I had a total knee replacement done 18 months ago and have progressively had more pain with each month passing. My toes cramp all the time and there is significant pain behind my knee which shoots pain I have been down my leg and into my hip. Do you think The prosthesis might be causing the problem. Am I allergic to it or is it loose? It seems like the rest of my body feels like it’s just shutting down. I’m scared and I need answers because I can’t live like this.
I need answers : I had a total knee... - Arthritis Action
I need answers

You've said what you have to do yourself - "I need answers because I can't live like this". The answers will be with your doctor, who should take the necessary steps to find what is causing your problems and to solve them. Good luck with it and I'll be interested to hear what happens. I had a knee replacement nearly 4 years ago. It has made my life much easier but is still causing some pain.
At 12 months, 1 year an x-ray can tell what is going on, everything is all healed up at one year. I found out that my knee replacement was grossly unstable with other problems and had to undergo a total knee revision. I went to a different orthopedic surgeon as I had to many problems after the original knee replacement. Definately get a second opinion. I will tell you though that even after a successful knee revision I have some pain over a year later, but most is from the initial surgery as I ended up with peroneal neuropathy after the first knee replacement. Good luck.
I’m sorry you had problems. I had a perineal nerve and IT band release in August. What did the neuropathy feel like.
I have numbness in my left leg, ankle, foot and toes, sometimes it is terrible pain, sometimes just tingling and numbness, however my gait is still off as a result of it. My ortho mentioned doing a release however I haven't followed up with it, how did that work out for you ? I have much weakness which is frustrating from the neuropathy.
It helped quite a bit. The nerve conduction study was the worst part of it. Very painful but I don’t have a very high pain threshold so you may do just fine. I’m still having trouble with my leg but a lot of it is from sitting around too much I need to exercise more. I would recommend having a release So your nerves can function properly. But I am no doctor so take it for what it’s worth. I’m glad I had it done. My ortho was not very receptive to anything being wrong and actually told me to get a second opinion. So I did and that’s how they found out the Nerve was being pinched. Let me know what you decide to do. Good luck
I already had the nerve conduction study which showed moderate to severe neuropathy. As I have become more active it continues to cause more and more problems with my mobility. Perhaps it is worth looking more seriously at having done. Thank you for the information.
The prosthetic you have could be a bad one or an improper fit, mine was an improper fit. Definately schedule an appointment for a consult about it. You should not be living your life as you are, that is pretty much what happened to me before I had the revision, as much as I hated to go through it, it was well worth it and my ortho now is just amazing !
Go right back to yr drs. The new hip could be causing this pain. You really do need to have it checked out.