Anyone any pain relief for this im in agony I have RA in this knee and waiting for knee replacement now this I had never heard of this dr sent me to check for DVT but thank god that was clear any information on pain relief I have all the usual but nothing helps and I cant drive with it as it is my clutch foot sorry to be a moan. Sue
Bakers cyst: Anyone any pain relief for... - Arthritis Action
Bakers cyst

Hi savanna1
I too have RA and have experienced these.
They are not pleasant and can be quite debilitating.
My first one happened a few years back.My rheumatologist had given me a contact number at the hospital if I had any concerns or questions.
My knee swelled up was painful and I couldn't bend it as it was swollen at the back. I rang the number and they asked me to go to the rheumatology unit.
They drained my knee with a needle. Doesn't sound very pleasant but it didn't hurt and it was much needed relief.
Altho pain killers helped with the pain the sensation of a lump behind my knee was worse.
Hoe you can get it sorted soon.
Take care.
Hi three weeks iv had this now but no lump as appeared iv been to dr again he did drain it but to no avail the pain is excruciating when I try to bend my leg I was just glad the dvt test was negative that was a relief the nurses are saying rest it dr saying keep moving my other knee is compensating for the bad one and thats the one they are replacing I cant win xx
Hi savanna1
Last year before Xmas went to A&E with incredible pain in right calf, plus unable to walk because of pain. Went to A&E because I thought I was having a DVT - similar type of pain - as I had one before in 1981 and was petrified I was having another DVD. It was a Baker's cyst. Unfortunately nothing is done in this country (at least via NHS) to help. I know in French a friend who had one was operated on, simple op and was soon back to normal and being able to go walking with his club. We have to suffer am afraid. It did get better slowly with lots of rest and gentle movement, but pain tends to come back from time to time.
Unfortunately, like you I need knee replacement for both knees... and I also have RA for which I inject a biologic drug, once/week which helps slow down the disease and alleviate the pain a lot, but the problem is will need to stop using Enbrel 6 weeks before op and for as long as it will take for wound to heal... could be 3 months without treatment... so that is worrying because I don't know how I'm going to cope with pain and swelling without my drug. When i had to stop injecting the RA pain and swelling comes back between 2 and 3 weeks!
Sorry I can't really help you with the Baker's cyst... it seems there's nothing we can do to help in UK.
Forgot to say the cyst had ruptured and fluid was running into muscle... not nice.
Best wishes.
Sounds like we are in the same boat only I havent been offered any injection for my RA like you and im worried about pain of this and op on knee my leg is three inches bigger than the other now so im dreading the op at the moment which is September I wish you well thanks for your reply x
Sorry to hear about one of your legs being 3 inches bigger than the other... that is terrible. Have you asked your GP for help, as well as rheumatologist? I assume you have been referred to a rheumatologist if you have been diagnosed with dreadful RA? Which part of UK are you in? What treatment have you been given for your RA?
Because you have RA (depending on how long and how bad RA is) you should have been offered the new (not so new now) biologic treatment (either infusions or injections). I have been on weekly injections of Enbrel (Entanercept) for over 10 years now - has helped me so much, giving me my life back, up to a point. Was on infusion before that, and before any biologic is given one has to try SOOOO many tablets... different treatmenst - these tablets in large numbers over so many years (mid 1980s) have destroyed the lining of my stomach... and now have reactive gastritis for which I need to take PPIs... it never ends it seems.
Totally understand your fear of operation, it is a major op. I too am very worried about operations (need both knees to be replaced, one at a time)... But seeing orthopaedic surgeon next week and he may decide I am not well enough to have the operations, that would not be great either.
One of my concerns is the need to stop the injections 6 weeks prior to op and then as long as it needs for wound to heal... so that could be 3 months or so altogether without injections!!! When I had to stop injecting, say when I have to have antibiotics, or something else that interferes with immune system, after 2/3 weeks of no injections the RA pain came back with a vengeance and then I can't move at all, can't sleep... so dare not think what it will be like over 3 months period.
Will you have someone to look after you and help you after the op? Living alone there won't be anyone for me, so will need to make arrangements to go to a convalescing home for a while until it is safe for me to mange alone. So not looking forward to that either... but.
I would like to say not not worry... but I feel just like you... However tell yourself it will help in the long term. Do you have a good orthopaedic surgeon?
Very best wishes, and thinking of you.
Thank you for your kind words I was diagnosed with RA in the 90 s like you lost my gall bladder I did to medication voltarol it was supposed to be the wonder drug back then it did help a lot I was to young they would say for new knees so iv coped twenty odd years with injections drains physio etc medication I will have the operation September im fortunate im not alone I have my daughters and son close by I hope all goes well for you and wish you a painfree as possible recovery x
I have OA in both knees. My right knee is the worst, and I had a Baker's Cyst behind the knee too. I've heard ice compresses can be used to ease it.
I had a steroid injection in the knee about 3 months ago, which helped very much. However, my knee is now becoming painful again and the Baker's Cyst is returning.
Hope you get some help soon.
Christine x
Hi Savanna
I had a very badly arthritic knee and then developed a bakers cyst which made the pain unbearable.
I had a total knee replacement in April this year and it was the best decision I have ever made.
No more knee pain and the cyst is now gone 😆
I had to come off biologic meds before the op and there was a delay starting them afterwards so that did cause my other joints to flare a bit but it was still worth it to have the operation.
I wish you all the best in getting sorted.
Oh im glad to hear that my knee op is planned for September but this cyst as come out of the blue im glad your on the road to recovery goodluck with the new knee x take care
When your knee is badly arthritic then this can cause a bakers cyst to form as the synovial fluid leaks into the back of your knee forming a painful sac.....(as explained by my surgeon).
Once the main problem has been sorted with the new joint then the cyst will go of its own accord.
I was a bit sceptical of this happening but can vouch that it is now 100% gone in my case anyway. I also had problems driving before my op but I'm back behind the wheel again now 😆
Hope the knee op goes well and not too long to wait now.