I don't know where to turn for help. My rheumatologist stopped all my medication In May 2017 due to a really bad adverse reaction. In the meantime my rheumatologist just up and left the practise. I had to wait until November 17th 2017 to see a new rheumatologist. He has put me on biological drugs which he said I needed straight away. My appointment came through it's not until April 24th I phoned his secretary saying this can't be right I have been without treatment since May 2017. All she could do was apologise due to staffing shortages my appointment time will have to stand. My GP is disgusted with this outcome she has put me on morphine for the pain but I can barely walk. I don't know how long I can continue like this. I have tried ringing my local mp for advise but to no avail. It's disgraceful I am in constant pain and can't get the treatment I desperately need
I need help: I don't know where to turn for... - Arthritis Action
I need help

So sorry to hear this I feel for you, it would seem our system is going down hill fast and it seems to be a very uncaring world nowadays. I am glad to hear you have a good GP

Thx for your reply vondel I agree with you our system is failing the genuine people who need it most. My GP is a lovely and caring lady who feels quite helpless that she can't do for me unfortunately this debilitating illness is not in their field of general practice. Fortunately for me I have a brilliant family support network on my side otherwise I would probably give up. Take care and thanks
So sorry you are having this pain. Arthritis can be a v painful condition. Is it possible that you can see your NHS rheumatologist privately, on a one off basis. Phone his secretary.Then have whatever treatment, exercise or medication, or both, on the NHS. Hope you soon feel better.
Best wishes
Thx for your reply Slivia. I have tried ringing the rheumatologist but to no avail. There is a serious staff problem unfortunately there is nothing he can do. I can't afford to go private I got finished from work a year ago on capabilities. I tried for pip got refused. Tried for esa also got refused had no income for nearly a year now. It's so frustrating As I can barely walk yet these so called professional people are saying I'm fit for work
Hi Kazwilks. Unfortunately, the govt. have outsourced some govt. . agencies.
Frequently, these people are not medically qualified to make proper assessments. All these agencies should have emergency funds. Get a letter from your GP, stating her views of your medical condition, plus the pain levels you are experiencing. Take this to your local govt. agency. Insist that you need an emergency payment from this Fund. Take someone with you as a witness. Do not give up.
Best wishes
Hi Slivia I took copies of a letter from my GP which cost me 20.00 for her to write explaining everything they needed to know. At the time I could walk so I'm presuming I failed for that reason even though both hands are in splints. I would love to know what job they think I could manage or a employer who would hire me in this state. Thx for your reply take care
I agree Slivia go private and then transfer to same guy on the NHS. I mix NHS and private its no problem and I'm not apologising for that. The NHS is great but private faster and that can matter when your in pain. You can ring his secretary for an estimate of the cost of appointment.
Hi sorry to read this. If going privately isn't an option it might be worth sending a brief but assertive email to him (via the secretary) asking how this can be expedited. And ringing the nurse specialist helpline attached to the hospital. Good luck.
Hi Dianne
I've tried but there's a serious staff problem unfortunately there is nothing he can do. I am at my wits end I guess I will just have to wait it out. Thx for your reply and take care
Hi Kazwilks! I was wondering if you had your appointment and if you were able to find relief.
I'm new to the arthritis forum, but found your prior posts heartbreaking.
How are you?