I have possible gout or arthritis at base of big toe which has come on suddenly. My Gp has given me 12 Colchicine 500 ug. Ive taken 3 spaced out in 19 hrs, first one at 3pm yesterday. As they can be toxic i'll take another this evening but i dont appear to have any side effects! Very painful and ive hardly slept for 2 nights. Taking paracetomol every 4 hrs and hoping the colchicine kick in soon. Has anyone taken these tabs for gout and how long does it take for them to work? The inflammation had travelled from the base of my toe up my foot last night but seems to have gone down again this am. Very difficult to walk and im putting weight on the outside of my foot when stepping , i can hardly get a slipper on. I hope my GP has diagnosed correctly , i wouldnt like it be a stress fracture or something else. My diet is quite good and the list of foods which contribute to uric acid (purines?) i rarely eat. I also dont drink or smoke!
Colchicine for Gout at base of big toe - Arthritis Action
Colchicine for Gout at base of big toe

I’d have thought that an X-ray might be indicated to see whether this is arthritis rather than gout? That’s what happened to me, my chiropodist fifteen years ago said I might have gout and to ask for an X-ray- which indeed proved arthritis. I take glucosamine with chondroitin on the advice of chiropodist which does help.
I was walking & standing on the sides of my feet to ease the pain in my big toes, & hadn’t really realised it! It was picked up by my rheumy & she arranged for me to see an orthotics specialist. They made me a pair of orthotics (insoles) specifically for me, & they helped a lot. In my case it’s arthritis, not gout. I don’t know a lot about gout, but I think the toes are red & swollen with gout, whereas mine were painful & stiff? Somebody with better knowledge of gout may help you more!
Hello Ainsdale2010, I had a bout of gout after my painkillers were changed. Yours sounds like gout but agree it could be other things as you suggest. I have an hereditory history of gout and my uric acids were high. Once the attack subsides you need to be tested for uric acid levels , usually about a fortnight after, then you need to take tablets for the rest of your life. The treatment given by your GP is correct based on the symptoms. You need to keep exercise to a minimum until your foot swelling goes down and the pain subsides. The drug given usually works well but I found after three days I had a reaction to the drug so it was ceased. Unless you have more than one attack in a year no consultant is involved, but gout can only be definately diagnosed by testing the fluid for crystals in the joint.Recently my feet were Xrayed and osteo was diagnosed but my uric acids remain higher than norm. Hope this info helps you , rest your foot till the swelling starts to go down , losing weight is another way to reduce raised uric acids and certain heart tablets cause raised uric acid levels, incidently my dad had gout and took heart tablets. Take care severe pain is no joke as is constant pain. Like you I don't eat purine foods , smoke or drink.
Hi, thanks for all the replies! Katieoxo60, i think your reply resonates most! I consider my diet to be quite good but when i have a closer inspection i had 2 fillets of salmon on monday night, fish & chips with gravy from the chippy on tuesday night and potatoes, broccoli, carrots, chicken & gravy last night! From what ive read certain fish , including salmon, can contain higher levels of purines as can fatty food and sauces such as gravy which contribute to higher uric acid levels in the blood. Yesterday was an improvement but after lying in bed for 1/2 hr last night the symptoms started again! The red inflammation and swelling had travelled up my foot again and i needed more paracetomol. I also had to go somewhere yesterday which involved being on my feet for 30-60 minutes. I guess there is a consequence and delay regarding diet and the after affects a few hrs later plus the same with just simply being stood up or walking? My old Dad also suffered from gout so there is a hereditary link. Having said all this it could alo be wear & tear as i have that in my right knee and lower back! Getting older is no good at all!
Hi, I take Aluprorinal which seems to keep mine stable. In April it got infected and I was under the local NHS foot clinic weekly, then fortnightly, now 3 monthly. You should be having yours checked regularly. I am diabetic so it's imperative my feet are kept healthy.
Plus I had an xray to check that the inflammation had not travelled to the bone which it can do. My diet is also contradictory to acidic foods.
So, by yesterday the inflammation had gone with just an occasional twinge and the same this am! I have just 2 tablets of colchicine left and i dont know whther to just leave them now as my only side affect from them has been sleeping realy heavily...10 hours last night. I'll need to go back to my GP for a blood test.