Diabetes Chat: Well I know there is... - Asthma Community ...

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Diabetes Chat

295 Replies

Well I know there is more than just me who is diabetic as well as the asthma!

So lets start a thread to chat about ALL things diabetes related too!!

(The steroids started mine so it is kinda linked to the asthma!)

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295 Replies

How appropriate that I should notice this thread.

I was thinking about starting something like this last week.

I've been have the symptoms for around about 4-5 weeks now, I had a random blood sugar last week (keep in mind I was on pred) and my levels were 11.5mmol/L (207), next 2 days they were still 11.4mmol/L (205) . They're still up (between 9-12), but since my fasting blood sugar was alright (upper normal) my GP just recommended dieting (*insert confused here*look I told her I've been loosing weight unintentionally) down to 43 kilos & 156cm (was 47 only a month ago.... and be supervised while I'm on pred + monitor blood sugar levels.

Hopefully all will return to normal soon. I know my friend got diabetes from prednisolone, she went through so much as a kid I just hope I don't get like her. It must be difficult for people to have diabetes and asthma.

Yep it isnt nice as one can set the other off and vice versa so double things to worry about and consider!! Would keep an eye out sthpaw83 as if it is steroid induced your sugar tends to go up a few hours after your pred and if im right your fasting was prob done first thing so may well not show up, i can have a fasting of 7 and a teatime of 20 so keep an eye on things.

Andrea xxx

I've got steroid-induced diabetes/metabolic syndrome too, good to know I'm not alone!

My fasting sugar is usually not too bad, in the 5 - 8 range depending on what I've eaten the night before, but my post-prandial sugars are high. Unfortunately post-prandial highs are the hardest to treat with drugs, well except for the I word but we won't mention that!

If I don't eat, it does creep up gradually throughout the day, after I've had my steroids, but not usually to the degree that it does after food. Not eating is not really a long-term strategy though! I've just been started on metformin as diet alone was not really cutting it, but still getting some highs...

Has anyone else noticed that the thirst when you are high is really like no other on earth? Above about 18 and I am really only not thirsty at the moment that I am drinking! Thankfully it doesn't get that high too often!

Two chronic conditions... pah!

Take care

Em H

Yep Em i was like that b4 the dreaded I but have been so much better since, as for thirst you cant begin to understand it till yu had it can you, its not like any other thirst, and then coz you drink more you pee more and rushing to the loo with bad lungs!!!! yep not a good combination.

Love Andrea xxxx

For sure Andrea, I'm keeping an eye out for this. Of course I'd like to hope it is nothing.

I'm seeing my GP (a different one I feel to uncomfortable going back to the dr who told me to wait 6 months cos I don't want to seem like I'm contradicting her).

My levels started off at 8.0mmol/l (144) after breakfast (marmite on wholemeal bread toasted + one coffee & 2 sugars). After lunch (tested 40mins after) bsl levels were 12.8 (230.4), 2 hrs later 15.6mmol/l. (280.8)

Still hoping it will all turn out to be nothing, couldn't begin to imagine what you guys must go through having to deal with 2 chronic conditions.


Carly - seriously get yourself checked out NOW rather than later with a low carb diet you may be able to get it under control now BUT Ive been told if its steroid caused it can be hard to control!

My sugar levels go up after my steroids and just keep climbing all day!

I was having normal fbs but now even those are above 15!

Todays fbs is 17.3 and I can guarantee they will get higher over the day and if one does drop it wont be below 15mmol!

I got a OneTouch UltraSmart meter + cable free from Lifescan and use that meter mainly as it is PLASMA calibrated (very close to lab results) as most meters are whole blood calibrated and they read upto 12% lower than plasma meters!

Ive tested betweeb the 4 meters I have (all frreebies) but the UltraSmart is by far the best - well worth investing in if you have to buy it - also the cable is good (I got a usb one free) as you can upload ya results and print the graphs off for ya dr /nurse etc!

Soorry lol

Am rambling its so good to know others have this too!

I am dreading my 1st appt on Tues with the DSN (diabetes specialist nurse) as my sugars are still high and rising even with Metformin and gp said if that didnt work than we needed to think about the ""I"" word!

Take care all!

Off to diabetes specialist nurse tomorrow and am petrified!

I've just got back!

Going to increase metformin tablets to 3 a day!

And am going onto Glargine (Lantus) slow release Insulin in 2 weeks time (unless a miracle happens and sugars come down)!

Going to be using an Autopen and insulin cartridges!

Is there any other people on Glargine for the steroid enduced diabetes here ??

Yep been on it for 18mths at first with 2 x daily insulin now 3x with meals and glargine at night. Dont be worried if you put weight on with it major side effect, as if we dont worry bout that alredy with pred. Dont expect miricles as you have to start on the lowest dose first usually 10 units and slowly build up giving yourself a good few days after increasing to see full effects. Autopens fab so easy. Good thing is it doesnt cause hypos as its a slow steady release of insulin over 24hrs.

Good luck


Had a sickly and runs prob with the increased metformin so they changing it to modified/slow release and still planning Glargine for 3rd october (pick stuff up Tuesday for starting 3rd!

Andrea they arent doing basal/bolus yet with me as I dont spike at meals!

(Must have diet sorted lol)

I should take metformin850mgs three times but couldnt cope so dont worry, i went to 850mgs twice a day and ok. But now just on insulin as ascidotic and apparently it increases this.

That might be linked to the lactic acidosis side-efect of metformin!

I just waiting for the slow-release to be delivered to me now!

They wated me to go upto 2gram metformin alongside insulin but think the dose is gonna stay as it is but slow release!

no had respiritory acidosis due to severity of attack and metformin hightens it


The slow release metformin are like horse pills bt I dunna feel as sickly s I did before so hope it continues!

They vary from make to make its trial and error with chemists im afraid hunny xxxx

Andrea the slow release are NOT generic they are Glucophage SR the original as it still patented!

Still suffering a bit bt only had one of em yesterdya and 1st full day of slow releas today!

Update! I think I'm getting somewhere, finally.

So far - after about 2/3 weeks of monitoring my blood sugar levels the trend seems to be that I'll start the morning off with normal bsl between 4-6mmol, no matter what I eat or drink my bsl levels will gradually rise during the day reaching a peak of 14-16mmol/l between 2-3pm, by then they'll start to decrease and 6-7pm will be anything from 5-8mmol/l. Very occasionally what eat for dinner can cause them to be a little higher. Had ice cream after a stir fry (veggies, chicken) and went to bed with a 9.8mmol/l, woke the next day at 3.2mmol/l and was running low all day.

So after getting some advice, being advised to find a doctor that specialises in diabetes andd/or endo doc, i did the next best thing and as a last ditch effort I emailed a diabetes specialist nurse asking about the above symptoms / increased thirsty, going to the toilet, loss of weight...

Would you believe I got a reply same day(today) and have been given permission to call Tues morning to 'discuss an appropriate plan' .

Hopefully now I'll get somewhere with all this and I can get back to my old energetic, healthy, self!

Hope you get somewhere soon!

I know how bad ya can feel!

My sugars still high and feel very cr*p!

Roll on Insulin on 3rd!

Me too wheezer hace stopped iv antibiotics and now reinfected so diabetes kicking off, bms been over 22 all day so knackered thirsty and peeing!!! not good when no puff to run too loo all time :( Diabetes nurse was supposed see me on thurs to up insulin but didnt turn up so have upped it myself aswell as them giving me extra in between so on 8 injections a day now!!!

Love Andrea xxx

Me too wheezer hace stopped iv antibiotics and now reinfected so diabetes kicking off, bms been over 22 all day so knackered thirsty and peeing!!! not good when no puff to run too loo all time :( Diabetes nurse was supposed see me on thurs to up insulin but didnt turn up so have upped it myself aswell as them giving me extra in between so on 8 injections a day now!!!

Love Andrea xxx

Me too wheezer hace stopped iv antibiotics and now reinfected so diabetes kicking off, bms been over 22 all day so knackered thirsty and peeing!!! not good when no puff to run too loo all time :( Diabetes nurse was supposed see me on thurs to up insulin but didnt turn up so have upped it myself aswell as them giving me extra in between so on 8 injections a day now!!!

Love Andrea xxx

Do they still do that blood test that shows levels over long period of time (HBa1C?) a couple of months I think. When mine went high a while ago I was going to ask for one of those to prove that it was just a blib. When I was pregnant and injecting insulin they did them routinely every couple of weeks as it gave a better guide of long term control. Just curious as a few months of injecting insluin nearly drove me mad and if they start threatening aynthing I want to have my arguements well lined up


Yep Bex they do i have one every 3mths, it shows your control over last 2 mths, results not like bms its a percentage and is grouped into good control, poor control and very more control.

If any worries ask its much better evidence.

love Andrea xxx

My HBA1c has proved I have quick onset of diabetes since changing to Betamethasone tabs as HBA1c wasnt to bad !! Yep me not happy about that but BM's are high between 18-ish and 20-someat consistently !! Definitely looking forward to feeling better with the insulin !!

Bex they do mine 2/3 mthly !!

Andrea get well soon hun !!

my hba1c is sometimes ok wheezer my endo doc said if bms constant high with no hypos this can happen because it your control so even though high if constantly high your body thinks thats stable, pants reall that why still need to check bms, steroid induced diabetesis alot stranger than general type 1 or 2. Feel better since upped own insulin since nurse not been and doc didnt want to make the dicision!! isnt that wot tey get paid for?

love and hugs

Andrea xxxx

Andrea my nurses said once got used to it they will tell me how to adjust the dose etc etc

Im hoping that I wont need the meal time one yet !!

Oppps little windy here :-(

New met s/r is better but me windy ;-)

Not sickly or runny thought :-o

Kite coming your way!!!! glad it better for you hunny nothing worse than jelly belly and having to rush to loo when breathless, Dont worry bout insulin hunny i found it a relief as could actually see improvement in stmptoms and like you said once stable and happy you can adjust things yourself.

Love Andrea xxxx

Picked all the stuff up - insulin, pens, needle tips !!

Gotta practice with pen and needle for now start Tues for real when see DSN !!

Having rough time - roll on insulin Tues!

25 1/2 hrs to go now !!

Yes I am counting down the hrs to starting the Insulin !!

Cant feel any worse than I do now !!

How is everyone going with their diabetes?

I had a glucose tolerance test last Monday and got the results on Wednesdaywhen I followed up with the GP. Fasting bsl was 9.7mmol/l, after 1 hr 14.6mmol/l, and 2hr 18.8mmol/l. I checked my bsl when I gothome after the test cos' I was really sick and got 19.8mmol/l that was approx 2 1/2 hrs afterwards.

Anyway the GP said it is diabetes and referred me to an endocrinologist who i saw onSaturday afternoon. I've been in contact with a diabetes nurse and she organised the appointment so I could be seen asap. I think mainly b/c she was concerned that the GP put me on diabex.........

Anyway, the good news it's only a slow onset type 1 diabetes and I don't have to use insulin for the time being since my pancreas is still producing some insulin. The endo put me on diamicron 30mg to begin with, said it would help stimulate my pancreas to produce more insulin. Bad news it wont last for long he said and I'd eventually have to start using insulin....

Ahh well, I'm just happy that soon I'll start feeling better again!!!

Well I am onto day 4 insulin - pah and I hate needles bad :-(

Its not as bad as ya think but am still waiting for any effects :-o

Where do you get rid of your sharps bins folks as mines getting due for changing!

Wheezer it varys from one part of country to another. I take our sharps bin to the gp and the receptionist just swaps it for empty one. There was a 'chat' about this on one of the sub cut threads if thats any help

julie x

Donna you get new ones on prescription from your GP and get them from pharmacy and you take your full ones to your GP for them to dispose. These are the things you need to know but the never tell you till you ask

Love Andrea xx

Hi guys,

I had a fasting blood sugar test this morning as the doc suggested it.

I am terrified of the results and I wont get them till Thursday.

I dont know how to handle this and feel like I am going to fall apart at any moment.

I am desperate for any advise and what further tests that might go ahead on this one

Please help

A very unhappy lonely lady

Giggles xx

Arniemouse profile image

Sharps bins supplied and chaged by local council here so ask gp practice cause it is very variable


After reading Wheezyab (Andrea) post I called chemist and shes right !!

Get it on script from gp - get new box from chemist and OLD box goes to gp when picking up new script!


DSN is calling today to check how I am going on !!

Giggles - Hun when you have the results you will either be relieved or getting the treatment that will make you feel better!

I was only diagnosed beginning of August and it moved very quickly from tabs to Insulin for me!

Hi wheezer,

Thanks for your reply I think im having the fear of the unknown and dont know which way to turn.

Feeling not so worried today I told my mum and she gave me some advice to worry when it happens and not before.

So fingers crossed I'll be fine.

Giggles xx

looks like im lucky that my docs bypass the needing the new scipt for bins and just swap them over, maybe cos we get through bins quickly as i diabetic and sean needs bin for s/c sharps.

glad u got it sorted donna

My DSN has just phoned.

We are upping my Insulin (glargine) as FBG' are way too high and lowering my Glucophage (metfromin s/r) as I cant stomach the three tablets.

Also shes going to speak to lead DSN as to whether I need to see a specialist or not.

I'm fed-up of feeling ill.

22u and counting !!

DONT WANT TO BE DIABETIC ANY MORE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Had enough now, chest bad enough without this kicking off now, but i know both go hand in hand! cons said steroid induced diabetes needing insulin is hard to treat!!

Sugars going from 20 to 3 in a couple of hours not nice!! then had fits this morning due to blood sugars being so low!!!! had to have iv doxtrose but only up for a bit then plummetted again, so left feeling tired and weery

Oh well

Love Andrea xxx

Andrea, that sucks, sorry to hear you're having such a bad time with it! It is enough to have to deal with the asthma itself without all the other things that come with it!

I'm lucky in that at the moment my steroid-induced diabetes seems to be relatively well controlled with metformin only, just the occasional high after eating but generally it's okay - hope it stays that way!

When I was in costa they woke me at 5am one morning to do my sugar and found that it was 4.1, and insisted that I was having a hypo (metformin of course is not supposed to give you hypos) - I didn't think 4.1 was all that bad and it probably had more to do with the fact that I hadn't eaten anything for a couple of days. I felt okay with it and just wanted to be left alone to sleep but of course the more grumpily I protested the more they thought I was acting irrationally because I was low! (think grumpiness when woken at 5am and jabbed with a needle is actually quite rational but never mind!) Eventually gave in and drank some horrid sickly sweet lucozade to shut them up and ended up going high later on!

Great fun isn't it... glad I'm not on insulin as that sounds a million times worse!

Hope things stabilize soon

Take care

Em H

Andrea, I know the ""I dont want this"" anymore feeling.

In 3 wks I gone from 10u to 28u and to put it politely it I am sick of it already. Now look likes I gotta go basal/bolus. P'ah

Off to hibernate - Fraggle Rock here I come!

P'ah lead DSN has upped my Lantus and wants me on rapid acting as well in a couple of weeks once Lantus is at my optimal level!

Basically shes says I have a very high level insulin resistance and produce very little if any insulin myself - great hey!

Can I scream ??


Still trying to give away my diabetes any offers!!!!!!!!!!

back to square one on lowest dose insulin and slowly building u so bms through the roof again, but would rather have effects of that than the fits with nasty hypos without waning


Help please!


I'm not diabetic, but I think you might be just the chaps to help me!

I need to find some sort of carry case that will carry 2 vials of hydrocortisone, and needles and syringes, but also fit in an epipen (one would do, but two preferably) and an inhaler, but without being too bulky.


At the moment I have a minibag from yellowcross.org.uk which carries one epipen and two inhalers, but it wouldn't be secure enough to stop the glass vials snapping or the syringes breaking.

It doesn't need to be insulated.

Any suggestions?


Your in luck hunny just got new diabetes uk mag delivered today, havent got one of these myself but am very tempted. WWW.desang.net

They do 2 sizes and different material so prices vary, £19.99 to £54.99

hope this helps, let me know

love Andreaxxx

I haven't posted here for a long time.

I was diagnosed w/type 1 diabetes not long ago...

Guess the pred had it's advantages at the time because when I was in hospital with the diabetes the doctor seems to think the it was caught early because of the pred...

I take lantus in the morning now, only 3 units but it works well and w/o it my bsl increase (above 20mmol/l). Highest they got was 24.4mmol/l, that was when I had to go to hosp the first time. Stayed for 4 days, was in hosp with diabetes last week too (2nd time) + the endo increased the lantus from 2 - 3 units.

I'm confident in saying w/the lantus I probably have better blood suagar control than a person w/o diabetes!!!

Been having trouble today though - w/the asthma and increasing bsl (have a scratchy/sore throat so think it might be a cold starting...)


Sorry aint been around but between diabetes/asthma/house guest I been kept on toes!

Increasing Lantus to 32u aint really done alot but is showing signs of movement as had ONE fbg of 7.9mmol!

But it will probably be increased again wednesday when I also find out what rapid acting insulin and plan is going to be!

I just wish I could get control quicker!


Donna, im really pleased you have seen a small improvement and i hope it is a sign of things to come cos it sounds like u been going through a real nightmare.

I've got 3 month review tommorow with diabetic nurse but im not expecting things to be great. Im on metformin 500 three times a day but levels are creeping higher and higher, last time i went nurse threatened other drugs or insulin if no improvement in hba1c test. I know it sounds silly cos health more important but i really dont want the extra drugs and ive read most of them cause weight gain and ive got a huge prob with weight as it is. Oh well i'll post tomo once i been apt.

julie x

Good Luck Julie

good luck julie let us know how you get on

Donna some improvements better than none, althoughtakes a while to physically feel benefits as your body gets so used to coping with high sugars.

My diabetes out the window!!! gone from over 100units day to 30 as washave nasty hypos, now bricanyl sub cut back on an eating and drinking better sugars gone so to pot not had one below 25 snce thursday, docs wont increase insulin witout dsn say so and she didnt turn up friday or 2day so docs left nasty answer machine message for urgent review tom, weeing every 15mins which not good when lungs still so unhappy. and me not happy as having extra insulin s now having some every 2hrs!!!!

oh well things can only get better

love Andrea xxx

Im dreading my DSN appt as sugars sky rocketed today and I aint done ought about them - stress caused it but how do you get levels down without rapid - roll on the new regime Ive had it upto here today!

Get well soon Andrea and shoot DSN if they ever turn up!

DSN did turn up but was one i hadnt seen before from hospital were mearging with and frankly dont want to see her again!!! very patronising and stouted at staff for not checking me for ketones and for not pressuring docs sooner!!!! and then had the cheak to ask if my juice was sugar free!!!!


Well im not sure if today was a good apt or not, i've managed to avoid insulin as my blood pressure was so high we ended up talking bout the bp tabs she was starting me on. Apparently my hba1c has gone up again and fasting sugars are 12 so things arent really heading in right direction. I was pleased i had got away with the insulin but now im thinking im 34 with uncontrolled diabetes and very high bp needing meds with a massive weight prob i'm like a blasted advert for heart disease! So when i go back in 2 weeks for bp check ill address the sugars and insulin properly cos at end of the day it doesnt matter to the nurse if i become very ill and the o ly person im fooling by ignoring it is me.

julie x

I guess I am lucky Andrea both the DSN and lead DSN at the local hossie in town (cottage type) are loverly!

In fact Ive known the lead DSN in other manners for many years!

I'm nervous obviously but cinfident my team wouldnt be moving so fast unless it was warranted but h*** it is still scary!

Andrea/Julie good luck to you both!

Wanted to let ya know how it went after my appointment today with the diabetes specialist nurse (DSN).

Cause of my fasting blood sugars being too high the doseage of my long acting insulin (Lantus) has gone up again now 38units - I was only on 10units when I started.

They have deicided to put back the rapid acting insuling being started till my FBG is ""STABLE at good level"" - great I get to feel crap even longer.

Plus sugars are all over place due to a stinking cold I've caught.

Last week I was told I didnt need a specialist consultant apparently a referral has been put in to a specialist now.

Because my current injection pens only go upto 42units I've been given 2x Opticlik pens to play with that go upto 80units (they think I will need BIG dose great hey).

But I prefer the new pens so am planning on getting the new cartridge systems prescribed as its the same drug anyway.

And I am ever so VERY annoyed that my gp has gone behind my back again without even contacting me over referral - she just did it regardless - and she knows I wont take things being done behind my back so we will have words when I see her.

Sorry your feeling pants still donna, its unfortunate for us these things cant be rushed, insulin is such a tricky drug they have to hold off longer than with other things, its just frustrating for us that they say there gonnado something you get your hopes up only for them to change their minds!! i was admitted 5 times with sugars over 40 on iv insulin for a few days talk of insulin but discharged just on pills!! eventually admitted under different doc who started it!!! took over 12mths on lanctus and metformin before novomix 2 daily then now lanctus and novorapid 3 times day, but even then its took a good 6mths to get right and fel ant better, then when your il and stop eating it has too be reduced and then slowly built up!!! i gone from over 100units a day to 30 and now sugars over 20 for a week!! sick of peeing every 10mins especially with stroppy lungs!! oh well cons round tom and dsn hopefully nice one!!!!

off to pee again!!

love andrea xxx

Hi Andrea

I am sick of not sleeping either causa chest or from getting up to pee!

Went to see GP today and she script stuff for new pens and said no problem start today!

And I am pleased I did as the injection didnt hurt abit like the Autopen24 did with me!

And its the lead DSN that asked for the referral not me gp so thats good - means gp did listen to me last time - she did tell the nurse to call me but nurse obviously didnt!

It winds me up that these people think we have no rights to be informed of decisions before they go ahead and doo something!

Sorry its a pet hate of mine!

Andrea good luck when Drs see ya and hope they do something!

Gonna go hide for now as still fed-up with it all!

And stupid cold is causing havoc chest and sigar wise!

Yehhhhh emailed 2 companies whose needles are recommended for the pens and they sending me samples put so I can get it right for me!

Donna which companies you been in touch with?

Nice DSN been today upped by 10units day again, sugars still highteens to twentys, so still peeing past myself, said needs increasing again over weekend but fat chance of that with only oncall docs!!

Oh well off to pee again!!!!!

Love Andrea xxx

I tried the 2 recommend makers of needles for my new pens.

I'll try find the links tomorrow again as I didnt bookmark them!


This firm passed my email onto their UK people - Ypsomed

And the other firm was - BD

I emailed them saying I had to change my injection pens and that I was recommended their needles by a friend and could I try some before they were prescribed by GP

Most companies will send samples - as when they get them prescribed by a GP they get enough money back - thats why most neter people also give meters away free - as the strips and lancets make them more money

These are my new pens Andrea:


Thanks Donna, ive had many meters over tha years but other than first one got from hosp when first diiagnosed have bought the rest myself. At mo got accucheck compact plus ahich i like as all in one including lancet and the strips are a drum of17 wwhich come out automatically so you dont have to fiddle with a strip each time which is handing when not much eeling in fingertips and bricanyl shakes!!!!

Hope you start too feel better soon

Andrea xx


just for a while please, just as my chest get in a somewhat stable mind my sugars go through the roof! cant win and prob is when gets so high it kick my chest off, so am now on hourly bms andinsulin acording, back to back nebs for a while and banned from walking the loo, ( back to connie commode god i hate her, but at least in a room so not embaressing!!!

Said to be reviewed by oncall team later gases bog off!!!!! bad enough when trying get em when chest really bad, and review by on call cons over the weekend FAT CHANCE.


love andrea xxx


I mainly use two meters - One Touch Ultra Smart + cable and software for pc OR an Ascensia Breeze that uses discs of 10 strips (no coding either).

Hope things become more stable soon!


Ta donna, still pants!!!

chicken salad for tea and an apple and sugar 26!!!!!!!!! whats that about, blooming feeling it too!! so heres too another nite of peeing, drinking sweating and wheezing oh along with 1 hrly bms and insulin!!! role on mon when dsn ups it again, may ask to nip to clinic see diabetic cons as missed appt theother week ans shesmore likely to up drasticallly, will get hba1c checked while there things me. who needs doc and nurses sort meself out!

at least can laugh now

andrea xx

ps where did you get your meters from donna?


I emailed the companies kist after I was diagnosed saying is it at all possible for me to try a meter and low and behold FOUR turn up lol

I use my One TOuch Ultra Smart (got cabled and software free too)

I also use the Ascensia Breeze too

Ad have an Accu-chek Aviva (BUT cant use it as it has rubber grips)

And also have a Truetrack meter as a spare

Best of it is with my GP she will script anything I ask for in strips etc

Andrea do u have urinanaylisis Ketostix - I was given them to check for ketones with readings being so high - have to use em once a week if meter tells me to check Ketones - only ever had traces luckily so far but wonder how long that will last

Now get this my GP is worried how QUICK I am losing weight - its not good apparently when its drastic weight loss (nearly 2 stone now in 3mths since being diagnosed!)

Sorry Andrea tog o on but least ya understand what me says lol

((((((((((((((Hugs Andrea)))))))))))))))))))

ANd cyber doggie kisses cause darn dog is attacking me and kissing me so I sharing them lol


Managed to avoid an iv sliding scale by the skin of my teeth and smiling through feeling so rough!!! but dont know how long it can last, if can get through tonite and demand to see diabetic cons tom!! as soon as she knows how bad sugars are she will see me its jut getting tha info to her!!! my have to go down to outpatients myself and hover!!! bloos checked anyway so see what they show? bms still high despite incresing all four doses yest so will have to up again tom.

sorry moaning again!!

off to pee

Andrea xxx

Blooming sugar 24 at 2am? when not eaten since 5pm? my body doingsome strange things!!! nice nite nurse just made me a cuppa then stabed me with extra insulin:( managed to persuade her not too call doc!! been handed over to her to pass on to ward manager in morn to sort out seeing diabetic cons tom, know she will do all in her power andmore, if dont see will be down to doc s not here, prob my luck lately cons will be off!!!!!

off to pee agaain

love andrea xxx

ps hows it going Donna, have emailed re new meter, fingers crossed xxx

Me again!!!

Diabetic cons coming to see me on the ward this pm so fingers crossed!! know nothing she can do will have immediate effect but knowing shes aware how bad things getting means so much.

andrea xxx

Me again!!!

Diabetic cons coming to see me on the ward this pm so fingers crossed!! know nothing she can do will have immediate effect but knowing shes aware how bad things getting means so much.

andrea xxx

She came , she saw, she went and was very unhappy bless her!!

has upped insulin dramatically and wants dsn to see me tommorrow andif no improvemet to either up again or go on iv till controlled. ok so hows it going? pants sugars even worse 2nite and really strugglinh with the effects. at to try wait and see dsn who will be speaking to cons tom but nurses have other ideas!!! am checking agan at 11.30 and if no better she ringing on call re putting up iv 2nite. to tell the truth am past caing now as feel so poorly wth it. Have had a few highs before but neverfelt so poorly with it, but at least before it came down inbetween giving my body abit of a rest!!

well guess where off to pee again!!!

fingers crossed

andrea xxxxxxxxxx

couldnt escape it anymore!!! iv insulin up and running :( but heres to hopefully feeling abit more human in a few hours.andrea xxx

couldnt escape it anymore!!! iv insulin up and running :( but heres to hopefully feeling abit more human in a few hours.andrea xxx

Good luck Andrea

(((((((((((((Andrea)))))))))))))) Aww honey, sorry to hear that you're back on IVs, but maybe you'll begin to feel a bit better and the diabetes can get under control again. Thinking of you honey.




(((((((((((((Andrea)))))))))))))) Aww honey, sorry to hear that you're back on IVs, but maybe you'll begin to feel a bit better and the diabetes can get under control again. Thinking of you honey.




My insulin (lantus) has been put upto 44units today

but FBG's are between 6.9 and 9.7mmol but night

BG is still well over 20mmol!

Things looking up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

sugars been stable on iv insulin for past 12hrs ( but pred not kicked in and not yet eaten! ) so hopefully change back to subcut 2day and if ok maybe hometom if diabetic cons agrees! thats if dsn comes today to sort out!!!

anyway at least feeling a bit more human with sugars lower. Hba1c not good thouh, highest ever been!! oh well

andrea xxx

Iv insulin down at tea!! yipeeeeeeeeee after much flashing of the eyes and tears of i need to get home while chest stablish!!! Insulin upped a fair amount but sugars still in double figures but better and ketones less or none!!!! so if ok tom and ring every few days to sort out doses!!

fingers crossed

andrea xxx

Good Job Andrea

Take care

Sugars dont like vomiting do they!! :(

andrea xxx

Nope they dont Andrea!

When I was sick they dropped then because of liver dumping glucose to boost them they sky rocketed!

sugars still up since can home. dsn increased insulin, then had a bad hypo of 1.2 the other nite let me feeling pretty wrecked :( went GP for check up lucky she diabetes specialist too!! got to check sugars every 2hrs!! and check wee for ketones if over 15!! and said any if neg or a trace ok if any plus neb to see doc? 2nite chest been bit funny and sputum more now sugars up and wee isnt a trace but not quite a plus so dont know what to do? cant get to on call centre as mum had drink bless her needs it!! plus if went would listen to me chest send me to hosp and once in there never get out!!

sorry to moan youd think after years id be ok with my diabetes but im not!!

love Andrea xxx

Andrea in costa


Just thought I'd let you know andrea went to hospital last night with her diabetes. I thought she'd be posting herself by now thats why I've not said anything but shes yet to make an appearance. I have text her as of yet shes not replied but I'll try and keep everyone upto date.

Tks xxxx

cheers TKS

got consultant appt on 14th Dec...

will find out monday what extra treatment I may get on monday AM when I call lead DSN...

Andrea Take care hun...

Donna to my knowledge the dsn can only advice and increase medication once initiated bt a cons? and thats only if they done nurse prescribing course, this is prob why it seems to you nothing is being done, but they are just thrashing ideas at you to prepare you.

hope all goes well

Andrea xxx

Its my DSN team that got my Insulin prescribed and altered my Metformin tablets - so I dont know it seems they can dictate what treatment I get.

But now I am getting complications even GP says they need to higher treatment level - GP doesnt want to do it without DSN's say so - DSN's wont do it without cons advice/permission.

The Diabetes UK helpline (I am a member) say given my medical history and the readings and problems I am having that they would recommend further treatment in form of basal bolus regime to combat the sugars constantly rising all day till they peak over 21mmol EVERY night.

THe lead DSN was aking the cons if they could add in something further to the Lantus as it clearly isnt enough for me but I dont know what or if he ok'd something till tomorrow morning now!

Just thought I would let ya all know what the lead DSN has said today!

After speaking to the cons on friday about me the consultant has told her as an interim measure till I see him to add in Novorapid (Flexpen) at tea-time!

I'm going to be picking the prescription up tomorrow and am going to see lead DSN at 11am tomorrow also so she can talk me through it!

I am just so relieved!

But he also told the DSN that he thinks either mixed insulin twice a day or basal/bolus will be the way to go!

Also when I goto the appt next week I am actually seeing the consultant NOT one of his juniors!

Am so glad your getting somewhere at last Donna sounds like your so relieved. Thats what i started on glargine at nite and novomix 30 am and tea, cant remember which way round but 39 and 70% one part is rapid acting on what you eat the other part morelonger acting.

good luck



Yep am kinda happy but still very scared too - does that sound daft!

Relieved also that transport has once again been approved (apparently if I had a hypo and passed out as I am not aware of them then that causes loss of dignity) which is one the items on the privatised people things to qualify you for it!

Lead DSN will tell me more tomorrow BUT I managed to get it (Novorapid - Insulin Aspart) picked up tonight as it was done for me!

Was so relieved when I got back I sat down to watch someat and passed out from tiredness for 2 hrs - mum couldnt believe it - as I sat down and just went fast a sleep!

Still would be if the dog hadnt licked my face!

Hope u doing a little better Andred?

Am so tired - busy busy morning!

I start my rapid acting Insulin at teatime today!

Been warned I will have eyesight probs for a while as they need to titrate the dose upwards - then when got dose needed it will be 6 to 8 weeks before it settles!

So been told to avoid cross-stitch or straining eyes - I am fed-up!

But otherwise am OK!

Very wheezy as when went to appt they were having new floors done using a ""LATEX"" floor mixture - me is allergic badly to it!

Got my appt done sooner though and they let me out a back way so didnt have to walk through it again!

Donna hows it going with rapid acting insulin? is it just at tea time for the mo?

love Andrea xx

Yep it is Andrea.

Ive only gone onto 2units to start and didnt do anything at tea time last night at all!

Lead DSN is calling me tomorrow to check how I am doing with it!

But it seems weird to add such a small amount at tea-tme given it wears off so quick - 3 to 5 hrs.

It's not exactly going to anything about night time highs!

Oh well will see what tomorrows phone call brings!

How u doing?

t should bring ur nite time ones down when on a decent dose, i havefour times a day and depending on which what pre meal bms are when high you up the one b4, so if am up you up pm dose if midday up you up am dose for tea highs you up dinnertime etc. Cant understand 2units when in hosp as a rapid acting you ge 6units if over 15? Mine been increased yet again!!!! been waiting since last mon 2 see dsn while in hosp finally came today after badgering from nurses and i was asleep! sods law.

hope you get on ok with cons

Andrea xx

To be honest Andrea until tomorrows phonecall I aint sure why they using such a bay amount!

To be honest I think they are fobbing me off until I see consultant a week tomorrow!

Pity its me and not someone who will lie down and take this treatment!


Sorry Donna, the only trouble i had was getting started was in a few times with highs and ketones and gen unwell and was put off because of effects of insulin like weight gain, but eventually they saw sense, so hopefully once you see cons you will get somewhere.

chin up in the meantime


Sorry Andrea

I am just sick of not sleeping now and its all getting to me because of it!

If I was getting sleep I'd be able to do with this more!

Its so frustrating isnt it hunny, if your chest not keeping you up your up all nite peeing due to your body needing to get rid of execess sugar!!!! its utter pants, try running for the loo when your lungs stroppy it doesnt work. I really cant understand why hey put u on such a piddly dose its like temptation isnt it?

chin up and give the cons hell

untill then sorry but its no sleep, lots of drinking and peeing

love andrea xxx

Well after chasing yet another MISSED phonecall yesterday I have a regime for weeked!

Went to 4 units as tea last night and IF ok and fbg isnt too LOW then goto 6 sunday then I call lead DSN monday!

But shes told me it can go up 2 units every 2 or 3 days till it kicks in!

But with some brill advice from Dabetes UK - I am going to be asking for basal/bolus on thurs and not taking NO for an answer!

Ive also just received more samples of needles this time Novofine for the flexpen as non of mine work right with them either too lose or leaky!

Got a couple issues of Balance to read while waiting for my Diabetes UK welcome pack!

So am gonna light an ""indian massage"" scented oil candle and go veg on settee!

Had a bit of a drama at Co-op free bus stop and had to use my first aid on an old gentleman who collapsed next to me but we got him in a wheelchair to get him out of rain, comforted his wife and got him help and then the shop got the paramedics! He has high blood pressure and is also pre-diabetic!

I'd only gone out to pick up first ever ordered online script and get more candles but at least it wasnt me needing help for once!

Glad your getting somewhere Donna or should we call you florenece? That sounds right althouh 2units still piddly, just dont betempted to inrease sooner as it sometimes takes more than 2days to show effect, its frustrating but trust me its better than hypos.

Mines been upped again and have to see on call doc tom and if others still up got to increase am doses! also been shouted at re diet or lack of and now back on lovely fortijuice! mmmm not doesnt do ewt for diet!

Love Andrea xxxx


Hope u get somewhere soon !!


Had a sugar below 10!!!!!!!!!!!! be it 9.9 this am and goes up with days but its a start!!

arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh back to 20s at tea!!!

P'ah - tea-time Novorapid upped to 8 units by lead nurse !!

Roll on Thurs - we pushing for basal/bolus with cons !!

I been to see the cons today!

I gone onto basal/bolus now!

And he has whacked the doses up!

Glad you got what you wanted Donna, how was the cons? what insulin and doses they got you on now? what he doing about follow up and titrating doses.

good luck

andrea xxxx

Andrea - its a Dr Walker at university hosp. north staffs - I was petrified when I went because of the issues with my old asthma doctor but he was excellent and superb!

I told him I'd done research and asked around other diabetics.

He asked what I thought of mixed insulin and I said NO simply as I couldnt eat at set times to take it and he agreed with that.

And has put me on basal-bolus but not per carbs but by my readings.

Regime at moment is:


1000mg metformin s/r

46u lantus

2u novorapid


10u novorapid


12u novorapid

But I have to increase each novorapid injection by 4u every 2 days if the readings of the meals I take it at dont change!

He is seeing me in 3mths but keeping in contact with lead DSN and me by telephone and I have to phone the nurses and cons if any issues!

He said that once its is licensed in this country to use with insulin he wants to put me on Rosiglitazone tablets insteada the metformin but it aint licensed alongside insulin use yet.

Hes also going to talk to the resp drs about getting me onto a steroid sparing medication but he thinks I will need high doses of insulin forever even if steroids were lowered!

I've changed to the Novopen 3 today too (had a fight to get it for lunch time but I got it) as I couldnt use the Flexpens but I luv the Novopen lol

I hope u are doing better Andrea now ??

hat sounds ok, just dont be tempted to increse to soon as sometimes takes a few days to setle and as you like me dont get htpo warnings be very careful. if you dont eat still take insulin but monitor bms vey closely, 2hrly recommended. i got a great regime of my gp whos diabetic trained especially good for when ill if you pm me your address ill copy it when i can and post it to you to see waht you think.

my dsn been today, well new one:( upped again now on just over 100 units a day and readingssitll in high teens!! hoping just a blip as reinfected with chest?

good luck

love andrea xx

Hi Andrea

Hope u feel better soon hun!

Gotta increase my novorapid today for lunch and tea-time as they aint done anything and its 2 days were yesterday but still least I may get somewhere now!

I will message you my email address in a minute or two - have to finish sorting out new BT Home Hub first lol

:eek: trying to catch up with everythig that's going on in this thread....

Had so many changes with my insulin

Taking novorapid sliding scale with breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Diabtes educator thinks I may need to increase novorapid at dinner time. Lantus at bedtime (9pm).

Was doing NovoMix30 not long ago (switched from lantus only) thought it would be good, but quickly realised if I didn't eat at a certain I'd go too low.

Just curious anyway, are you guys all type 1 diabetes too? Or pred induced diabetes?

Sounds like many here are having a pretty rough time..



Im type 2 - steroid induced.

I take my lantus in an AM - 46u

Then am doing bolus with meals now (since thruseday) but by readings not by carb intake as its too combat the steroids rising and keeping BG high.

I told the endo on thurs I didnt want to go onto mixed as I ""dont"" eat at regular times and he agreed and put me on basal-bolus.

T'is a scary situation but hey we have to do those nasty little jabs.

me too type 2 steroid induced

andrea xxx

Glad you were able to avoid the mixed insulin!! It is pretty bad... like if you don't eat at certain times you go hypo...

Basal bolus is much better, I find it has so much more flexibility.

How is the bolus insulin going with your meals? I'm on sliding scale too. I take 2 units Novorapid with each meal, except above 12mmol/l I take 4 units and above 18 6 units. I only take 4 units lantus at bedtime. My diabetes educator is calling me this week to see how my numbers are. They've been much better on lantus/novorapid, still often above 10 after dinner, she said I may need to increase novorapid with dinner to 4 units.

So yeah, I'm on a very small amount. It was explained to me that I'm in whats known as the honeymoon phase.

The pred just bought my diabetes out early. Docotors didn't know if it was the pred that caused my diabetes or type 1. Never had my bsl return to normal after I stopped taking it after an exacerbation of my asthma at start of sept.

I expect to have good control for some time still!

Good luck to you all - just quickly reading some of the posts here sounds like steroid diabetes + asthma is hard to control!

I had same prob when first went on insulin was on novomix 30 and as i struggle to eat in a morning was missing insulin and going high later or having without food and going hypo!! much better on basal/bolus regine. I have basic units which at mo is 24, 26 amd 24 with 36lantus, and i adjust as to bms, if below 4 i halve dose, between 4 and 7 knock off 2units, 7 to 10 normal dose and above 10 add 2 units on? works well when stable but at mo just having basic so they can see when needs adjusting. plus now at home and moving about more and infection clearing up will prob find will come down again and may need decrasing again, hop so!!

andrea xxx

At present I am taking:

brekkie - 46u lantus - 4u novorapid

lunch - 18u novorapid

dinner - 20u novorapid

And have to up by 4 units every 2 or 3 days at the meals the readings are still to high at except brekkie novorapid - which is only upped by or with premission of DSN as I have to phone in every few days so they can keep consultant updated

I just dont eat at regular times so consultant agreed mixed wouldnt fit my life (what little I have)

I also have a back injury at present for which is lessening what I can do exercise wise even more - chest is grumpy - I am grumpy (seems insulin has started my cycle with BAD pms now) and I wanta cancel Xmas

lol OH weel I am still alove thats someat lol

Ok I wanta be nosey if I can!

I use a Sanofi-aventis Opticlik reuseable pen for Lantus and

Novopen 3 for Novorapid!

And I have to blood glucose machines I use (actually have 4 bit dont like 2 of them):

1) OneTouch UltraSmart - with usb cable and software - Main meter

2) Ascensia Breeze that uses discs of 10 strips - to use when hypo or ill as I cant handle individual strips when ill

What devices do you lot use?

Just spoke to the dsn with an update and thought I'd put it here too

Sorry I am doing a tiddly little happy dance

We have some more movement

On a regime of 46u Lantus and Novorapid at:

brekkie -- 4u, lunch -- 22u, tea -- 24u

I am getting levels of around:

brekkie -- 7.2mmol, lunch -- 12mmol, tea -- 15mmol, night -- 17mmol

I am upping lunch and tea Novorapid in a day or two to:

lunch -- 26u and tea -- 28u (brekkie staying at 4u)

And the nurse (not my usual one but mines off for Xmas) has said she thinks that next day or two I will be down to an acceptable level

I know its still early days but I am so happy

Chest sill hates me and so does back but hey I am getting somewhere at last lol

Hope everyones doing OK here??

Wheezer how much pred are you on?

Has your diabetic team given any inklling as to why your needing so much insulin so early on in diagnosis?

me upped again!!

andrea xx

Andrea I take 12mg of Betamethasone tablets (equiv to 40mg pred) and it goes upto 24mg if I get infection.

From what the consultant said I have very high insulin resistance (he is talking of swapping in Rosiglitazone for my metformin but it would be off-label as it isnt licensed here yet to use with insulin but works in USA) and that I dont produce enough of my own insulin either.

He says I am unusual but he has patients worse than me to control who have steroid induced diabetes.

It doesnt help that I may have inherited the tendency to it too from my dads side family.

But apparently some t2's require extreme doses to combat insulin resistence and the lack of producing their own insulin - or thats what he said to me.

He told me I wasn't the worst patient he had so give me hope lol!

That would give me hope too. I good that your able to see someone with some expertise hey? is your dads family history type 1 or 2? thtas pants for you, its the same with me with cholesterol no matter what i eat mines high because of my dads bad family history:( as if we dont have enough to put up with and oills to take!! You mentioned when you get a resp cons dont you have one at mo? who looks after your asthma? Did your cons not mention pioglitazone with metformin? thats what i had last year and must say i wasnt on nearly as much insulin but that could also be to do with worsening of diabetes? they stopped it because they thought it was contributing to my asthma?

good luck

g;ad you feel things are moving in the rite direction

love andrea xxxx

Andrea - there is type 1 in close family but also type 2 at a distance (great history lol)

Still we will see how it goes lol

It would be good if ""Byetta"" would get licensed here quickly as they seeing amazing results to it in US ;)

I dont have resp team since the incident with my last one just as I was diagnosed with t2 but he is leaving anyway so will be assigned to a new team when its sorted so GP is looking after me - if I dont alter treatment at all I muddle through but start playing with reducing stuff I have no chance :(

Still have hope for the diabetes and possibly asthma lol

Hope your levels doing ok??

Hi wheezer, me some improvement in bms but still too high so needs upping again tom and calling dsns on wed.

According to this months balance magazine byetta should be available next spring, it has just been granted its licence for use in europe. Will feature more in future issues of balance.

Hope you still on the up.

love andrea xxxx

lol Levels on the down lol

Chest playing up lol

But its Xmas lol

Sugars coming down slowly with each increase BUT insulin use rising !!

Total units a day is now 112 (46 of which are Lantus the other is novorapid) !!

I think I am going to leak a little more now !!

I am waiting on current Balance mag as its included in my membership pack which is delayed causa christmas !!

Andrea hun hope your levels coming down hun ??

I spoke to lead DSN today and cause I am a little weary we upping by 2u lunch and teatime as FBG was 6.3mmol today and nights last night was 15.7mmol ..

But since forcing myself to eat to cover the insulin I have managed to get upto 3x 500mg Metformin m/r a day and we gonna try for 4x a day IF I can tolerate it now I eating more ..

Donna mine still hit and miss, was supposed to ring dsn but nice one off so leaving it till tom, and was too busy with chest clinic today!! dont envy you with metformin, i was on 850mgs three times but usually only took twice as could rarely tolorate third dose!!

I was getting worried after reading your posts about how much insulin you on so quick? but if you not had any hypos its ok as they worry more about the hypos than the highs. Will try and get that sick days sheet photocopied and sent to you, its a rally good base especially what to do when ill.

good look

andrea xx

Cheers Andrea.

Re-hypo's since I been on Novorapid and forcing myself to eat I aint had a hypo where as when I was on just the Lantus I wouldnt eat lunch and would go badly hypo (1.7mmol).

We've slowed the increase down as I was worried over the morning reading going to low as its around 6mmol and we want to keep it there if we can.

To be honest when insulin got over 100u a day I freaked but there is a lady under my dsn who takes 70u novorapid 3x a day + 50u Lantus and my endo believes in the body needs what level it needs.

As long as no ill effects (hypo's etc) then the dose can go up to as high as needed.

116u now and rising and its scary how useless my body is!

The metformin is hit and miss but if its still difficult to control then endo wants to get me onto Rosiglitazone (off label) prescription as its not licensed here yet with insulin its down to the endo to scrpit it if he feels the need when I go back to him.

Donna wasnt disputing you was just worrying as like you your fastings nice now and was worried incresing by four would knock you off, not worried by the total ammount but by how much you were increasing? even my cons wont up mine more than two at a time. The lantus doesnt cause hypos it will be because you werent eating which is so hard, i know when im hypo im sick and there telling you to drink sugar and eat and when you chucking up its the last thing you want!!

Apparently when you start on insulin, because we do produce insulin but its either not enough or not good enough are bodies get used to the good stuff and the stop producing are owb which was used as an add on so we need more suplimentry insulin? that make sense?

Have you tried the 850mg dose of metformin? or the pioglitazone on its on instead of the combined? or your cons nice and dont mind the cost? when i asked my gp she said no as it would stop someone having a hip replacement!! guilt trip or what?

Have they said why you need so little novorapid am? have you noticed that if you take your steroids at nite its the other way round your am are high decreasing over the day?

love andrea xxx

Hun I know you werent disputing - I was just trying to reply and obviously didnt do it very well.

Its my cons that wants me to up by 4units and not 2units as he wants to get levels down now - apparently they beent oo high too long and I am symptomatic to.

The cons wants to try me on Rosiglitazone when I see him again if I am still difficult to control insteada the metformin.

I dont tolerate metformin m/r very well at all and its take 4 mths to get upto 1500mgs a day.

But because Rosiglitazone isnt licensed for use with insulin yet he has to give it time to see if he can control it on my current stuff before getting an ""Off-label"" prescription done (prescribing it against indications).

The cons doesnt want alot in AM as it may cause a hypo ontop of my 6mmol fbg level and because I have hypo'd on lantus 3 times when I have not eaten enough.

Cons has said that I am extremely resistant and dont produce enough insulin of my own and what I do produce isnt working (found from blood test gp did at diagnosis).

I cant take my betamethasone tablets at night as I have to take them with my stomach pills etc in AM as I have history of ulcers and stomach bleeds - p'ah I hate my body.

Basically the reason the nurse suggested going by 2 units up yesterday is I had freaked out at taking over 100u in a day - but she still recommends the 4u cons said to up by as it will get it under control easier as I am highly symptomatic (cons words in letter).

Its very confuddling to me so maybe I dont explain it very well SORRY Andrea.

Donna dont be sorry i think we both got wires crossed, its so easy to right something but when someone else reads it they interpret it different. No wonder your freacked out on that much insukin, i w am and ive had longer to deal with it than you. Its a bummer if its not one thing its another, i to have to take steroids in the am i wasnt suggesting you change dwas just pointing out that thats how you can tell sugars are steroid related not diet? sounds like you have a good cons maybe you should tell him how frecked you are? remember its your body and you have jusyt as much a say in your treatment as the docs do.

Me been naughty, havent rang dsn!! cant be mithered!! its stupid in the week you ring and its an answer machine and you leave your name and if your lucky someone rings you back but you coukd be sat buy the phone all day!! but on a friday they have a receptionist that asnswers the phone so if i can be bothered i might ring? am having a whats anyone doing for me moment:(

i know its not big and clever as bms all over the place just as i think are stable on dose it shoots up then when i think will up doses goes down? so really need there advice? just hate doing it over phone, prefer face to face with monitoring diary in front of them?

well off to neb again!!

love andrea xxx

I guess I am lucky Andrea as if I call I either get one of the DSN's or its diverted to the secretarys office and she passes a message on !!

Shes even passed a message on when my dsn had already left work !!

I guess diabetes care is better around here than my asthma care lol No cant have everything can I lol !!

Big hugs hun !!

If you want I cant point you at a very good new diabetes forums Ive been using for a month or two - they are excellent there and so helpfull too !!

Just incase u want too visit heres the addie (hope this is allowed !!)


Thanks Donna, my dsns are fab when you can get hold of them!!! when i first started they allocated me a set nurse and said ring her so id leave messages and the just put em in her tray even if she was off but wouldnt let you know shes off so your sat around waiting for call and shes on a beach somewhere!! got wise now and if leave message dont say who for just leave me name and number!! cons is fab though even when in with asthma she comes to see me as she know sboth go off together usually. One of my fave dsns has a clinic up the road one afternoon but its getting there with mum working and sometimes you can be there 2hrs waiting which is a bit much:( may try that next week if mum on an early!!

thats for web address

love andrea xx

Oh forgot to top it all my bm machine died lastnite so threw it in the bin,went chemist today for new one and she said they have a lifetime guarentee just ring em up!! too late in bin now? but what you suppoat to do in meantime? was only £10 anyway, wasnt worth the mither!!

lol I got 2 machines I use and 2 spares lol

When diagnosed I emailed the 4 companies I found and I got free ones from all lol

Still least I got spares - Dont like the true-track system though at all and cant use the Accu-chek aviva due to rubber grips so stick to my One touch Ultra smart and Ascensia breeze :)

Dont know how you did it Donna as i emailed for the breeze one like you said and got told no! triedto order one online several time but kept getting annoyed with paypal as kept locking me out so have stuck with me accucheck compact plus!!

gonna ring dsns in a bit, fbs am 12 what that about, am not usually double figuresbut has beenlast few days!!! pants

andrea xxx

Ask the DNS about a free meter too - ours give free ones out if you dont have one or need a new one !!

Upped all doses again!! pants!!

Mine went up yesterday too.

What you on now then?

Novorapid 24, 32,32 and glargine 36. Donna waht pen do you use for your glargine as the one i got only goes up to 40 and im nearly there!! And what needles? i use bd microfine but lately am having to use two or three at a time as they keep bending when screwing them on so insulin doesnt come out?



I use an Opticlik that take weird lantus cartridges and goes upto 70u I think!

I got them off my DSN as they quite new!

But they brilliant they inject slower and so dont hurt me as much as autopen24 did!

Theres an Optipen pro too but aint tried that I luv the Opticlik and a lady on the diabetes forums works for Sanofi-aventis and sells them in the states lol!

I am sick of diabetes right now!

Lantus - 46u

Novorapid - 4u, 34u, 36u and 1 unit per 2mmol cprrection bolus!

Pah need extra 15u last night to get down to 11mmol!

I want off this maniac roundabout!

Sorry burn-out here I come!

Here is the website for the Opticlik:


Thanks Donna gonna have to ring gp or dsns tom and get one as had to up again. Sugars dont like upped bricanyl sub cut!! or sweet popcorn oops!! could let nephew eat it all!!

love andrea xx

ps it is new year and it was my first trip out in mounths!! thats my excuse and im sticking to it xxxx

Andrea if you decide on the Opticlik make sure you DNS or DR script the ""Lantus Optclik cartridges"" as they are different to normal carts and if you dont already use Ypsomed or BD penfine needles make sure u get some too !!

My dns team are strict on using the recommending needles with different pens for some reason !!

My lantus is stuck at 46u as fbg is between 6 and 7mmol but Novorapid is p****** me off its getting so high !!

I like the Opticlik pens even though they are a but more bulky but they have a hard case with room to store 2 needles and a spare cartridge system !!

I was given a DVD-welcome pack when I went onto the Opticlik off my dns which helped me adjust !!

The opticlik goes upto 80u - i had to check as had got it into head it was 70u and if you over dial you can just turn it down or up accordingly !!

Andrea just an after thought I was told NOT to be very strict over Xmas as it will just make the rest of the year harder to deal with !!

Thanks donna, have they ever considered that your body doesnt respond to novorapid and you may need something else? maybe worth considering if its not working? im naughty at other times too!! but i dont hide the fact if my bms up coz of something ive eaten i tell them, no point hiding, as gp says your still human with wishes and needs?

andrea xx

Now this is weird thing Andrea it does work just not well enough yet :(

Current regime has got fasint below 6 to 8mmol and the high night reading are around 15mmol but insulin dose is was above my comfort range but as they say its how much the body needs not whats the maximum dase :)

lantus still 46u

novorapid 4u, 38u, 40u

plus if I have a big issue it add's in a correction bolus 1u to 2mmol :0

Are you incresing every two days still? i noticed when i did that kept going up but if left for 4 days or so i didnt need to increase as much? does that make sense? i mean sometimes it trakes longer than two days to take effect? not saying it will with you just trying to help as you said what your ons very frecky for you, and i dont blame you.

I needed to see what my fasting was this am to determine if i increased my glargine but was all to pot yest with insulin didnt have dinner one till 3pm and tea one at 9pm and glargine so obviously this ams was lower:( so will have to wait till tom i think, or see how todays sugars pan out.

Sub cut increased and this ups my sugars as to does antibs?

Oh well off to enjoy quiet house as sis and kids on their way back to cyprus.

Hope you feel happier soon Donna

love and prayers

Andrea xxx

Its every 3 days it goes up as thats how endo set it up - but I feel better for some sleep at long last as only waking up to go loo 2 or 3 times now instead of constantly being awake with it!

Need to phone dsn this week but probably try friday as it best day to catch the lead DSN!

Hope u feeling ok hun - well feeling ok enough to cope at least!

Food shop should be delivered fromt he Co-op shops after 2pm so I gonna relax a while!

Had to argue with gale force winds to get to the stupid shop/post-office etc in first place!


Did u say u used an Accu-chek compact ??

Just Accu-chek are sending me one of those to replace the Aviva I am allergic too (rubber grips) if you email or call them and explain the problems they are very good like that!

Hopefully it will be better than the others I have!

My brains cant cope with the UltraSmart if I ill and the Ascensia breeze is good but bulky!

I love my accu check compact plus, the plus one the stabber is conected to the side of the machine not separate? it had a drum of 17 strips that come out automatically which i like as struggle with strips due to neuropathy in fingers and bricanyl shakes!!

Thats an issue I have with the UltraSmart its so

complicated and the darn strips I keep dropping!

The Ascensia breeze has discs of 10 strips but I

am using 8+ a day with the insulin regime etc!

I keep dropping the lancer when I am trying to

do it after having alotta nebs so out built in is a


I was thinking of finding a medical charity that

could use the spare meters and just keep one

spare one for me!

Bloody hell Donna docs being hard on you!! im told unless ill 6 times a day is sufficient? bet your fingers are sore? the compact plus is fab and as its all built in i find you can use in left handed too so you can use both sets of fingers. Have you tried alternative site testing? you acmn get a cap with it to use on your palm or forearm, its great but has strict guidelines for when can be used.

happy stabbing

Andrea xxx

ps have put order in with GP for new pen and cartridges for lantus

Andrea hope u get on with new pen!

My luck ran out!

I now cant eat cause Ive broke a tooth!

WHOLE middle feel out!

Hurts bad!

But gonna beg for emergency appointment in am around 8.30am when they open!

Donna have pm you, you can always eat soup, i live on soupa especially cup a soups when im ill, dunk bread in so soggy for your carbs and if cant get soft biscuits that you can suck

Been to tesco with mum and heinz hace finally caught up with tesco and asda and now do reduced sugar and salt tom ketchup and beans!!!!! yeah my life is now so much better lol as i love heinz beans.

love Andrea xxx

Andrea THANKS !!

Managed to get too dentist and am back all fixed - glass polymer he used !!

Apparently Id uncovered the nerve and soft tissue but it was clean so no drilling or needles just heavily filled with glass polymer !!

Got home to find my ""Compact Plus"" has arrived too so gotta set that up !!

Then order prescription online and put request in for the new stuff and get old strips taken off !!

Donna glad you got sorted i cant get in dentist till monday!! and not with mine but shes a lady dentist so hopefully will be nice as like you im petrified!!

happy playing with accuckeck, its easy, well if i can use it it must be!!lol if you find any good extras on it let me know> have been meaning to read manual properly see if it conects to comp? maybe you can see Donna as your good with comps!! not like old me!!

Well sugars all over the show, driving me nuts just when think yep stable , they go and shoot up again!!!!

off to see if can get some kip,

love andrea xxxx

Ps Donna comp whizz have you found anywhere on net that does sugar monitoring charts? or do you just rely on old fashioned pen and book?

Accu-chek do software for keeping your readings in but without an Infrared cable u have to enter them manually!

But u should ask the customer care line and see what they say!

To be honest with having to wipe and reinstall PC before Xmas I never reinstalled the software for my old meter so resorted to pen and paper with a OneTouch Ultra diary (meter was an UltraSmart)!

Ive been through the manual and best feature for me is being able to set it up with 3 alarm reminders to take your sugars!

Gonnna set it up for mine in a little while as need to sort some food out now!

Andrea hun THANKS cause if it wasnt for u saying how good it was I wouldnt have emailed them!

Hope u doing OK?

My sugars high as expected really!

Well was agood diabetic today and rang dsn!!! wish i hadnt, got shouted at for not ringing before!!oops. and for upping insulin too quick!! only did once after two days as was getting really frustrated and sick of peeing allnite, so hard running to loo all nite when ur lungs arent too good!! said as i have a history of sudden and severe hypos without warning dont do any quicker than 3days also said this is how longyou know if its ok!!

Told her i was concerned re amount of insulin im needing compared to before, but forgot on am subcut which increases bms and no metformin like before so obviously gonna need more, Asked about having a few units rapid acting at nite if up but not happy because agin to risky of hypo in the nite said once tea ones down it wont carry over to bed and in turn they will come down and nite symotoms will less. So gonna leave as they are till mon, if still up increase then and phone them next friday, and she will speak to cons re metformin but thinks she will say too risky to restart!!

Got new pen for lantus well chemist ordered but gp not give me opticlik hads given me something else but goes upto 60units anyway.

andrea xxx


U need to ask you dsn about the Opticlik as they very new and gp may not know about them hun!

I am awaiting lead dsn to call me but I need to pick an urgent prescription up later on - daft mare here has run out of nebs - so now chest it arguing back too!

My rapid went up again yesterday but all the tooth issue and not eating has rammed fbg back to 10.9mmol I am not happy!

Still I called Accu-chek and they sending me the cable and software for the meter free so PHONE them Andrea on 0800 701000 pressing option 1 for both choices!

Now waiting till 2pm to phone to see if prescription is done - they found the prescription (ordered repeat yesterday) so they getting it signed after visits!

Ok whose a dozey mare -- I AM lol !!!

Gp just as upto date as nurses as she the diabetic doc? she looked in bnf prob alot cheeper this one but dont care as long as get dose. How come your fbg has gone up if your not eating?

will ring accu check later, do they ask things about your comp as i havent got a clue?

andrea xxx

ps cant the chemist give you nebs till your scrpit is through?

Thank Donna done and dusted in the post to me xxx will be calling on you when it arrives as im not good with comps xxx

Apparently they come with simple instructions lol

Managed to sort prescription but only brought a box of nebs with me as pharmacist needed an hr to do mine and hes getting it delivered later lol

But as I went past drs carpark an old man in a car clipped my left leg and it darn well hurts now :(

1st the tooth, then sugars, then script, then this, someone doesnt half hate me :(

Im glad u've got it coming hun - when mines arrived and installed if you get stuck pm me and I will talk u through it if you get stuck - I am glad to of helped someone lol :)

STILL waiting for my lead DSN to phone and now for script delivery to come too ;)

Take care Andrea and stay well as can be!


fbg is up as missed insulin with not eating or drinking cause of the tooth and the pain yesterday AM !

No donna even when note eating you shouldnt miss insulin thats the point of the regime and thats why gave you that sick days coz even with lemonade it will cover insulin which is better than missing altogether. got new pen its like opticlike digital but green and goes upto 60units so okandrea

Andrea let me know the name of it when ya find it out lol

I owe u a big THANK Andrea too as I luv the Compact Plus and I now have all supplies for it too !!

U know I havent even been told bar by u what to do on sick days !!

My nurse phoned while I was ripping my pharmcists *bits* off (boy did I want too) so gota call her monday afternoon good job as sugars are bad bad and ketones rising :(

Upped insulin again yesterday!

But up till all this hassle (I wish people would realise what it does to sugars - stupid chemist) I had got pre and post prandial readings to stay the same for both !!

So am praying it settles before I call her monday !!

Am upto 136units a day :o

Still I am alive - thats what matters - even if leg hurting !!

Hope u ok hun and thankyou for all ur support and everything !!

Oh Andrea my cable and stuff just arrived !!

WIll ahve to fiddle with it later lol !!

Andrea mine is installed and working if you have any issues let me know but when u install the software it also installs a full User Manual for the software too !!

Andrea :)

Hope u ok hun ??

I have to say I am well happy !!

I have had a breakthrough with sugars :D

ARGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH - am very stressed at the moment and sugars have gone stupid - no idea what to do - am feeling very sick and not wanting to eat - do i still take my metformin and glicalzide??? still waiting for referral to dns so got no support at the mo - will be phoning gp tomorrow but any advice would be gratefully received.

Also - despite sugars being silly - have got no ketones - that is good isn't it?


Rusty, dont stop medication even if not eating!! only if ketones and then you need to be seen by doc for them to do. When i was on metforminthats the probs i had when in costa nurses would omit and diabetic team would go mad!!

I have a sick day rules but its for insulin but think can be adjusted, basically if not eating make sure you drink plenty of fluids and every 2hrs check your bm and have a 200ml glass full sugar lemonade, unless sugar above 10mmols. If after 24hrs your still struggling to eat you need to be seen. No ketones is a good sign yes, but you can get ketones through dehydration aswell.

Good luck

Andrea xxx

Rusty hun if you wanta talk to alot of excellent and friendly diabetics this following forum is brilliant !!


They have helped me alot and with their help my numbers are now in single figures all day and around 10mmol at night now !!

Well wheezer and rusty its all gone quiet on her? have you been behaving without me?

Me well, phoned DSN on friday said lunch and tea needed upping again but hopefully should be ok then. I asked her about weight gain and she said yes it is a side effect of insulin, but with type 2 its usually covered by metformin, but as i am unable to take metformin!! lots tears later as wqeight really getting me down to the extent of not eating she said shes going to speak to my lovely cons and see if anything else can have. Read up on lactic acidosis with metformin and was very shocked and realisted how lucky id been!! also lucked up levemir insulin as opposed to lantus as one of nurses has lost a lot of weight after swapping so am gonna mention that when ring next week.

Hope your all ok

Donna how getting on with pens? would love see your drug cupboard? mine fill my hole bottom drawer of double bed!!

love Andrea xx

well i don't know about behaving andrea but am still here. sugars still potty but am eating sensible and taking meds so at moment there is nothing else i can do. I have an appt in feb to see the intermediate diabetic team so will make appt with gp when i can fit it in with work.

drug cupboards well mine take up two cupboards in the kitchen and then the nebs are in the drawer under the bed. plus the spare sharps bins are under the stairs - lol think i could start my own pharmcy here!!!!


Now drugs cupboards hmmmmmmm mine take up:

2 drawer woodern filing cabinet

large top self on desk

countless bags of nebs in the bedroom

insulin taken over bottom of fridge too

I was doing good till my monthly started now I cant get a decent sugar level at all!

Donna ya bloody right!! how did you find out bout hormones and sugars? did a little digging and found that it says sugars can rise upto a week before period and usually settle on first day? makes sense with me as i also have polycystic ovaries and thats now found to be caused by insulin resistance!! dont have enough probs and things to deal with!! looked back through my charts and it fits in!! so if its not setting my chest off it is my sugars!! thanks god for making me female!!

any joy with pens?

love andrea xxx

Andrea I found out from very helpful people on the diabetes daily forums !! As I had good sugars till sunday then bang they spiked and still are as I am still on !! My dsn says there isnt any strictly medical evidence but most of her younger female patients ALL have exactly the same issues !!

I am getting seriously naffed off with the pens - I just dont like ANY of the Lantus pens - going to perservere and will either have to wait for endo appt in march and ask about Levemir as it can be used in Novopen 3's which I luv or get trained with syringes (not my fave option) !!

But have gotta ride these darn highs out now till I finish so I know how to tweak it whenever I come on again !!

Have had to up Lantus at weekend as fbg spiked to nearly 10mmol again so am now on:

48u lantus + 8u Novorapid - brekkie

50u Novorapid - lunch

50u Novorapid - tea

But have to say I have lost alot of weight which I dont like - its bringing back bad memories - but no matter if I treat myself I am still losing weight !!

My treat is the odd bag of crisps when I havent eaten alotta carbs that way it doesnt spike me !!

Its confusing me but have to admit the Diabetes UK careline were brilliant when I called end of last week as I had totally freaked out with needles !!

They have suggested I ask gp about the needle free pens (SQ-pen and soon SQx-pen) that uses jet stream to inject instead of a needle but I want to really swap to Levemir and use the Novopen 3 for both but just gotta wait till endo now I think !!

Donna thats strange as your insulin need usually decreases with weight loss?

Thats a big increse donna since wa so stable? be carefull?

good luck with pens

andrea xx

Insulin use will only go down with weightloss if weight problems are causing the insulin resitance but in my case it aint the weight causing it but medications hence why basically there has been no reduction in the insulin with weightloss!

Ive had my eye test and diabetes screening today - got right bad head but have NO RETINA damamge at all !!!!!!!!!!!

Congratulations donna on eye test, eye probs not nice i can tell you. My cons told me it doesnt matter any weight loss even if not needed? my friends a type one, not over weight but lost 2 stone and her insulin need decreased? maybe just lucky?

Mine all over show again as infection brewing :(

Rang dsn on monday not phoned back so sod em!! being a rebel today!!

Andrea xxxx

If you think of the medications we take for the asthma and add them into the equation - well my endo said that its the meds making the insulin requirements high (in me at least) as u are constantly fighting meds that you cant lower the dose of but it is like asthma care if you think about it - we are all still humans and as such we differ from each other greatly!

Also type 1's dont tend (some can rarely) to suffer from the amount of insulin resistance that type 2's do -- yes there are those type 2s that weightloss helps but when you add in our asthma meds - my endo said weight loss would make me healthier but not lower insulin use!

I am sick of diabetes - sugars being up with my monthly is making me tired alot again but hey its only hopefully once a month!

Hope u doing ok with it all Andrea ??

Well have been a good little diabetic and did ring them on monday and tuesday and this am oh and still waiting!!! well pog them miss pmt pred lack of sleep wheezyab aint gonna be god now!!! he he i love having a rebelious side!! on the plus side sugars starting to look like they should!!!

andrea xx

She must have heard me!! didnt get other messages!!

anyway had chat with cons to risky on my life to go back on metformin!! can try pioglitazone, even though as donna said not licenced with insuin but had before, pharmacist stopped as can cause increased breathlessness, so gonna have a think and go see dsn face to face next fri to discuss if should give a go? prob will as then it should highen my sensitivity to insulin therefore need less and hopefuly loose weight then wich is the ultimate game!!

andrea xxx

Andrea its ""rosiglitazone"" that I mentioned wasnt licensed with insulin yet but my endo wants to swap my metformin for it if difficult to control when I go back !!

Its proved very successfull in USA where its been licensed with insulin a while now !!

I am having stomach issues with metformin again so have had to drop to 2 tablets again - 3 a day just rots my stomach !!

All I can say today is Diabetes stinks - whay wont it behave like it should do !!

Donna piogliatzone isnt licensed either! cause both the same class off drug.

Got my software set up on my new lap top but cant get it to read meter? infra red thingy not working!! or prob more so me!!!


Andrea have you pressed the two buttons one left and right of the test button (s/m) together ??

If u cant get it working call them and they will send you the usb adapter !!

Great great great great now I know why sugars awfull - got tummy bug !!

Well seems I practically back to square one - thanks chest infection/antibiotics etc etc

Insulin is in big doses:


50u lantus

10u novorapid


50u novorapid


50u novorapid

And lead dsn has told me to up novorapid more each meal - pah - I hate my body !!

Hope u ok Andrea ??

Rusty - how u doing now ??

Im swapping to Levemir long acting insulin when I run out of lantus so will mean 2 jabs of long acting (1 twice a day) and 3 rapid acting but NO MORE metformin more than likely as apparently it aint licensed with Levemir yet !!!!

And I am now back in size 14 to 16 ul size clothers from size 22 to 24 clothes when I was diagnosed !!!!

Woooooo hooooooooooo I sitting here in my jeans again !!!!

I hate snow - Ive now got another cold ontop of chest infection and kidney infections but hey I wont let it beat me this week lol

Warm hugs to all !!!

inhaled insulin the way forward

Been seeing a lot about this and was talking to my drs about it today. Seems that even asthmatics will be able to inhale this, I had to ask as I live in fear of developing steriod induced T2 after being a gestational diabetic and having a T1 parent, anyway they seem to think that even with my crappy lungs it will be ok. Got to be an exciting development in the treatment of diabetes.


At the moment Bex it isnt recommended for asthmatics and doses are very inflexible so isnt alot of use to many as yet - a few type 1s I know tried it but no type 2s!

Alot of type 2s and especially steoird induced require to large a dose to make inhaled insulin anywhere near worthwhile - plus at present you HAVE to have a diagnosed needle phobia and fit criteria before even being considered for it!

I hope it does sort itself out and get marketed better in more flexible forms!

Unless miracles happen I can see very few people using it!

I was going to post regarding the criteria for inhaled insulin - but realised Wheezer has already said most of it.

I imagine it is possibly cost-based as the inhalers are expensive. The criteria state that you have to have psychiatrist-diagnosed needle phobia - otherwise I'm afraid it's injected insulin all the way!

Yeah, I know, pants innit.

But surely this is the beginings of something better. I am not saying that it will happen tomorrow but there could be a wee light at the end of the tunnel.


At present it aint a viable option unless u have no chest problems and only require a tiny dose and it is only available in rapid insulin and the more body natural regimes are a basal-bolus which is a long acting one or twice a day and a rapid with meals!

Its just too unflexible to be of any use and they are struggling to develop it further!

Also the size of the devices needed to inhale the insulin is LARGE!

And also as I said the bulk of steroid induced diabetics are type 2 and as such (combined with weight issues) this causes insulin resistance requiring larger doses of insulin compared to most type 1s!

The inhaled insulin just cant give that and the developers are struggling to get it any better than the 2 strengths they have produced at present!

Its many yrs away from being of any use and thats only IF they continue to work on it!

And in the meantime people are stuck with insulin injections which are far more accurate and more flexible and also alot more reliable!

If your health depends on it you take the best option available and for many yrs to come that will be insulin injections!

If you are faced with having diabetes and need insulin u just have to get on with it - new inventions and treatments are years away from being useful!


Pfizer are having enough issues produces drugs already in wide use due to financial trouble so its slim hope of them throwing money into something that will help so few people!

And given it isnt suitable for people with uncontrolled or severe asthma is it really any hope for anyone on here right now!

Thats it I am giving away high sugars ""FREE to good home"" !!

I sometimes get hypos (though I'm not diabetic, so I'm told), so I'll have a bit of your left over sugar when I'm in that state, but other than that I'm afraid I don't want them. :o)

PANTS TO DIABETES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As my sugars respond to sub cut bricanyl by going sky high, when recently in hosp for my break from it i found was havin hypos 2 or 3 times a day which wasnt nice!! twice was unrousable by staff and needed iv dextrose to welcome me back to some kind of state!! i was denied access to dsn as i dont have my diabetic services ther!! how stupid, docs werent bothered as it wasnt my chest despite cons telling them if its too high or too low it sets my asthma off!! so as insulin cant be increased to rapidlt since further infection and sub cut now back up and running am left with bms over 20!! peeing every half hour, thrush like never before and feeling so tired but cant sleep!!!

Am seeing cons on monday so im going to take her all my readings etc and get her to set me some plan as too when to reduce and to what and see if can increase by bigger amounts next time!!! am fed us as got sugars more under control so Hba1c would have been better but now will be high again!! arghhhhhhhhh

sorry for the moan.

love Andrea xxx

Well off to clinic in the morn!! will be interested to see what Hba1c is? would have been fab if done 5 weeks ago but now know will be pants!! just hope better than when last done b4 cgristmas.

You ok Donna you a bit quiet?

Andrea xxxx

Well whta a waste of a morning!!

got to clinic at 9am for appt to find out cons not in? always see her as none of the others know what to do with me!!! but thought ould give them the benefit of doubt!!! blood machine was broke so no Hba1c! waited an hour b4 being told doc didnt know there was a clinic so would be there shortly!! anyway an hour and a half after appt went in!! waste time didnt know what to do, ignored me when said i have a huge sore abcess at injsction site, just said liase with dsn and come back in 4 mths!!!

so am waiting for dsn to ring back!!

Andrea xx

I am kinda CHUFFED

Have lost just over 4 stone now

And plus just got my blood test results back off GP:

Cholesterol = 4.6 = ok

hba1c = 5.3% = excellent (down from 9.7%)

fbg = 11 (fasting blood glucose) = high

Haemoglobin = 11.8 = low end of normal so still have to take iron as my red cells are slightly too small

Liver, thyroid, kidneys fine

I'm off for yet another fasting glucose next week, am not diabetic! But just wanted to say WELL DONE! to wheezer on your weight loss fantastic achievement!

Donna well done!!have pm you on diabetes daily!! what a fab Hba1c.

Mines gone up!! prob coz of hypos and highs with sub cut, still waiting for dsn to ring am not happy now!!

Donna do you think its the lantus pen giving me huge lumops and infected sites? if i think about only been happening since changed pens and upped dose? at mo cant use left side of abdo!! so frustrating and blooming painful.

Andrea xxx

Thanks Marmite....

Andrea it could be but I aint no expert - has your DSN phoned you yet ??

Well ventured to drop in centre today as dad was back from his chemo in time, is much beter to explain and discuss things face to face than over phone.

Lump in abdo is infected as on antibs for chest waiting till finish tom and if still there fri got to go see gp but avois that side of abdo till gone, discussed other sites, thinks legs bleeed coz tense up so gonna try when on bed and legs flat and arms usually go lumpy but was doing wrong area gonna try bat wing outer area?

Pen thay didnt realise i had been given opitpro as they dont use it as it causes so many probs so shes gonna write to gp on monday and sort out opticlix pen and cartridges and see how that goes first.

Upping insulin again as still high, me been uppimg wroug silly mare!!! so am much cleare and happier now, also have a set plan of what to do with insulin when bms drop when sub cut removed, and going to inform them when in specialist costa and they will ring them and talk through my bms as spaecialist costas diabetic team wouldnt see me dispite loads hypros so now my local will chase them!!!

feel alot beeter in me head now with how things are and going, also discussed huge doses but nothing can do as once again said how lucky was to survive acidosis and is just too dangerous to start oral meds again so am afraid its just insulin!!!

Hope u ok donna, how long tell change?

Love Andrea xxx

Got around 2 weeks supply Andrea and I am also awaiting lead DSN to phone back - but given my brilliant hba1c - I hope it wont be an issue to change !!

I bee researching cholesterol though and cant work out what it should be - some say 4 some say 5 or 6 ??

My total cholesterol is 4.6 and gp said it ok !!

Andrea I was told quite plainly by Endo that I have fat chance of oral meds alone working - the permanent steroids rule it out full stop for me as we are constantly battling highs !!

I am up to 172units TDD now and I hate it but would rather that than DKA - had one trip to a+e with high ketones needing fluids and more s/c insulin (10 days ago or so) but just think of how ill we feel without the insulin Andrea -- least it does help a little if not completely right now !!

Donna cholesterol of 6 is limit for non diabetics, for diabetics its to be below 5 so your good.

I dont think it was ment like this but i read your message as if you were getting at me re oral meds? all i was saying was i wasnt allowed then, it had nothing to do with anyone elses treatment? and i never doubted if you needed them or not?

You say your Hba1c is really good but you say your still running high and had a DKA how come? did they keep you in with dka and what did they do? you shouldnt be on metformin if you have had a DKA?

I have friends who are also on permenant high dose steroids like us but are ok on diet or oral meds so that shows how individual it is and more our bodies reactions to things more than just the steroids?

Andea xxx

Sorry if my post came out wrong Andrea but I wanted just to reassure you that you are not the only one who they have said oral meds wotn work for hun !!

And the comment on DKA I meant it in the way:

""I would rather take high doses of insulin then go into DKA""

not that I had DKA !!

I was taken in and given fluids for a few hrs as my ketone test was high along with sugars - but after being rehydrated and having more Novorapid s/c they let me go afer 6 to 8 hrs !!

Sorry I was very tired when I posted and I didnt mean any harm or upset hun !!

Donna thanks, didnt think you ment any harm.

Its not that oral meds dont work for me they worked really well which is the annoying part its just the pioglitazone preciptates the asthma and the metformin nearly killed me with DKA and once you had one DKA your not allowed to take it anymore as the risk to your life?

Andrea xx

Its not that I had DKA but that I would rather NOT have it by taking my high total daily dose of insulin.

I was dehydrated and that put my ketone test high but once rehydrated by IV and bm brought down with novorpaid sc they kept an eye and let me go after 6 to 8 hrs as ketones went down to trace and blood sugar stayed around 10mmol (had gone to 28 someat before)!

Hun I didnt mean my reply to seem short tempered (my head was messed up) !!

Sorry !!

Its ok Donna

all forgotten


Change over to Levemir appointment is 5th march - a week on monday !!!

I cant wait !!!


whos the stupid pred head, insomniac whose just overdosed on theor insulin?

oops took teatime dosed with dinner which is 18units more than should!! waiting for dsn to ring back. any ideas what need to do other than keep a close check on sugars? luckly tea and bed still up so hoping wil be ok.

Andrae xxx

hope u ok ??

u have to check and EAT if it starts dropping but as it leaves system in 4 hrs keep a watch !!

i had to wait for the other dsn to call today has having an issues with lows at night !!

gotta lower lantus 2units too 48u as the novorpaid would be out my system by 3am when its happening !!

Yep am ok although dsn didnt ring back charming!! will ring tom, dropped to 4!! had some lucozade and bickie as was at gynae clinic when happened!! by tea was 15 again so had ususal dose and just gonna keep a check, as last time did this dropped seveal hours later? am such as scatter brain sometimes, thats why i always look at my duary dont know why i didnt today!

oh well

Andrea xxx

PS Donna be carefull still as sometimes takes a few days for lantus to ragister any changes, like when you increase, so keep a close eye on bms for next few days xxxxx

Donna thanks for dvd watched at 4am when couldnt sleep!!

spoke to dsn wasnt happy didnt go to hosp yest with ketones!!oops oh well survived, she faxed request for new cartridges but wasnt aware that the opticlix pen had to be given by them as isnt available on prescription, which is prob why when asked gp for it got stupid other one!1 anyway off toddled to dsn at hosp to pick up, all ok off to gp for scrpt then chemist then home!! stupid me didnt look in bag till home, thought would be ok as took pen with me? oh no gave me wrong cartridges!! arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh so phoned my nice pharmacist who appologised gp done wrong oh waht a suprise as i havent had a script right in last 6mths!! so much for practice manager monitoring! so luckly pharmacist ordered for tom but gp shut to order new script so as mum off tom am going to go see gp and create and am not leaving till all repeat scripts sorted!!

thought it was too good to be true!!

oh well at least sugars lower today but havent eaten much so?

love andrea xx

ps not long now donna?

noooo not long lol

found out from chemist they stock the Levemir too lol

may have to wait for specific colour pen (unless nurse give them too me) lol

but been told once got script for the levemir and extra pens and more needles - to phone chemist so they can order other stuff and have it for when I go down there lol

so hopefully tues or wednesday I will up and running - actually I need to be running by wednesday as didnt order more lantus on my repeat !!!

Well all sorted got me new cartridges ready for tonite just hope works after all the mither!! had good chat with GP too about fears concerns etc, said even though see hosp should also go see her for annual review so had all bloods done today and going to see her in 3 weeks to discuss everything, told her that no one resally discussed things in detail with me so she said make some lista between now and then and when go not moving till fully understand everything, shes so fab.

Had brill day with sugars yest all below 10 then today up shoot again, but missed am dose so playing catch up!!

andrea xxx

going on to insulin

hiya, well finally the docs have decided that after 7 months of coping with out of control sugars they are going to put me onto insulin. Have no idea what sort or what kind of regime as the diabetic reg only came at 4.30 this afternoon. I am still currently residing in costa del addenbrookes. My sub cut was increased yesterday to 7.5mg and the sugars have just gone stupid. They are up in the 20s by teatime and all the nurses do is shrug their shoulders and say ooh that is high!

Anyway I am sure I am going to have loads of questions once things get going.


God bless ya rusty and heres to better control, tip sub cut increases sugars and mine are always higher at teatime with pred bet your peeing all nite hey? which isnt easy when lungs unhappy! i know sub cut increases sugars coz when i have mine took off for breaks sugars plummit so now have a plan off when and how much to reduce insulin by.They should send diabets nurse to see you if not already, they know alot more so utilise them their a god send!

good luck sweetie

you know where we are if you need us

Love and paryers

Andrea xxx

Rusty - believe me going onto insulin isnt that bad - I was petrified before but not anymore !!

I have my appointment with the lead DSN today to work out my dose for Levemir - WooooooooHooooooooo - and my chemist has the bright red pen in tooo (the one I want) !!

Rusty like Andrea said use the DSN (diabetes nurses) they seem to be more spot on that the Drs at times !!

Seeing as you are in similar situation to us I think u should ask for referral to an Endo - endocrinologist too !!

Good luck all !!

Right thats it donna got my evidence now for changing to levemir!! not only doesnt it put weight on like lantus it can also aid weight loss!! so now have written documents to throw at em other than just hear say had b4!! will do anything i can to loose weight!! got appt in 3 weeks with gp for full mot so may weight till then especially after all the trouble went to to get new pen for lantus!!

andrea xxx

Hun I will report in on the levemir once I started ti tomorrow lol

I love my red pen lol

I put my rapid in red pen and levemir in silver pen lol

But am trying one injection right now instead of the planned two as it may help me more having the Levemir wearing off when the steroids do over night lol

But will go onto 2 jabs of it if it doesnt help alot lol

But the new pen case is excellent it holds BOTH my insulin pens altogether and dead handy to grab if u going out lol

Donna I know you have lost loads of weight so this won't apply to you but..... When I was at Gp today she told me that a new weight loss drug just been licensed for diabetics!! She says it wont be available to other overweight people. I dont know how it works yet but the doc says it very exciting news for diabetics. Anyway it isnt in the sept bnf but should be in Aprl one and then she can prescribe it for me. I've been given one last chance to get sugars down on metformin or doc wants to add other meds in which she says will increase weight :-(

Will keep u all posted when I know more about weight loss drug

J x

Julie - if they try u on insulin - ask for Detemir (aka Levemir) as it can help some people with weight loss - it is a longactign insulin taken once or twice a day !!

Julie please keep us posted!!! i was excited when licenced reductil till asked chest cons who flattly refuses!! :( its not him who has to deal with weight!!


Sugars been highwaire, been above 13 for 3 days, felt rough b4 tea so did wee and had ++ ketones agin then checked bm and was 4.8? never been below 12 pre tea for 2 yrs? ketones now trace so not worried bout that just scared incase do go to sleep and have hypo?

Andrea xxx

julie I stil have weight to lose to be ideal but gp wont let me have the weightloss drugs :(

I am just hoping now I cant take metformin that I dont put any weight back on with the change in insulin regime !!

Oh dear apparantly a side effect of the to be/newly licensed weight loss drug is explosive diahorrea and or faecal incontinence. Oh joy! Pass the chocolate please!

Oh joy sounds similar to xenical then?

Donna you should put weight on with new regime as mentioned ive now got the research eveidence that not only does levemir not give you weight gain like lantus it actually aid weight loess.

Had another poop day yesterday with unexplained hypos? and ketones? they dont want to reduce insulin as its roughly one day a week i have this then tehy shoot up again like today? weird person i am?

Andrea xx

Doc didnt give me the name so I cant look up drug for side effects, hopefully it isnt same as xenical. I cant have reductil cos on meds for bp, xenical I didnt think was any good so I am pining hopes on new one. Lois have u got a name for this drug please?

I think the drug you're describing might be rimonabant - I'll ferret around and see what information I can find on it for you.

Ok that was quick - evaluation from the BMJ patient site


And if you're a bit more technically-minded:


(Please check the links and remove any spaces randomly generated by the AUK board!)

Cathbear, all i can find in BNF and others is that its an appitite suppressent so thats like reductil? so if it is and you cant have reductil will that be the sane with this one?

Andrea xx

Thanks Cathbear !!

I found this article good too as it mentions the diabetes and bmi issues too!!


Me - I started Levemir with my novorapid yesterday but weirdly I felt the affects the same day !!

Was fine for 12-ish hrs then I started to feel sick and high !!

But have to wait till friday to descide whether its workingor not ot whether I need the 2 injections or not !!

I was looking at the MTASC report last night with the contra-indications and problems with Reductil - more specifically, the increase in blood pressure and pulse rate that can occur. The BNF specifically lists Rimonabant as ""Adjunct in obesity and in overweight patients with risk factors for cardiovascular disease"" - as it was a late addition to the BNF there is no more information about it in there at present, but there should be more when the next version of the BNF comes out this month. It suggests to me that, for a group of people in whom Redictil/sibutramine is contra-indicated, that Rimonabant may be more suitable.

Sorry, that should be ""MTRAC report"", not ""MTASC"". I think I've got MTAS on the brain, and I'm not even involved in it....

Thanks cathy your a star any ammunition i can get to throw at cons to give me it will do!!

andrea xx

Thanks for all info, at least Ive got a name for it now. It does sound very like reductil, I lost 3 stone on that. The high risk of severe depression doesnt sound good though, can't take risks like that but thats only mentioned on the wikipedia article. Oh well hopefully doc will be able to prescribe next month, as my weight wont be helping all other medical conditions.

Sorry i seem to have hijacked your diabetic thread with weight pills, just thought it may be of some interest.

j x

Your very welcome to hijack it!! as its of use to us diabetics anyway, I felt same when read about the depression? wish could find out more?

I'll have a bit more of a root about this lunchtime and see what I can find. Sure I can make the excuse of the fact that it's a ""hot topic"" and may come up in my exam....not to mention all the folks beating a path to my door asking about it!

well ive been looking around inbetween working and looked at loads of sites/articles. A couple of order reports mention depression but the majority dont, otherwise all looks very positive. I thought that 1 in 4 people will experience some form of mental health issue like depression in their lifetime so could it be coincidence?? Maybe the gp could perscribe us prozac and acomplia together to counteract ;)

Well I changed to Levemir from Lantus on Tues am and its working so much better I am having to lower my rapid insulin!!

I am running between 5 and 9 mmol now but am getting tired as sugars have normalised so quickly but have been told it will wear off!!

Andrea - hun if u still having issues with Lantus push ya little heart out to try Levemir - I've found it so much better!!

I am only taking one injection of it a day, first thing in an am and it works great for me as when the steroids wear off over night so does the Levemir so I do not get hypo over night now!!

I am very very glad I did push to swap Andrea and dont worry about the fact you have just swapped to the Opticlick system as its your comfort and health that matters hun!!

Dont worry Donna am gonna push me little heart out and shove evidence got at GP when go to her diabetic slinic in 4 weeks, will hav used up all new lantus give me by then anyway!!

Hba1c down to 7.9 from 8.2 in now so a bit better control but still need to get it lower!

Andrea xx

Go for it !!

Anything with this darn disease is worth trying !!

Am fed up waiting for DSN been ringing and leaving messages since last tues!! gp wants me too get blood ketone machine off them!! as still having highs and ketones in wee!!

oh well

Donna i take it your still hooked on painting?

Julie any news on fat buster?

Rusty hows the insulin going hunny?

love Andrea xxx

Andrea - my lead DSN wanted me to check in friday so called - she was on annual leave so tried yesterday and found she is on a conference all week !!

There is the other dsn but she dunna know me so Ive started a new insulin and have no back-up - great in it !!

Hope u get sorted hun !!

Aint been around alot as getting normal numbers quickly has left me exhausted but its beginning to settle a little now !!

Painting to relax me but have so many drying now got no room for more till pack away they dry ones lol !!

hello all, sorry i haven't posted for a while. I have been on insulin now for just over a week. started out on small doses and they are slowly being increased.

At the mo i am on 8, 10, 6 units of novarapid and 8 units of lantus. blood sugars are still a bit erratic but mostly under 20 now and i have had a couple in single figures.

Haven't had a problem with injecting myself so i am quite pleased with myself in that respect. Just filled in the DVLA form to send off and see what they have to say.

I have also managed to lose just over 4 stone since january which i am over the moon about but also know that it is a little too much in such a short period of time. Will probably put some back on but am being really careful about what i eat so fingers crossed.


Hiya Rusty,

well as youve prob been told and read donnas stories its a long and slow process as they have to start you on the lowest dose possible and gradually increase so youve a way to go yet hunny, please be patient, but you willl get there.

Re Dvla no probs other than renewing more often unless your eyesight is out of normal range ( me ) and if you have reg or hypos without warning (me again!!) so good luck!!

Well fianlly got hold off DSN and went see her today and now have a nice nifty litle optium xeed meter for ketone testing along with strict instructions of when to test and what to do depending on the results.

Spoke to her about levemir and weight loss shes still noot convinced but is going to talk to cons about changing on the basis of am still getting huge lumps with the lantus dispite new pen and needles? so we will see waht happens?

Have had email off chest cons and more than likely staying in after clinic on tues unless bed prob as got a few wards shut, so have to reduce insulin on sunday in prep for bricanyl off and sugars dropping? hopefully by reducing before wont go as low as 1s like before.

Hope all well

keep up good work Donna, know how you feel about your body getting used to normal limits quickly!!

love Andrea xx

Hopefully ya consultant will agree to at least try the change Andrea - its gotta be worth it !!

Ive heard alot of good about the Exceed meters !!

I luv my compact plus and even have a 2nd machine now so I got one at home and one in my bag !!

I am not reducing my novorapid no more now as am leveling of around 5 to 7.x mmol so it seems after 8 and half months I have signs of stability !!

Andrea - just remind you diabetes team that the top thing in deciding what diabetes treatment in the guidelines is ""Patient Preference"" !!

They prob will change Donna when i said about the pens she said ok but she cant make the decision it got to be the cons and shes fab and gives me what i want if not will sweet talk Gp at next diabetic check!! he he

Totally out of control at mo but hormones raging and chest bubbling!!! am going see chest cons on tues and if bed staying in for bricanyl break so have to reduce insulin tom in advance as then mwill hopefully aviod nasty 1.7 hypos!!

Andrea xxxx

PS Donna well done getting good control me next!!1

Yep ur turn next lol

Andrea if ya stay in hun text me lol

Will do donna coz going in regional centre where no internet access!!! pants!! so will keep in touch and TKS will keep all informed.

Andrea, lost your number when my phone went through washing machine this week. Text me when you in and let us know how u r please.

J x

Fed up, peeing past myself, only reduced by 4 units each injection in preparation for bricanyl break tom but as infective and hormonal sugars reacted accordinly!!


Andrea xx

Bad news for anyone wanted to try Accomplia... My gp has said today even though im medical priority they arent allowed to prescribe. Apparently our PCT has refused to fund this, same old prob too expensive. My gp even asked me how much they are to buy online?!? I told her i'd rather not and she said well yeah as you never know if you getting proper drug, not sure if she trying to kill me off lol. So Im now looking at alternatives, will keep you posted if I find anything....

Hmmm it could be an area by area thing then depending on your pct and gps persuasion as to whether you can get funding or not !!

HIya, have been meaning to post on here for a few days now. Things have been going well since i started on insulin. I have had several days now where my FBG has been below 10. Still shooting up at supper time but I know that it is going to take some time to get things sorted properly. Just relieved that things are heading in the right direction. Have got a great DNS who is keeping in regular contact with me and adjusting my insulin as needed. I am now on 8, 10, 8 units of novarapid and 8 units of lantus.

Have found it quite easy to adjust to having to inject myself and to keep proper bg diary. Haven't had to adjust my diet much which is good as i was eating quite healthily before. But am keeping a food diary so that I can see how my body reacts to different foods. So far most fruits seem to be ok apart from pineapple which shoots the bg up big time. tis a shame as i love pineapple but i have cut it out for the time being and will allow myself a little every so often.

anyway have probably bored u all silly now!

love and huggles


Rusty watch melon especially honeydew and peaches!!

Julie my chest cons said no!!! arghhhhhhhhhhhhh

Me ok didnt have any hypos when sub cut off as reduced insulin 2 days before so am ok, just up at bit like before but a bit more tweeking and willl be ok, got diabetic review with GP on tues so will discuss swappng to levemir, you still impressed donna?

Andrea xx

I luv it Andrea !!

Even with a raging chest infection my sugars are still aroun 10 to 11mmol at max !!

I dont have diabetes, but my mum has.

I am worried about her as in addition to her schizophrenia her blood sugar levels are apparently 24 and the GP says thry are very concerned cos it is high and she may have to be admitted.

She has meds, but I am wondering if there is anything I can do?

As long as shes watching her diet and taking her meds all else you can do is make sure she drinks plenty of fluids as high sugars dehydrate your body and closely monitopr her sugars.

Im having quite a few issues at the mo, more pstchological i dont want be diabetic anymore tec? really struggling with complience, know its wrong but cant stop? anyone else get like that?

Andrea xxxx

Andrea - I been there done that - but as ya know I fight to inject at every injection time !!

Frequently wish I didnt have it !!

I am struggling with highs right now due to infection/steroids doubled/ab's !!

I am looking into splitting my levemir dose due to an issue of getting far to high late on the day again - as I take levemir in AM !!


Docs and nurses messing with insulin as infection on chest rife and not eating aswell as whacking pred up, so in response sugars up but with a few hypos to boot!!! so as sliding scale no good as not high enough insulin doses and no acess decided on modified subcut regime only nurses not sticking to it so now for past 4 days not one bm below 20!!! so peeing past myself, ketones and fed up!!! blooming bank hols, role on am when can see DSN and gonna demand see cons as i know she will come see me and wont be very happy.

sorry for moans as if chest not hard enough cope with at mo.

love Andrea xxx

Sorry Andrea - am trying to find a new home for my nasty and naughty infected lungs to which my pancreas is joining in on the act now...

I envy the day I would just get an infection and have chest problems alone...

The sugars swinging high to low is what we didnt want but guess who is doing it big style...

Even ended up having the low from h*** on the duty dr last thrusday - dont think she was pleased I was shaking to much and she ended up with milk on her...

Been sleeping alot and have to wait for more mega antib's tomorrow evening to be delivered (aint got any energy to go walk down again)...

They have to be order in any way as they dont get used very often due to the strength of them...

Sorry you still off it Andrea...

sugar now btween 25 and 30!!! DSN came today but was one i cant open up too!!! she wasnt having any off the levemir stuff and didnt have the enrgy to argue will wait and speak to cons. Anyway insulin restarted at higher doses and not to stop even when not eating!!!

so heres to maybe a bit lower and then maybe peeing less!!

can only hope hey

Hope u improve soon Donna

Andrea x

Andrea - I aint eatin alot either but lead DSN and GP today have both said to drink full sugar pop at least so I can take the insulin but you probably know that...

You probably dont have the energy to argue with the nurses Andrea but push to see your endo or one of his team while you are in...

I am managing to stay out right now but neither gp or lead dsn is very pleased with the fact everything they want to avoid is happening...

Swinging high to low tooooo quick....

Duty gp thursday thought I was gonna have a fit on her I was shaking so much with a major low - well had been sat there waiting for 2hrs...

But I normally dont swing like this and the infection isnt shifting and now got fluid sounds, loud crackles etc etc...

But Andrea push to see at least a Dr fron your endo's team and take care...

Ta Donna my endo cons oncall this weekend so may get to see her, if other DSN comes tom that i prefer will speak to her. Still not eating much but not having any lows thank god!! nothing below 20, pre lunch creeping up as stopped am one so think will prob restart that tom.

hope you pick up soon donna

hows it going Rusty

Love Andrea xx

Andrea I got a freebie 100g bar of Heaven chocolate today and looked at the carbs in it and they are quite low !!

For 1/4 a bar the carb count is 11.6g (low enough to be a snack) !!

And believe me 2 or 3 chunks is all you need its so rich and goey and ****drool**** !!

Nestle ""Heaven"" chocolate !!


You want to start a chart for people with astma and diabetes so i through i would pop in and say hi.

I have been dibectic now for 6years but has astma all of my live if went away and now has comeback this has been since i have had diabetes.

Many be there is a link between the two? this would be something that i could find out and let you know if you wish.

Take care and hope you are all well


hello - time for an update! if u can bear it. Well sugars are still dropping nicely. Not having anything above 15. My FBG is now below 10! yay but it is the pre evening meal that is still getting high - bleddy pred!

DSN is pleased with how things are going so that has given me some confidence that things are heading in the right direction. Just wish things would come under control a little quicker - I am being, as usual, an impatient patient.

Hope things sort themselves out for you both wheezer and andrea.



usty so glad things improving for you, me too am soo impatient but trust me slower control is better for you.

Me still running at 25+ pre tea and 20+ pre bed and still not eating full diet? bloody pred, antibs and infection! not too mention hormones!!

DSN coming tom, hopefully nice one so can discuss levemir again!!!!!!!!!!

There is a contection between asthma and diabetes if steroid dependent asthma causing steroid induced diabetes.

Love Andrea xxx

Went to anothe gp appt today - still infected well and went and had a bad hypo on her DOH !!

But still sorted out a big mess the duty dr yesterday left me in !!

Hope eveyones sugars behaving more than mine - mine swinging within hrs and its doing head in!


Sugars been out of control ALL day and even bolusing hourly is not keeping them down !!

Ketones tested at ++ (moyen) on ketostix !!

I am fed-up, upset and naffed off all at once !!

Anyone want to swap bodies - PLEASE ??

Think may have cracked something just hope it lasts!!

bms been 9.? for last 2 days!! on antibs, 2 infected toes, steroids so hope continues!!!!!!

Andrea xxxx

yay andrea - want to pass on the magic trick - my blood sugars were starting to get under control and now they have gone haywire again - ARGGGGGHHHHHHH I am soooo fed up with this now.

Wheezer - how u doing?

Huggles to all


would love to Rusty here goes



Dont count chickens i say!!!

love Andrea xxx

Told ya wouldnt last long todays are highteens!!!! arghhhhhhhhhhhhh

thought I would check in and share my good news!

I FINALLY seem to be winning in the war against my blood sugars. The last 4 days have all been under 13!!! It is taking time but I am getting there.

How is everyone else doing?


Pants enough siad, wont bore or depress anyone with probs.

Andrea xx

Sorry Rusty I am with Andrea here in - PANTS !!!!!

Stonking migraine, throwing up and not eating make Donna's sugar FARRRRRRRRRRR to high !!!!!

Glad u are getting there now Rusty - it took me months when I started the lantus, then the novorapid and now still tweaking hte Levemir/novorapid !!!!!

Well all my stability seems to have gone out the window? Had 3 days of readings below 10, gor rather excited and now back to square one? of all over teens? upping insulin accordingly but not happy about ammount of insulin on as making me put a bit of weight on and not happy!!!!

Been trying get in touch with DSN since took wrong insulin last wed nite but no look so frustrated!!!

Andrea xxx


They still not called you - what they playing at !!!

I am sick of insulin too right now Andrea am on 190units total a day now and levemir is still going up and 5 injections a day is pants !!!

Had a run of migraines though this last 5 days which dont help but they come in groups then I get them then none for months then get more etc etc !!!

Do you take anything for maigraines? i been getting alot past few mths hormome related, spoke to cons as was quite ill, obviously be cant have beta blockers and other migraine neds a no he said but he put me on maxalon, which is an anti sickness drug three times a day? they dont know how it works but it does!! it does with me anyway?

Andrea xx

I take Naratriptan (Naramig) as its the only thing that I can take (have tried the others in the same class but only this one works) but if I have the headache when I wake-up like recently I got no chance of keeping anything down all day which naffs the diabetes and insulin off !!

The Dr's talking about ""Cluster headaches"" whatever they are now but she says if have another month like the last one then its off to a neurologist !!

I am allergic to maxalon - I get lockjaw that moves through to every muscle in my body - darn PAINFULL !!

Well Donna im glad im not your GP or n nurse coz you sure are allergic to alot of meds? thought i was bad with 4? All be them bad ones in asthma case as one salbutamol and one the main sedative for itu? how many red wrist bands do you have to have in hosp? lol

Andrea x

ARRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH after boasting last week, i have jinxed myself - had horrid numbers over the last 48 hours - think infection is brewing. STOMP STOMP STOMP STOMP

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