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just joined my daughter is being treated my not comfirmed as having asthma due to her age

6 Replies


I have just joined here , Though its my daughter who has possiable Asthma. (most likey does but because shes under 2 they wont say for defo).

Her history is form around 6 weeks old she was a constant wheezer and coughing all the time. When she got a could she got worse and worse. Around 6ish months she got a horrid chest infection and her whezzing and cough where awful. She was started on SIngular by my GP. But a few days later she was alot worse so was given inhlaers. brown and blue. she got over that epsoide but it took weeks.

Then last christmas i had one off the worst expeinces off my life. She had a cough/cold the week before xmas and seemed to get over it and was getting better for 2 days and wham she was poorly again. She was getting worse by the day and on 1st vist to the doctor on the tues as she was very wheezy and a nebuliser given (she as having some minor chest issue for a few months but nothing dignosed etc). which helped her for 24hrs a few days later, she was getting more and more lathrgic if you woke her she went right back to sleep and she normally only has 2 short naps a day, not feeding, sleeping all the time uncontrollable temp going form high to low all the time even with meds, very bad cough. we went back to the gp on xmas eve and while having a neb she started gasping for breath and so the go checked her sats and they where 70% but her colour was good etc.... the doctor started O2 and called an amblance

she was taken to a and e via blues and twos ..... once there they kept trying to stop her oxygen but she kept droping her levels, so was addmitted. to cut a long story shortish. The following night christmas day she took a really bad turn for the worse and couldnt stp coughing, low oxygen levels a breathing rate off well over 100 and a heart rate really high. She was taken to intensive care and had to be put on a ventilater to take over her breathing and let her rest. She was very very poorly.She was on the ventilater for 7 days after one unsucessful attempt to get her off on day 3. plus lots and lots of other treatments etc while on her stay in PICU. She was taken off the vent on new years day and lucky coped this time and went onto just oxygen. she was kept in for a few more days and we come home 4 days later.

she was offically dignosed with Swine flu while in hosptial and also refered to the respitory consultant.

She was re comencd on all her asthma meds and put on profolactil Azrotomycin?Sp.

She has been under them since. Since them she has had quite a few colds that have needed more inhlaers than normal. she is also has a asthma plan.

she was took off the anti bots in July.

This weeks she has had the worse cold and is awful at the mo and we ended up at a and e last night after maxing out on her salbut. She has been given a 3 day course of steriods (15mg of pred).

and is on 4hrly salbut and atrovent...

I am dreading this winter so so much, i so not sure what to do about any vacs and i know they are going to discuss it with me the nxt app (in oct). I not sure if shes going to have proflactic anti bots again this winter. I am dreading ending up in PICU again.

just wanted to share and hope i will be able to find more support here form parents going through the same.

Many thanks


Mummy to Martha.... and 2 other monsters... Joseph and finley.

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6 Replies


Welcome to the forum, I am so sorry your daughter has been so unwell. My son had similar episodes at a similar age and because of his age would'nt give a diagnosis of asthma (which was frustrating as they were treating him for it!).

I sympathise with you for dreading winter, although hopefully your daughters doctors will be more proactive and helpful considering her history. My son first had the flu vaccine when he was three (i am not sure what age it is licensed from) as well as all the other usual ones, and i think it helped.

Take care


Hello and welcome to the forum.

Sorry you've had so much trouble with ur lil girl.

Like you my son is yet to be officially diagnosed with asthma due to him only being 18 months and it still a 'wheezy baby'.

My son is under the respiratory cons and has had 9 admissions into hospital mainly resulting in treatment in hdu but like ur little one has but taken to picu and fully ventilated.

This forum has been a massive help getting me clued up on asthma and arming me with questions for cons appointment, hope you too find it helpful

Emma xx

yaf_user681_15459 profile image

So sorry to hear everything you and your little girl has been through. :-(

My little girl is two and has had asthma since around 6months. It's hard to watch our little ones suffer like that.

As you have said, the fear as the winter months approach us is horrid. I think the flu vaccine is licensed from 6months of age. We all have it very yr as a way of helping to protect Maddie too.

I hope your daughter soon picks up now she has started on a course of pred. Have you spoken with her consultant re your fears? If not, I would mention it as they may give you a plan of attack with regards to the winter months.

Will be back again to post but a fleeting visit for now.

Take care,

Emily x

angievere profile image

Hi Natasha, Like the others I can totally sympathise as my son (now 14) was poorly with asthma from about a year old. As an asthmatic myself (all my life) I just knew what the problem was but several doctors refused to diagnose him. We were in and out of the surgery like yo-yo's, before another GP (an asthmatic herself!) diagnosed asthma. Once he started on the inhalers he improved, although it's been up and down ever since.

Colds are the main trigger for both of us, and I absolutely dread the winter months when my son can be very poorly. He's also had a lot of time off school although last term was better. One thing that has helped is extra vitamins especially vit C. We've been taking Vit C and a multi vit for about 18months now, and I think it has helped to ward off colds. It's worth a try anyway.Feel free to PM any time.

Thank you all.

I am sorry to hear about all your little ones 2, but glad you are here.

Martha is a little better tonight... no coughing this evening but she has a awful temp. I have had to take a day off work tomorrow which is gonna go down like a lead balloon but i dont care.

I am a neonatel nursery nurse and can see what happens as she gets ill. When she was ill at xmas i knew where we where going. They still cant say other than she may have asthma as to why she got swine flu so bad. But boy it is scary.

Emily, Thank you. i am not seeing him until october again and they where hoping to discharge us back to GP care but i am going to ask them not to i am going to ask for them to keep her on until atleast this winter is over. I have also an asthma nurse 2 who has done me a plan. Waiting to see if she wants to see her after this or if GP (i would rather see her).

I normally have the flu vac as i work in health but didnt last year, but it was my son picked it up at school and they wont give them the vac.. oh i dont know i am so confused about it all. will have a good chat with the in october... (or might see if i can bring it forward but prob not as hes so busy).

Emma, Thank you. Sorry to hear about you little boy needing a PICU addmission 2. its so scary.

Angie, Thank you. Yes colds seem to be her trigger 2 and not sure what i can do to help that. Will look into the vit c thanks.

Thanks Vicki, Its so frustrating. Shes not 2 til nxt March.

Thanks again all... need to go to bed as she was up early this moring and been attched to me all day today. And not eating all shes had in 3 days is Milk and some choc lol thats all she would eat...


Welcome to the forum Natasha. Hope Martha starts to improve really soon. Not nice seeing little ones suffering. PM any time if you need to. xx

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