies loo to use your spacer when nobody knows you are there!!!! I did this in the supermarket recently because I worried that someone may call an ambulance because my attacks are rather dramatic. The look on my husband's face when I came out and told him what I had done was not good!!!! I will not do that again in a hurry. What a twit!!!!!

Hope you're ok Pauline!

Note to self: go to the dentist more often than once every 4 years. Big cavity needing filling that I might have avoided. Ugh. Now have lovely 1 hr filling plus cleaning appt to look forward to and dentist told me not to plan anything afterwards as I might feel a bit fragile! (I've never had a filling before and she was very nice about explaining it all. eeeggh.)

Hi Philomena, yes I am ok thanks. Just been having an off few weeks...again! Ran out of spoons yesterday and was well and truly fed up.

My memo to self is that you just cannot put spoons in a bank and get them out later! I had a couch potato day on Thursday cos my lovely husband was taking me out for the day on Friday to the Metrocentre and Newcastle to do some clothes shopping. So I thought have a do nothing day then have a day out and things would be fine. Wrong!!!! I ran out of spoons around mid day and we came home with a pair of trainers and a packet of litter liners for the cats litter box!!!! Funnily enough I did enjoy the change of scenery but was so glad to get home.

Kindle reading light is not designed to be sat on

Oh Gussypoo! I would suspect not. Made me laugh out loud. Hope its recovered. You too.

My MTS today - Not wishing to alert family sitting next door, that mum is taking two Nurofen for a headache she's had all morning but not said, I furtively opened kitchen drawer and hurriedly opened packet to pop out the tablets into my hand. Drink of water, gulp, splutter, cough. Not only had I popped out the tablets but I'd popped out the covering silver paper. By great good fortune, though tablets went all the way down, the silver paper did not and was coughed out to shouts from living room of 'Are you alright Mum!?""

Memo 1 - look down at hand before taking tablets however much of a rush you're in.

Memo 2 - if you're going to splutter and cough your head off, its not going to be a secret any more.

Don't use Dove Original deodorant it makes you sneeze / snuffle - did you not remember why you hadn't used it for such a long time?!? Duh!!!

When venturing down stairs to get a drink and resort to the sofa, yes remembering there is four steps then a HUGE gap and then another eleven is good ( as previously forgot a few and feel down them, some of u may remeber that post) i must also remember that my mums house is old and victorian, resulting in bugs coming through all the nooks and crannys....standing on small slungs is not a nice experince. ..I must remember to wear something on my feet YUK!!


If one time you go to the gym and manage not to feel totally wiped out afterwards, just a little tired but ok, the sensible thing is to stay at that level.

Not to think 'Oh that wasn't too bad, I can take it up a notch' - and then go shopping with my mum. Oops. Feel really really knackered now! All I did was add 5 mins of reasonably slow walking on the treadmill.

Sounds loke you took it one spoon too far!! ;-)

A nice chilled evening is in order then I think?

Take it easy


I think I may have run up a debt of several spoons! Having that 'I'm not sure I really want to sit upright' feeling that reminds me of the beginning of swine flu. Grrr. My own fault though. I think I overdid it after the cons told me symptoms are mostly not from the asthma, decided I could do what I liked...very foolish! Especially given that I'm still a bit sceptical about that - apologies to the prof and his expertise but my body wasn't listening!

KateMoss profile image

Try not to tread in the bird bath..... wet foot!

(Bird bath is a large pot saucer, not one of those things on plinths!)

Finishing off a rather large bar of chocolate at 3:30am will still make you gain weight even if no one else knows that you ate it!!!!!! I blame the steroids.

lol pauline that sounds very much like something i used to have on my corkboard ""dieting under stress"" or something - i'll try and find it later to post

Stop buying items for the garden Julia you will run out of room :)

Asthma-girl profile image

Do not open window at night when the air is very smoky because lungs don't like it.

Colds. Asthma. Exercise. You can't combine all three. Two sort of works, sometimes, depending on how intense any one of them is, but not all three - however mild you think the cold is and however non-intense the class is supposed to be (Body Balance, but it felt more like full-on 'go for the burn').

Ugh. Slipping back into my old lung habits - though think the Symbicort is still helping as suspect otherwise I'd be coughing like mad and fighting off Steve and all his friends and relatives - though it's worse than I've been recently it's nowhere near the worst I've ever been, and the cold is so far not that bad. Yay for Symbicort!

ooops Philomela but i know the feeling - the little angel on one shoulder says don't take the chance but the devil on the other side says go for it you'll be alright. I usually listen to the devil too - and suffer for it later Duh!!

i hope your lungs start behaving themselves again soon xxx

hehe glad to know someone else does! Thing is I'm always being TOLD to exercise, but it gets a little difficult when a Body Balance class which is not really intended to be an intense workout feels like a full-on Military Fitness session...perhaps I should stick to the gym and Pilates for now. The AUK nurse told me to try yoga but that was even worse!

At least the cold doesn't seem to be getting any worse (crossed fingers...) - I'm going to America on Tuesday, I have no time for misbehaving lungs.

I know there was a thread before about Asthma Monopoly, but sometimes it feels more like a never-ending game of Snakes and Ladders.

A decorator I shall never be. Stay away from fillers/gloss paint. Lungs will complain and others mention smokers cough, gosh you react to that

Philomela, snakes and ladders is a very apt description. Body Balance is not as easy as claimed

I seem to remember you saying that before TJ...I should have listened, but thought it would be better than yoga! Can't work out if everyone else was finding it as difficult but I was on the floor gasping at points and getting some odd looks I think. Might have been easier without the cold though.

I hope your lungs have recovered from DIY attempts. Think I'm not destined for that career either, nor as a perfume seller. When lungs are twitchy walking into Boots (to collect prescriptions, a lot of the time...) becomes a minefield!

When deciding to wash your dogs bed, make sure you have at least SOME idea of how it goes back together again or you will spend half an hour wrestling with it and cursing.....phew!

i've never tried body balance, never really fancied it. I enjoy dancing so people told me to try zumba - i wasn't impressed! Well not with the class i went to anyway

When you decide to give your car a very well deserved hoover out on a hot humid day, don't be surprised,when your 5 year old tells you that you look like a tomato!!!

hahaha angelica, sounds like a conversation i had with my piano teacher yesterday. Her 6 year old daughter basically gave a headteacher (not from her school) a lecture about her high schoes for school ""don't you think they're a bit high? Think of health and safety"" hahahaha

I would have loved to see the headteachers face!!!


Annista profile image

THINK before agreeing to go to the Zoo with son, daughter in law and grandchildren. It's a lot of walking. Mostly in full sunshine. 4 coats of factor 50 and I STILL managed to miss a few bits (ouch!), my feet ache and the one I broke is horribly swollen. I need a week's sleep to get over the experience (not going to happen as it's back to work tomorrow). And I had a FABULOUS time! Lots of hugs from my granddaughter and even some from her brother who doesn't do hugs and kisses, and lovely to see him smiling and enthusiastic about the animals, coz he doesn't do smiling and enthusiastic either. Well worth every ache and pain and I'd do it again any day, despite my advice to myself.

Awwww apart from the aches and pains that sounds perfect!!!!!

P.s. Keep,meaning to say that every time I read your signature line it makes me smile! :-)

Don't bash / punch the lane separators at the pool - it'll make your hand hurt!!!

Annista profile image

Thanks, Angelica, it absolutely was perfect! I'm so plesaed you like my signature line - it makes me giggle too, which is pretty much the point! I'm going to find it hard to find something silly enough to replace it when I get tired of it, though.

Jinglefairy, I've done exactly the same thing and you're right, it does hurt!

Asthma-girl profile image

How many times do I have to remind myself of this, do not leave reliever in the car when going to collect a Prescription from doctor's surgery because it worries the staff when you can not breathe and are wheezing then they get a doctor to see you.

Silly Asthmagirl let's hope you do not do this again.

Don't drink the hospital squash - it's full of swwetners, e numbers and additives you can't pronounce that you wouldn't touch with a barge pole at home because you know it will set you off!

Note to self: do not let your preventer run out without noticing.

Results up in surprise attack, your friend calling the little green men and then feeling like an idiot the next day at doctors when gp points out it's empty...

Do not attempt to fill out a form by hand when it's not that long since you had Symbicort. Especially when it says that if it's not legible they won't be able to send you the info.

Though in this day and age I can't believe I'm having to print it out, fill it in by hand, and post with a cheque...hello, ever heard of online banking and online forms which mostly guarantee it will be legible?!

Be more carefull with superglue, as it's quite hard to get bits of plastic off your fingers once glued and involves delicate surgery using a pen knife.

Lol a lot Lou!!! :-D

KateMoss profile image

Oooop, been there with the superglue, It is the cheap stuff that is more runny that is the worse... use hot water and washing up liquid please! Not a pen knife....

Memo to self..... beware when leaving back door open in the evenings, that the slugs don't crawl in.... dozed off on Friday PM in front of TV, woke to fine a very large slug in middle of lounge floor (Lino) I then proceeded to pick up slug on a piece of paper.... flung it out the back door but the trajectory of my fling, flung it over my neighbour's fence! LOL.......

Bit late but just seen that about the slug - ew Sure your neighbour loved that! I really hate slugs, there's something icky about them.

Memo to self: if the GP tells you to stay at home and rest and not rush around doing your usual things and you ignore her, she won't be the one still feeling knackered a week later and waking up at night feeling like it's southern Spain during a heatwave. Oops. But there was lots to be done - am guessing I'm by no means the only person who's done this, but I really thought I wasn't too bad and was getting away with it lol!

Before you rant about how annoying it is that you've left your Kindle on a bus, try checking to see if it's charging... Oops. Egg on face time. I blame the blonde shampoo ;)

Janna123 profile image

If using nail glue for a bit of arts and crafts, wash your hands before typing on a keyboard!

Ouchies :(

Ha, take the mouthpiece cover off the spacer before trying to inhale ventolin through it!

and don't rush to get the phone when it rings, it's not necessary [just had to open word and spellcheck necessary, haha] to cough and wheeze more than you already are, the boss will still be convinced when you say that you're not going in tomorrow either.

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