Diabetes: My DH has diabetes... - Asthma Community ...

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13 Replies

My DH has diabetes - controlled with tablets. Does anyone know if there is a diabetes site or forum similar to our asthma forum?

Plus I've read that Seretide can increase blood pressure and diabetes risk. I'm on seretide 250, my dad developed insulin dependent diabetes in his mid-60s so should I mention this at my next asthma review?

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13 Replies

yes I would mention it as they can test you with a finger pric at the docs.

Should be a sight will help you look xxx your baby pics are so cute xxxxx

EDIT- forgot I had tests for it and had to fast before had the bloods done as well as skin prick and

think urine test ,but was a few years back so think thats what I had done xxx


Hope this helps; there is a members area I think not sure if there is a forum


sent you a web sight like ours xxx

Have you tried Diabetes UK diabetes.org.uk/ in your search for a diabetes forum?

It it worth noting your family history of diabetes at your asthma review, it is hightly unlikely that they will change your medicaton because of it, but they'll probably want to keep more of an eye on things.

Edit: Oops look like I was beaten to it

This is true, pred is bad for it as well. I was recently screened for Diabetes as BMs were high one one admission and was on olanzapine (antipsychotic) and pred.

Now on quetiapine and pred and was screened again, blood sugars were fine, although liver wasnt as good as it could have been

Thanks all. I did look at the site suggested and tried to register. First of all, my chosen user name was rejected as less than 6 letters, then my password was rejected as not a mixture of letters and numbers. Persevered but when they starting asking that I fill in the manadatory items like house address etc. I'm afraid I lost the plot and deleted all.

Looking at the site itself, not quite the friendly place this is, plus couldn't actually find hide nor hair of a forum - its maybe there if you don't mind telling your life history on what appeared to be an unsecure site. NB Address bar for the site has the HTTP crossed out by a red line and some of the links I clicked on, my bad site warning programme stepped in and prevented me going any further. Phew!

Fortunately I came across this friendly site instead -


Forum threads just like AsthmaUK and a generally friendly feel about it. Also quite happy to take any User Name and Password. Yippee!

When asthma is bad, Your blood sugars can be raised as the body responds to stress/ illness by releaasing extra sugar for the body to have re emery to deal with it. Secondly Prednisolone makes the body produce sugar within the body and we all know it can increase our appetite making us consume more sugar.

Diagnosis of diabetes is done by fasting blood sugars or a glucose tolerance test, and not on the finger prick test alone. Hope this helps !!!!!

Thanks Gussy, didn't know that about sugar levels.

Its a funny thing but since asthma first confirmed, I've had to do the running around to see what should be checked and questions to ask at review. My GP and practice nurses never offer real advice and have never suggested regular check on BP, sugar levels or anything unless you push for them. Its AUK material they hand out, but when I mentioned the website, I got a blank look.

Will keep pushing.

Glad to help granny. Hope all goes well

Glad to help granny. Hope all goes well


Edited: most of it cos not needed as such.

Another lot of fasting bloods to be done next week as results were inconclusive last time and medics are a bit puzzled.

General feeling that raised sugar levels due to massive stress over the last six months due in most part to worry over youngest DD and pregnancy. Pre-eclampsia, baby not growing in womb then its heart rate dropping. Born by immediate emergency section, baby is fine in all ways except sicking everywhere and slow to gain weight. On the plus side, meeting and surpassing all developmental milestones but even at 4 months old, still gets mistaken for a new born. Quite funny when folk look in the pram and go ""Aw..they're lovely when they're new. How many weeks?"" And we reply ""Four months"".

Had a chat with asthma nurse at review today. Got quite weepy as I went over all that had been happening over last half year. Particularly as wee grandsons first months are a direct copy of his mum at that age. Brings it all back. Asthma nurse says its like double stress.

I'd say the jury is decidedly out on whether I have diabetes type 2 or not. Blood tests remain inconclusive. I'm going with this way of thinking - while there may be a possibility of developing it in the future, will look to my diet, cut the carbs and try to get some me-time to bring down the stress levels.

Thanks for reading. Sorry its a long post. If you've already lost the will to live, honestly! this is the end of it.


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