I get pain and swelling on the insides of my elbows.
Does this sound like RA
I get pain and swelling on the insides of my elbows.
Does this sound like RA
No one’s replied to you donnabrain. I don’t think we are diagnosticians! Have you contacted your doctor?
I have been to the Gp , the local hospital also, both say inflammation, but my rheumatologist says not, because bloods say not
Some arthritis conditions can be diagnosed by blood tests - and some can’t. I’m unsure what your next step ought to be.
Maybe just exercising the joints and muscles might do the trick?
A friend of mine had lots of pain, though not in the same places as yours, and had multiple visits to docs to determine the cause. A rheumatologist said it was not arthritis. A couple of years on HRT sorted most of the pain out, though,
Then the pain worsened and a different rheumatologist diagnosed a sero-negative form of arthritis, and effective treatment has started. But it took six years to get there