It's still early, but I feel like it's lunchtime already. I am absolutely exhausted with getting up at all hours of the night, going to work, looking after Max (and my husband for that matter!) and keeping the house going.
Max didn't have that bad a night coughing wise, but was extremely unsettled and he is waking up fully at 5am. Max is also having terrible trantrums and I've noticed that he is very trantrumy (is that a word!?!) when he feels worse. Does anyone else experience their child having really bad tantrums when they are feeling really rough? Also, he is drinking lots and subsequently leeking his nappy in bed which I'm sure doesn't help with the symptoms.
I'm sorry to moan so early, but my husband is totally useless if I'm honest and i'm really feeling like I'm not sure how much more I can take. I feel like I am completely useless and am so tired that I'm not much good to Max when he need's me the most.
Just needed to get it off my chest.....keep thinking I need to pull myself together and stop moaning and just get on with it, but with the lack of sleep on top of Max and having quite a pressured job I'm struggling.
Thanks for listening and hope everyone is ok xx