I been on 30/50 Zapain for years for my back and knees I only took them when i needed them I also got severe asthma and my lungs give me grief when i do take naxproxen or diclofenc and ibubropen .The Dr perscribed tramadol today for my back to be honest i dont know why im so worried about It but Is it a step i need to take
Back ache : I been on 30/50 Zapain for... - Arthritis Action
Back ache
I can really only talk of my own experience with Zapain and Tramadol! I was also on Zapain at the start and found after a few years no real relief seemed to come from them except for a rush 30 minutes after taking them? I was then put on Tramadol and was maxing them in a short time and was on them for many years. It was not until I received a letter inviting me to an opioid removal course? Which was recommended by my GP who is fully aware of all my many conditions and problems. All in all, it was done over a number of days and it made total sense to me.
The plan was to wean me off Opioids completely Which I did in 5 weeks. I was taught Mindfulness and Distraction techniques. Luckily, I also had the will to do it. This was about 4 years ago and all I take now is Paracetamol. The pain has not gone but I can now cope with it! I am thinking better without the Brain Fog that opioids bring to the party.
In 2019, nearly 50,000 people in the United States died from opioid-involved overdoses. The misuse of and addiction to opioids—including prescription pain relievers, heroin, and synthetic opioids such as fentanyl—is a serious national crisis that affects public health as well as social and economic welfare.
Be well
Hello Ty2012K, Sorry to hear of your dilemma. tramadol in small doses work well for some. I have been taking them for many years in small dosage due to the effects of other drugs like ibuprofen, naproxin and aspirin. I have just found another one that is a mixture of tramadol and paracetamol in one tablet but suggest to take care if you have breathing issues. Have you not been offered gabapentin , that comes highly recommended for arthritic pain. But it can worsen asthmatic symptoms. Codrydalmol is prescribed for some with bad pain might be worth you reading up if it might suit your case then discuss with practice nurse or GP. If you can manage without pain relief some of the time I would leave the tramadol off for now thats speaking from experience. Oh I forgot to mention I have a lung condition diagnosed as COPD/Asthma so appreciate the problems you have with painkillers too. Take care and remember doctors can't possibly know all the interactions or side effects of drugs so you need to check things yourself. Good luck with finding the best for you.
Just an extra to what’s been said already.I have arthritic pain which is exacerbated by the pills I take to stop (I hope) cancer returning. The pain is quite bad and my doc tried many tablets on me, one of which was tramadol. This did absolutely nothing for the pain other than relieve it very slightly.
I’m now on Butec, an opioid patch, which does the trick, the trick being enough dampening to the pain that I live a normal life. I’m sure I’m addicted to butec, but so what. I shall have to come off it at some point and that will be hard, I’m sure, but it transformed my life - for the good.
The moral of this is that not all opioids are bad for everyone, they are not necessarily the devil in disguise.
Have you considered a Pharmacist review of all your medications, I found it very reassuring.